Do you need a squeeze page?

23 replies
When launching a product (ebook) do you need a squeeze page? Just a quick question, Thank you!
#page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author loi77
    You don't "need" a squeeze page for product launch, you need a sales page.

    Nevertheless, it is definitely a good idea to use a squeeze page to build a list of potential buyers before the launch, since they are more likely to buy from you once relationship is established.

    Squeeze page is used to collect visitors' name and email address in return for a free gift such as a free report. You can then send valuable information to them, build relationship and recommend them to buy useful products and you get a cut of the profit as an affiliate. Or you can sell you own products to them over and over again.

    It is probably the most powerful way to build a long term online business.

    I strongly encourage you to think of list building as a long term strategy.

    The saying "the money is in the list" is very true.

    To your success,
    David Loi

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    • Profile picture of the author LP Copywriter
      You don't need one, but as David said above, I definitely recommend it. 90% of the time, at least.
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      • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
        You don't need a squeeze page to launch an ebook.

        All you need is a sales page with a buy button and
        a download page where your customers can access
        the file.


        A squeeze page is a good addition to the process
        on at least two fronts...

        A squeeze page to build a list of prospects for your
        ebook. You can then follow-up with those who do
        sign-up with content and relevant offers to buy the

        Also, it's a good idea to use a squeeze page where
        your new customers have the option of joining your
        buyers list (but include the download on that page

        Then follow-up with your buyers list to help them
        get more value from the product and send them
        relevant content and offers.

        Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
    Not necessarily but it is good to have a Squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    No matter what you are selling or launching you should always try to get people on a list. As others have mentioned having a list is nice since you can build a relationship and send other offers in the future. What if you get a list of 100 people from the sales in this ebook, then you create another ebook. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to email this list of 100 people that bought your first ebook and let them know about your latest product?
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  • Profile picture of the author Yulia from DNP
    Yeah why not have a squeeze page to squeeze later some more ebooks ?:- )

    Yulia borova
    Affiliate Manager | CPA Affiliates Network.
    $50 Signup Bonus – Faster approval for Warrior forum members


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  • Profile picture of the author KevinW
    Building the list with your squeeze page is more important to your success then the sales from that product launch. So yes...setup squeeze pages.
    FREE Squeeze Page Guide: - A How To Guide Including Setup, Resources, & Google Adwords

    Squeeze Page Software & Hosting - Instantly setup effective & unlimited pages.

    Discount Travel Search Engine - Bookmark this site & save big on your travel.
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  • Profile picture of the author makingiants
    A squeeze page is for giving away something in exchange for your
    visitors' contact information. If you want to sell something you need
    a salespage.

    You can use a squeezepage to build a list of prospective buyers
    that you can send to your salespage, however.

    Give the first chapter away on your squeezepage, and offer them
    the full produt as an upsell and/or post a link to your salespage at
    the end of the first chapter free report.


    Vince aka makingiants
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Tonylee93 View Post

    When launching a product (ebook) do you need a squeeze page?
    You don't need one.

    It's good to have an opt-in page as well, though, to build a list. I wouldn't dream of not having one, myself.

    But whether that opt-in page should be a squeeze page, per se, is a whole different question. Personally, after extensive testing, I always do better from lists built with other types of opt-in pages, so I don't use squeeze pages any more - but it took me a long time, and a lot of testing in different niches, to reach this conclusion, and of course I can't promise it's also true for everyone else.

    But if you're really asking "Would it be advisable for me to build a list as well?", then the answer's "yes".
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    • Profile picture of the author Anna Kowalski
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      But if you're really asking "Would it be advisable for me to build a list as well?", then the answer's "yes".
      Great point. Build a list of prospects from the "tire kickers" who want to snoop around your product. Then build another list of the buyers of your product. Then on to the next product...

      Either way, capturing their contact info builds a business asset you can leverage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Not necessary about adviseable. If you're going to lead them to a sales page, make sure it's very good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonylee93
    So the first thing you do in this process if you were completely new to building a list and launching a product for your first time you?

