My adventure into internet marketing

by 182
29 replies
Hey guys

I am just starting up in Internet Marketing and would like you guys to join me. iv just started my first blog and would love for you to take a look and keep up to date with my progress.

Also any advice from people who have been there will be very welcome!

#adventure #blog #internet #internet marketing #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author 182
    Here is my blog for those who want to take a look.


    Put your logo onto the shirt of a sexy model for $5
    Ebook cover creator software only $5
    many more!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rumpleteazer
    My main suggestion is don't blog about internet marketing/making money online unless you have something new and unique to offer. Find something else that you are intereste in and have a degree of knowledge to share.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    You should use your blog to build credibility.

    Use it as a diary type of thing. It's a great way to pre-sell traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    You should also look into building a list right from the start. You can stick up an opt-in form on your blog's sidebar and encourage your visitors to subscribe. Give away something valuable and they'll troop in.

    This should put you miles ahead.

    Looking for high quality solo ad traffic? 200-2000 clicks available/day. Testimonials here. PM me

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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorDiscount
    you should capture an email
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Its Ok to blog about your Internet Marketing journey, but you will have a hard time generating revenue from that blog.

    My advice is learn about Internet Marketing first on this forum. DON'T EVER go into the WSO thread. Or you'll experience shinny object syndrome just like me one year ago. The only thing I buy from WSO is tools. Everything is free and can be found on this forum.

    Use the search function to find answers.

    If you're aiming for fast cash, offer a service. That's the fastest way you can make online from what I experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Parker
    Looks pretty good, although I'd probably switch to a different theme.
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  • Profile picture of the author 100k
    Good Luck Stu.

    It will be a long boring lonesome journey!

    Hang in there bra!

    Rent this space.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Zalesky
    Hey man the blog doesnt look to bad but I am curious what is your main intentions for it? Is this going to be your money blog or just a place to write about your experience?

    I would not suggest to write about the Internet Marketing niche until you have established some other revenue generating sites. For one everyone wants to start a blog about making money online. The reason why is because its exciting to think how I could make "xyz" right from my cozy home and while I am asleep. While you can definetly do this its just that you really wont have anything to offer on your IM blog until after you done something.

    A good example of a successful IM blog would be Passive Income: The Smart Passive Income Blog. He has taken what hes done that worked and created a blog not even expecting to make money with it. Now his IM blog is killing it and he has a huge following as well which now has allowed him to learn even more and become an authority for the IM niche. However if you look at how he got started you will see that he did not start with a IM blog but rather selling a eBook in the field his job was in. After getting laid off he went on to being what he is now.

    I would start small with affiliate sites targeting products or something and getting them ranked number one for their keywords. This will allow you to understand Google and also see the effects of different SEO tecniques etc on your own sites. This is easy to do all you need to do is go pick out some things on amazon or something and research the keywords to see if you could easily rank for them. Or you can come up with some other things that are not product related that was just an example.

    Doing this you will have experience to start writing about something maybe someone else doesnt already know or is all over the internet already. Like I said most people including myself when first starting out want to blog about making money online. Why? Because its the newest thing you know about and are now passionate about so it seems easier when if fact it just leads to a dead end road. So I would love to read about how you got site "xwy" to number one in the serps making you "x" amount of dollars.

    My 2 cents,

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    • Profile picture of the author 182
      Hey Jason thanks for your informative reply.

      My intention with the blog is to both to write about my experience and also offer value to others learning along the same path. As i get more experience and learn more i can then offer this to everyone by updating my blog and my list.

      I want to help people along the way as i learn too. This way when i hopefully start to see some success others can look at where i started and do the same.

      Put your logo onto the shirt of a sexy model for $5
      Ebook cover creator software only $5
      many more!

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  • Profile picture of the author TestiVar
    Easy cash webinar? Internet marketing? Aweber?

    Don't you think there are enough spammers and scammers in the world? I swear the world will be just fine without another one.

    Are you using your real name? Have you thought about what you will do when you have completely destroyed your reputation by being an "Internet Marketer" for a year or two? What will you do then?

    Sorry. I can't join in any celebration for yet another person choosing the dark side.

    If you want my congratulations, then try starting a real business and reject all of that spammer and scammer junk.

    Of course, you will also have a MUCH better chance of success with a real business than the dark side, too.

    Your choice. Your consequences. My choice not to celebrate yet another spammer and scammer joining the ranks of the "Internet Marketers."
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    • Profile picture of the author 182
      Im not trying to spam anyone, im genuinely trying to start an business and help others to do the same by joining me along the way.

      I want to provide good content and advice as i learn it.

      i would never scam anyone as i have been there too. I don't want to be another guy that emails 2-3 times a day about the latest clickbank product. That's not what i am about and that's not the kind of advice my blog will provide.

      Put your logo onto the shirt of a sexy model for $5
      Ebook cover creator software only $5
      many more!

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      • Profile picture of the author TestiVar
        Why are their two huge ads on your blog that say "Easy Cash Webinar?"

