One source to get 400 visitors in 48 hours

30 replies
Find out whether there is a subreddit about the topic of your niche blog.

For example:
1000s of others

These are a GOLDMINE for instant traffic to blog posts.

They key is HIGH QUALITY BLOG posts.

In a new blog I have launched, I decided to make a point of using reddit. My first handful of posts I submitted were solid posts, but not awesome.

They were about 800 words long and were things like:
10 Tips to do Such and Such
Why XYZ doesnt blah blah

Than I adjusted to 800-1500 word posts that were more comprehensive:
The Complete Guide to XYZ
How to do XYZ for EVERY type of ABC

I post to reddit around 10am-noon on a weekday (not Friday though).

The result?

200-300 visitors the first day.
100-200 visitors the second day.
50-75 vistors the third day.
And I continue to get 15-30 visitors per day from each submission for about a week.
#400 #hours #source #visitors
  • Profile picture of the author sadas
    Thanks for the tip I will do this
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  • Profile picture of the author damasgate
    That is a great idea, I just like to point out that people on reddit HATE reading usually.

    Hence the acronym they have TLDR; (too long didn't read).

    I think viral images are a better way for getting traffic to your websites.

    Also, I think that community (especially) hates being sold too in any way.
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by damasgate View Post

      That is a great idea, I just like to point out that people on reddit HATE reading usually.

      Hence the acronym they have TLDR; (too long didn't read).

      I think viral images are a better way for getting traffic to your websites.

      Also, I think that community (especially) hates being sold too in any way.
      There is some truth to what you say, but I've found that it is not a gamebreaker.

      As to reading length:
      If you are writing the right kind of blog posts, they will read them. Say your niche is dog training. If you post a link to a list of rehashed tips that doesn't have any serious value, they won't read it, and will downvote you. But when I've posted a comprehensive guide to say a certain technique used in the niche, I've received lots of upvotes.

      As to selling:
      Reddit is definitely skeptical. I wouldn't push really "salesy" posts on reddit. Instead, just pure, great content-filled posts.
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      • Profile picture of the author getzbuzy
        Originally Posted by TCrosby View Post

        There is some truth to what you say, but I've found that it is not a gamebreaker.

        As to reading length:
        If you are writing the right kind of blog posts, they will read them. Say your niche is dog training. If you post a link to a list of rehashed tips that doesn't have any serious value, they won't read it, and will downvote you. But when I've posted a comprehensive guide to say a certain technique used in the niche, I've received lots of upvotes.

        As to selling:
        Reddit is definitely skeptical. I wouldn't push really "salesy" posts on reddit. Instead, just pure, great content-filled posts.
        I can tend to get a little "long winded" in my content myself. I'm finding that including a Table of Contents that summarizes the pages within my content shows my readers up front what information they may be interested in, and what they can skip.
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  • Profile picture of the author daddylink
    I was a little confused about reddit, I need wait few days to submit a link.

    I always got a notice for submit too much.
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by daddylink View Post

      I was a little confused about reddit, I need wait few days to submit a link.

      I always got a notice for submit too much.
      I am writing 1-2 blog posts per week.

      But only submitting like one of them per week to the reddit community.

      Usually one of my posts is a lot better, and the other less so.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel Cunningham
    I dabbled with reddit before without success but I'll try it out as you've explained above and see do I get any traffic. Would be awesome if this was the case...

    I'll test it and report back with my findings. Cheers for the tip
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  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    I agree if used the right way you can see a lot more than few hundred unique visits a day. The key is to not only create a great post but and even more interesting reddit to draw the viewers in. A lot controversy and works well for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by blillard View Post

      A lot controversy and works well for me.
      This is also true, but you have to be careful with it.

      If you are piggy backing on a trending news topic - you need to make sure you have a personal slant on the topic, otherwise they will view you as just rehashing information.

      Also you have to be careful with how you are controversial. You don't want to turn people off long-term.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Great idea! This is definitely something that I've never considered. I heard that there are a ton of people on redditt but I had no idea that something like this would work. Great job thinking outside the box.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sharon Trainor
    Sounds like this could be a good resource,
    as long as it's used wisely and sparingly.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbarty2010
    I used to do this earlier but the problem was that Reddit will swallow your bookmark (not show it in the new/top list) if you submit more than one every few days and also if it detects that the same user is trying to submit many links from the same site.
    Free Download : Authority Blogging Course - Know the same methods that I use to make money online with my blog.
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by mbarty2010 View Post

      I used to do this earlier but the problem was that Reddit will swallow your bookmark (not show it in the new/top list) if you submit more than one every few days and also if it detects that the same user is trying to submit many links from the same site.

      I haven't had this problem so far, but then again I am submitting once a week.

      I am not particularly concerned about it as a link, but more of as a means to get eyeballs on the blog post. As long as people are upvoting the submission (which I typically get a fair amount of) I would think that would somewhat counter act the systems devaluing of your link. But who knows.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Great tip. I will put this to the test on my personal non-profit blog
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  • Profile picture of the author zaco
    I have created an account and submitted a link, lets see how much it will bring.. I will report back
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    This certainly sounds like an interesting approach to getting traffic. A while ago I listed a bunch of my sites there and than kind of forgot all about reddit. I may try this approach.
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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    One thing that I can't stand about Reddit is the layout design of the site and useability, it's freakin terrible!!

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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Have you tried shorter blog posts that are still high quality?

    Since Reddit surfers aren't trying to read too much, maybe less content would get a higher CTR- just curious.
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  • Profile picture of the author vivi62
    Great info I will try that as I post to my blog 3 times a week generally.
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  • Profile picture of the author xdrange
    Thanks for sharing. I will give it a shot for sure^^

    Take action, don't procrastinate!

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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      Thanks for the great information. I regularly post to my blog and I will definitely be checking into this a lot more sometime tomorrow or this weekend.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Joseph
    Good tip Crosby, thanks for sharing you're test's.

    All in all there are a select few social networking/ media sites worth posting useful, continual content to that I've found, which are:

    Facebook (ah yes, it's true - start you're fan-page already).


    "Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." -- Deepak Chopra

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  • Profile picture of the author Skaught27
    Reddit is great if you understand the audience. They are a skeptical group. If you come in there looking like spam, they'll eat you alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigheart43
    thanks for the tips
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  • Profile picture of the author wesker123
    Great tips! Ill try this one of these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexTriantas
    Very good! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    THis is good, and we have test this, best comes from having something viral or link bait that other can pass on. That will give you more exposure.

    Normally it is something funny, shocking, news worthy that will give you the edge you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author hmartin90
    Thanks for the tip... I have used it for a bookmark, but have not taken this route. I will try it and see what happens
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  • Profile picture of the author makemoneywizz
    Good post. I agree, reddit is a great way to drive traffic to your site.
    Make Money Wizz ==> Learn how to make money online!
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