How I Earn $60 a Day! With No Investments!
I have been with WarriorForum for a while now, but never registered. Because all the resources and contents here were open to everyone. But I reached a whole new level and I wish to share my knowledge and teach others from my experience.
For an experienced affiliate marketer it might not be a big amount but for a newbie it can mean the world to him. And I know it did to me when I started to see the pattern

Any how, here's what I did to reach my goal.
Getting Started
1) I signed up with webhostingb.com for free to get my domain name and web hosting. In a nutshell if you can't pay for hosting or just don't want to, you can complete a free trial offer to get your service for free. And later cancel the free trial offer.
2) The domain name you choose must have the keywords you are after. I usually go after long term keywords.
3) You can get some PLR contents, write your own or just outsource them. The contents you write must sound like you are sharing knowledge. Do not put any affiliate links or don't sound desparate to make a sale.
4) Interview someone already successful in your own niche, to build credibility of your website. It's like brad pitt drinking coke. Where he's not directly saying this guys are great but people will believe that wow brad pitt's hanging out there, so this must be good.
5) Digg all your articles. Add people in digg and be nice to them. Then, shout your digg to them and see if they find your content interesting. Surprisngly many will do and they will digg them. So, no need to spend your precious money to buy diggs or anything like that.
6) Go to clickbank, cj.com or even adsense and use the ads that are 300 x 250 size. This is the magic ad size that works wonder. Publish those ads on top of the the web page (right above of the article title) and make sure you center them. So, the first thing people see is the ad, not your content. Post the same banner ad at the end of your article.
7) Go to pingomatic.com to ping all your articles, contents and even your digg posts. You will be surprised how high they rank in google. And it's not like you are cheating, you are providing quality contents. Just what google is after.
8) Sign up with Google Analytics, and Google Webmaster Tools. Track which articles are getting the most hits and diggs. Your goal is to figure out which type of article or content people like, basically what's hot for your website and exploit that area as much as you can.
Google Analytics will also show which sites are giving your traffic and which ones you are wasting your energy on.
Webmaster tools usually takes two weeks to show all the results, but it's worth it. From the webmaster tools you will learn which keywords have the most conversion, and how they are ranking now. So, no need to spend money on some software to tell you that. Then again, exploit those keywords and build new articles or contents around them.
9) The new contents you make should be controversial, full of opinion or just stereotype. You want people to respond, and the best way to do that is by making controversy.
10) Have an email marketing software. You will be surprised how people signs up for email alerts or rss feed alert. Using email let's you have direct connection to your people, so it's more effective. Don't use feedburner email, you want to own the list.
Email Marketing at It's Best
1) Use an opensource email marketing software or a remotely hosted one from around the web. Checkout PHPList in google.
2) Make it easy for people to subscribe. High light the subscribe button so it stands out and the text should be something like *Stay Alert*
3) After the user subscribes sent an automated welcome. Address your subscriber and tell them little bit about you. Don't brag but use the same voice and language you would use if know him very well. For example, if your niche is Golf, tell him that you weren't always the best swinger in the world but after few tries you got the hang of it. So, comfort your subscriber that he has nothing to worry about. The word *swing* is usually used in the golfing world, so this way you are making a connection to him

4) For new subscribers set this method in an auto responder. First week, you send a welcome email, and a quality article.
Second week you give him another quality article but tell him that you will send a survey next time.
Third week send a quality article along with the survey. You want the user to interact. Also include that you are trying a cool product or resource, and you will let him know about it next time.
Fourth week tell him about the product and include an affiliate URL.
5) And periodically you can send three emails to your existing subscribers. Notify them about new articles on your website. Then tell him that you are working on improving something (e.g. Golf Swing) and will give him the results next time. Finally, the third email will be like, I used this product to improve that, and it's worth spending money on.
I usually target products that costs between $20-$50 USD, so making it easier for people to buy them.
I hope you like this article, and please feel free to add your comments and ask questions.
Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.
Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.
Troy McDonald
I will build your IM list for FREE!
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill
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