        Did they accidentally slip onto your site?

        Are you accidentally referring to yourself as an Internet marketer?

        Did you accidentally sign up for Aweber?

        Maybe it's not your site at all.

        Not trying and not doing are two different things. OK. But if you aren't trying and you are doing, then what is your explanation? Is it all accidental?

        Originally Posted by 182 View Post

        Im not trying to spam anyone, im genuinely trying to start an business and help others to do the same by joining me along the way.

        I want to provide good content and advice as i learn it.

        i would never scam anyone as i have been there too. I don't want to be another guy that emails 2-3 times a day about the latest clickbank product. That's not what i am about and that's not the kind of advice my blog will provide.
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        • Profile picture of the author 182
          The webinar is a free gift for people to sign up to my list... this list which i will use to give advice to my subscribers and update them on my progress.

          As i said im learning as i go along. as i do i will post my progress and hopefully help others too. Im not sure how this is classed as spamming?

          Just because people have lists doesn't mean they will use it to send out scams and spam.

          im confused as to why you would join a forum about Internet Marketing when you so dead against it.

          Put your logo onto the shirt of a sexy model for $5

          Ebook cover creator software only $5

          many more!

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    There are tons of internet marketers that don't spam or scam anyone.

    Like me. I work for a legitimate business and I'm a marketer. I'm not part of any figment of your imagination called the "darkside".

    I DO definitely believe that niche specifically is a HORRIBLE choice for a newbie. And I believe YES there are tons of scammers in the niche. But you just seem to portray all internet marketers as evil people or something.

    Thats complete bs. I didn't come on this forum to get rich quick. I came on here to learn how to generate leads for my business. There are lots of internet marketers that come on here for exactly that reason. So the blanket statements really need to go.
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    • Profile picture of the author TestiVar
      It didn't know that "tons" was the preferred method of measuring non-scamming internet marketers. I'll make a note of it.

      How many tons, exactly?

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      There are tons of internet marketers that don't spam or scam anyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    It's a good start! I'm actually on the same boat. Me and my partner started a blog where we're going to be running a bunch of tests on internet marketing methods. Keep working on it and don't give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
    Looking good so far, keep improving everyday. Start getting some backlinks in, go to fiverr and type in "social bookmarks" and click rating. One gig offers over 600+ social bookmarks for $5
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Ogbin
    You need to create quality posts constantly, maybe 5 posts a day or so. Outsource the backlinks process to Fiverr if you have a small budget for that purpose but check a trust one that have more positive reviews.

    I think that the design of the theme not design well. In my opinion the lightening colors are better than the dark colors.

    Be passionate and never give up.

    Good Luck.
    Speedy Up - Jumping game that change your mood and put smile in your face :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Well good luck to you I really wish you the best. Its hard when your alone and it takes the desire and dedication to achieve your goals.

    Good Luck To You!
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  • Profile picture of the author Genycis
    I wish you the best of success as well. You do have a difficult niche on your hands I will say, but just keep at it... keep posting regularly and being as genuine as you can about your topic. Try to take everything you can and learn it. Do like Shane suggested and take in some great information from reputable people, and learn it... study it... dissect it, and know it.

    But while you do so, post more and more to your blog as well. Make it a journal of your steps into it... and when you build enough followers and genuinely interested readers that subscribe, you can then launch another website and gear towards a product, an ebook, something that you can then sell to those on your list that you build who genuinely follow you to study your learning path.

    Shane made a great comment as well... internet marketing is fun and it can be enjoyable, but if you walk right in expecting the money to fall into your lap (and I'm not implying you are, but in general), it won't happen and you'll quit IM faster than you can blink.

    I've been learning bits and pieces for years, and I can honestly say that although I'm not at a 4 or 5 figure a month like I hope and wish to be, learning some of the ropes such as article marketing, optimizing my websites, forum marketing, and other things, have helped both of my merchant sites to make more than I would've thought them to make if I had just kept doing what I was doing when I started off, instead of learning and growing through IM because of it. And through it, I'm planning other sites such as a blog for our son and HIS growth and experiences, another site for an ebook I wrote and and started to promote this weekend to try to sell, and a few more ideas I have down the line as well. That's because it's fun to do... fun to create your own product, whether an ebook, video course, or in my instance, instrumentals (as one of my sites anyway).

    It's enjoyable to see when something you've created sells, and not only that it sells, but that people genuinely ENJOY what you have to sell them, and spread the word to others. And that my friend is a blessing that will motivate you to do even more!

    Best of luck to you!! Don't give up and you'll reach greatness, whether it takes a few months or years.
    -- Absorbing & implementing. Need hip hop beats for your business needs? Hit me up!
    -- Posting my experiences and so forth with my own blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikal Laster
    Hey man do you have a skype?

    I would love to add you

    Best Regards, Mikal Laster
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  • Profile picture of the author Usmile
    blogging is a good start. Just like what other warrior said make a blog that has something to do about your interest, in this way it will be easy for you to share your knowledge and thoughts.
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