Do Just This ONE Thing & You'll Make Some Nice Cash - Guaranteed!

34 replies
Hi Guys,

If you read this post and just simply focus in and do what I suggest, then you will make some nice cash. How's that?

Step 1) Stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping people.

I think it was Zig Ziglar that said that. And you know what? He's exactly right. As soon as I stopped thinking about how I could make an income online and started to think about what problems people were having and how I could help them, well, the cash just started rolling in all by itself. Regular as clockwork.

You see, as online marketers your job is simply to help people who have problems. And it's a nice feeling when you know that the products you promote are truly helping people. It feels good and gives you a lift. And it can make you rich at the same time.

Step 2) Find a hungry market with a burning need or desire to solve a problem. (I'll give you an example you can use right away in just a moment).

Step 3) Find (or create) a product that can help these people solve their problem and show them where they can get it.

Do steps 1 - 3 above with enough focus and consistency and you won't be able to stop the cash flooding into your bank account.

Let me give you an example you can use right away and show you how you can help people who have a huge problem and at the same time get very nicely paid for your efforts.

**Hot Niche Alert!**

Right now in the USA the credit crunch is having a massive affect on people's lives. Home foreclosures have gone through the roof. There's almost nobody that isn't either affected themselves or knows someone in their circle of friends who is facing having their home reposessed.

People facing a home foreclosure have a massive problem that they need good advice about as soon as possible. These people need help and quickly. And anyone who can provide them with really useful advice that will truly help them avoid having their home taken away, well, that person is going to be listened to.

And that person should be you.

Just do a quick search on Clickbank and you will find a good product or two about home foreclosures that you can point people to (using your affiliate link of course) that will give them the answers they need to possibly avoid having their home taken away. (There'll be some rubbish in there too, so just make sure that what you are promoting offers solid and genuine help - You can either buy a couple or ask for a review copy).

Exact instructions on how to promote these products are there on the affiliate pages for you. All laid out. At least they will be if the product owner has bothered to create a decent affiliate page.

Just follow the instructions on that page, forget about doing anything else for a while and just do that. If you do you will not only be helping people, you'll be increasing your income quite nicely as well.

And you'll have done that simply by helping people to solve a burning problem.

The sad thing is that a lot of you won't do anything with the information I've just given you. Those of you that make an effort will see that it works.

So stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping other people to solve their problems. Do that and you'll help yourself as well.

Hope that helps move you forward.

#affiliate marketing #cash #guaranteed #home foreclosure #hot niches #make #make money #nice #stop #thing
  • Profile picture of the author locke
    Hey Roy,

    I completely understand where you are coming from and I've been spending alot of time focusing on the approach. I have identified several burning problems and have created articles that attempt to help those people, mainly i'm going for high search traffic and will cross my fingers that it will convert but I have also been looking for an affiliate product that will accomodate the people looking for the search terms I have been targeting.. Very good advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    This is so true and sometimes we forget and our mindset moves to what we want i.e. the money.

    In my early career as a sales person I was taught to focus on the results as well for example someone buying a 9" drill head is actually looking for a 9" hole.

    Good post thank you

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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou
    Originally Posted by Roy Carter View Post

    Hi Guys,

    If you read this post and just simply focus in and do what I suggest, then you will make some nice cash. How's that?

    Step 1) Stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping people.

    I think it was Zig Ziglar that said that. And you know what? He's exactly right. As soon as I stopped thinking about how I could make an income online and started to think about what problems people were having and how I could help them, well, the cash just started rolling in all by itself. Regular as clockwork.

    You see, as online marketers your job is simply to help people who have problems. And it's a nice feeling when you know that the products you promote are truly helping people. It feels good and gives you a lift. And it can make you rich at the same time.

    Step 2) Find a hungry market with a burning need or desire to solve a problem. (I'll give you an example you can use right away in just a moment).

    Step 3) Find (or create) a product that can help these people solve their problem and show them where they can get it.

    Do steps 1 - 3 above with enough focus and consistency and you won't be able to stop the cash flooding into your bank account.

    Let me give you an example you can use right away and show you how you can help people who have a huge problem and at the same time get very nicely paid for your efforts.

