12-year Veteran: My Business Strategy Moving Forward

13 replies
Alright guys, let me first start off by saying that there are MANY, MANY ways to earn a living online. And many of these methods that work now will continue to work for YEARS to come.

I've been working for myself since 2000....quite awhile in "internet years",
and I've made money in so many different ways.

This is what I PERSONALLY am doing to help grow and protect my business for YEARS to come...I'm thinking a DECADE down the road from now.
  • Every product I promote will be my own. Affiliates to promote it are fine...but everything I put my own energy into will be 100% owned by myself. And I will rely on my own efforts, not affiliates, for the vast majority of income.

  • Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche.

  • SEO: It's becoming very clear that Google and others want REAL results, they want the product owners, and real reviews, not the affiliates. As the years go by, this is only going to become more and more of a reality. That means SEO will focus on getting REAL links such as honest to goodness product reviews from real bloggers who blog because they love it and enjoy the niche, not for the money. It means getting product exposure in print newspapers, magazines, etc...It means Facebook and Google+ are going to be very important, my products will have to NATURALLY show up on both of these social media platforms.

  • Put referral traffic, rather than SE traffic, as a top priority.

  • Every action I take I must be thinking long term ("how can I profit from this next month, or next year", not "how can I make money tomorrow").

Again, this is just for me personally, and it does not mean that I'll never promote another product, continue to build/support the products I have, or go into IM, etc.. This is just for my CORE BUSINESS, the bread and butter, what I rely on for my full time income.

I'm also not saying this is what everyone should do...not at all. It's just what I'm doing.
#12year #business #forward #moving #strategy #veteran
  • Profile picture of the author Mikal Laster
    Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

    Alright guys, let me first start off by saying that there are MANY, MANY ways to earn a living online. And many of these methods that work now will continue to work for YEARS to come.

    I've been working for myself since 2000....quite awhile in "internet years",
    and I've made money in so many different ways.

    This is what I PERSONALLY am doing to help grow and protect my business for YEARS to come...I'm thinking a DECADE down the road from now.
    • Every product I promote will be my own. Affiliates to promote it are fine...but everything I put my own energy into will be 100% owned by myself. And I will rely on my own efforts, not affiliates, for the vast majority of income.

    • Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche.

    • SEO: It's becoming very clear that Google and others want REAL results, they want the product owners, and real reviews, not the affiliates. As the years go by, this is only going to become more and more of a reality. That means SEO will focus on getting REAL links such as honest to goodness product reviews from real bloggers who blog because they love it and enjoy the niche, not for the money. It means getting product exposure in print newspapers, magazines, etc...It means Facebook and Google+ are going to be very important, my products will have to NATURALLY show up on both of these social media platforms.

    • Every action I take I must be thinking long term ("how can I profit from this next month, or next year", not "how can I make money tomorrow").

    Again, this is just for me personally, and it does not mean that I'll never promote another product, continue to build/support the products I have, or go into IM, etc.. This is just for my CORE BUSINESS, the bread and butter, what I rely on for my full time income.

    I'm also not saying this is what everyone should do...not at all. It's just what I'm doing.

    Thanks a Million for the Great Tips!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
    "Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche."

    How come you're promoting 3 different ones in your signature, then?
    I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5851391].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Thomas Smale View Post

      "Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche."

      How come you're promoting 3 different ones in your signature, then?
      As I said in my original post:

      This is just for me personally, and it does not mean that I'll never promote another product, continue to build/support the products I have, or go into IM, etc.. This is just for my CORE BUSINESS, the bread and butter, what I rely on for my full time income.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
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  • Profile picture of the author colinph970
    Absolutely agree...provide value and original products. Am doing the same with writing for Kindle. My aim is to build a real business based on value for money products.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Looking at some of the threads right now on the first page of WF:

    BMR Dead
    Google Cracks Down
    Amazon Account Terminated
    Yahoo Account Terminated

    These all go to show that doing things the RIGHT WAY, not looking for the shortcuts, will get you ahead and KEEP you ahead in the long run. I'm feeling better and better about my decision every day.
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
    + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

    [*]Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche.
    Other than all your WSO's I assume?

    No signature here today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5864929].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      Other than all your WSO's I assume?
      Of course I'll continue to run and support my current wso's. Absolutely.
      But, those aren't the sole or main focus of my business, not now, or going forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author genuine86
    Great post! I may need to adopt that same mentality regarding my long-term IM plans.
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  • Profile picture of the author misstan
    good advice. never think of that though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solid State
    Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

    Alright guys, let me first start off by saying that there are MANY, MANY ways to earn a living online. And many of these methods that work now will continue to work for YEARS to come.

    I've been working for myself since 2000....quite awhile in "internet years",
    and I've made money in so many different ways.

    This is what I PERSONALLY am doing to help grow and protect my business for YEARS to come...I'm thinking a DECADE down the road from now.
    • Every product I promote will be my own. Affiliates to promote it are fine...but everything I put my own energy into will be 100% owned by myself. And I will rely on my own efforts, not affiliates, for the vast majority of income.

    • Every product will be OUTSIDE of the "Make Money Online" niche.

    • SEO: It's becoming very clear that Google and others want REAL results, they want the product owners, and real reviews, not the affiliates. As the years go by, this is only going to become more and more of a reality. That means SEO will focus on getting REAL links such as honest to goodness product reviews from real bloggers who blog because they love it and enjoy the niche, not for the money. It means getting product exposure in print newspapers, magazines, etc...It means Facebook and Google+ are going to be very important, my products will have to NATURALLY show up on both of these social media platforms.

    • Put referral traffic, rather than SE traffic, as a top priority.

    • Every action I take I must be thinking long term ("how can I profit from this next month, or next year", not "how can I make money tomorrow").

    Again, this is just for me personally, and it does not mean that I'll never promote another product, continue to build/support the products I have, or go into IM, etc.. This is just for my CORE BUSINESS, the bread and butter, what I rely on for my full time income.

    I'm also not saying this is what everyone should do...not at all. It's just what I'm doing.
    You took the words right out of my mouth...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5865388].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

    This is what I PERSONALLY am doing to help grow and protect my business for YEARS to come...I'm thinking a DECADE down the road from now.

    SEO: It's becoming very clear that Google and others want REAL results, they want the product owners, and real reviews, not the affiliates. As the years go by, this is only going to become more and more of a reality. That means SEO will focus on getting REAL links such as honest to goodness product reviews from real bloggers who blog because they love it and enjoy the niche, not for the money. It means getting product exposure in print newspapers, magazines, etc...It means Facebook and Google+ are going to be very important, my products will have to NATURALLY show up on both of these social media platforms.

    Put referral traffic, rather than SE traffic, as a top priority.
    So- you're saying that SEO will be a high priority, but SE traffic will not be?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5865664].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      So- you're saying that SEO will be a high priority, but SE traffic will not be?
      They are both important. But, it's how you go about SEO.
      It's going to be a totally different ballgame.

      Overall, referral traffic first, absolutely.
      It's that natural referral traffic that will help you rank
      higher in the SEs.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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