    Make a Product (Ebook) ---> Create a sqeeze page with free report/gift ---> Sales page ---> sign up for an autoresponder to start building a list?

    could someone tell me if this is the wrong way to get started if you want to do your first product lunch? Thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author PCH
      Originally Posted by Tonylee93 View Post

      So the first thing you do in this process if you were completely new to building a list and launching a product for your first time you?

      Make a Product (Ebook) ---> Create a sqeeze page with free report/gift ---> Sales page ---> sign up for an autoresponder to start building a list?

      could someone tell me if this is the wrong way to get started if you want to do your first product lunch? Thank you!
      Hi Tonylee93,

      you just need to drive people to your squeeze page which has an opt in form. They fill in their name and email, and in return they get the free gift.

      You get to build your list, the subscriber gets their freebie.

      And now that their name is on your list, your auto-responder takes care of follow up emails - which imho shouldn't offer to sell anything for quite a while. The gurus would suggest offering helpful information and tips, - freebies and value etc, - before finally including a product that you want them to pay for.

      I know there are many different opinions on this, but this is mine and many many others' view.

      Hope it helps !

      All the best,

      from Down Under
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    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      Originally Posted by Tonylee93 View Post

      So the first thing you do in this process if you were completely new to building a list and launching a product for your first time you?

      Make a Product (Ebook) ---> Create a sqeeze page with free report/gift ---> Sales page ---> sign up for an autoresponder to start building a list?

      could someone tell me if this is the wrong way to get started if you want to do your first product lunch? Thank you!
      If you're just starting out, you're trying to learn a lot
      of things there all at once...

      Making a product, creating a squeeze page, making a
      gift, writing a sales page and building a list.

      Rather than trying to do all that at once, another
      approach is to set-up a squeeze page to build a
      list and send them to an affiliate product (that
      has already been created and has a sales letter
      that's converting).

      That way, you eliminate unnecessary effort, build a
      list whilst finding out what sells and then develop your
      own product later if you want to.

      Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    You'll scare away affiliates and ultimately reduce sales by doing this. Rather, install an exit popup that will redirect your leaving visitors to your squeeze page where you'll give away a high quality bonus free.

    Works much better.

    Looking for high quality solo ad traffic? 200-2000 clicks available/day. Testimonials here. PM me

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    that depends on a few different things,what is the price of the ebook and what type of traffic are you sending, are you targeting the proper market thorough the right channels.

    these are all factors to consider.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    The squeeze page is the first thing you need in your funnel.

    With a squeeze page how to you go from FREEBIE > $17 Product > $47 Product > $197 product > Coaching > VIP coaching.

    That is some of our funnels go, and it all starts with a squeeze page initially.
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  • You don't to have one, but I think it helps for sure. You will have the luxury of capturing those leads which will allow you to market to them over and over again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alfonsoiner
    You do not have one, but, as David said, I definitely recommend it. 90% of the time, at least.
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  • Profile picture of the author chenkev
    If you're using WSOPro to launch your WSO (which you always should), you can automatically add customers to your mailing list.
    ---> From $0 to $200 a Day with EASY Google Rankings <---
    WSO Special DIMSALE
    -----> EXTREMELY Low Competition Keywords with HIGH Traffic+CPC <-----
    Brand New AdSense Site with Only TWO Posts Makes $10/Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    This depends on your strategy.

    loi77 put it well in as much as you could use a squeezpage as an "evergreen" launch process. or even as a real launch process.

    If you are using a good sales/affiliates platform such as Payspree or JVZoo to handle the buy buttons, then the customers will be auto-added to a list of yours anyway.

    So using the squeeze page route you would set it up so that when people purchase and go onto the 'buyers' list the autoresponder service automatically unsubscribes them from the 'prospects' list.

    You could drive traffic to the squeezepage but affiliate traffic may have to be sent direct to the sales page as the affiliate cookies may not pass through the system when people get on the 'prospects' list.

    I guess to do this with affiliates, you would offer the freebie on an exit pop up rather than at the front.
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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    If you are offering a free e-book then only you need a squeeze page, otherwise no squeeze page is needed.
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