    **Hot Niche Alert!**

    Right now in the USA the credit crunch is having a massive affect on people's lives. Home foreclosures have gone through the roof. There's almost nobody that isn't either affected themselves or knows someone in their circle of friends who is facing having their home reposessed.

    People facing a home foreclosure have a massive problem that they need good advice about as soon as possible. These people need help and quickly. And anyone who can provide them with really useful advice that will truly help them avoid having their home taken away, well, that person is going to be listened to.

    And that person should be you.

    Just do a quick search on Clickbank and you will find a good product or two about home foreclosures that you can point people to (using your affiliate link of course) that will give them the answers they need to possibly avoid having their home taken away. (There'll be some rubbish in there too, so just make sure that what you are promoting offers solid and genuine help - You can either buy a couple or ask for a review copy).

    Exact instructions on how to promote these products are there on the affiliate pages for you. All laid out. At least they will be if the product owner has bothered to create a decent affiliate page.

    Just follow the instructions on that page, forget about doing anything else for a while and just do that. If you do you will not only be helping people, you'll be increasing your income quite nicely as well.

    And you'll have done that simply by helping people to solve a burning problem.

    The sad thing is that a lot of you won't do anything with the information I've just given you. Those of you that make an effort will see that it works.

    So stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping other people to solve their problems. Do that and you'll help yourself as well.

    Hope that helps move you forward.

    You're so right Roy.
    People consider marketing as something they have to avoid at all cost. They believe that if someone is trying to sell them something, they are going to be screwed when they buy it.

    People HAVE TO focus on HELPING PEOPLE instead of making money. If you do that, the money will come. I guarantee that.

    [UPDATED] FREE 1-ON-1 MENTORSHIP: Student Makes $12,000 His First Week Of Running Ads
    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua McCoy
    Great post! I like your ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Capricorn1
    That sounds like very sound reasoning and advice Roy,


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  • Profile picture of the author Doctor Article
    Top marks and so, so true.
    Great Content, Great Writers, Great Prices
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom E
    Thanks Roy, this is just what I needed to be reminded of today! "Do what you love and the money will follow" may sound cheesy, but it's always true. Thanks dude!
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Gr8tocre8 (love that name by the way) - no worries mate. You're welcome.

      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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  • Profile picture of the author tedmrh
    thanks for the note!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shane F
    Great post, couldnt agree with you more. Use this same principal to find other niches with examples in your own life, i know we all can find a few.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
      Roy -

      Like others have said great post but I wonder if you follow the credit crunch and foreclosure market are you marketing to people who are broke. I mean if they can't pay their rent, they most likely won't spend money on your product.

      Just my thoughts, what is yours.

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      • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
        Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

        Roy -

        Like others have said great post but I wonder if you follow the credit crunch and foreclosure market are you marketing to people who are broke. I mean if they can't pay their rent, they most likely won't spend money on your product.

        Just my thoughts, what is yours.

        Hi Tim

        It's true that you are marketing to a market with very little money to spare (not usually a good idea) but you are also marketing to a desperate market. People who need help and the right advice. And the urgency factor is there too.

        You must make sure that your product or the product you are marketing as an affiliate is a genuinly good product that will help people to know what their options are etc. If you do that correctly (and ethically) and your sales page conveys that message well ,then you are both helping people and making sales.

        "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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  • Profile picture of the author millionareteam
    Hey Roy,
    I love your principles! Thanks for this information.
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  • Profile picture of the author nhowie333
    Really love your post, and absolutely agree that it's all about helping people. Ahhh, back to the basics of being human and creating real relationships - how lovely!

    Natasha Howie
    Follow me on twitter

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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Originally Posted by nhowie333 View Post

      Really love your post, and absolutely agree that it's all about helping people. Ahhh, back to the basics of being human and creating real relationships - how lovely!
      Natasha - Exactly!

      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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  • Profile picture of the author Gringo
    Great post man and I actually met zig zigler in one of the Army recruiting forums we had he is an insperation to us all.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Originally Posted by Gringo View Post

      Great post man and I actually met zig zigler in one of the Army recruiting forums we had he is an insperation to us all.
      You met Zig? Cool! The guy was just such a total inspiration to me in my younger days (and still today). When I read about him saying that he concentrated on helping people and the money came all by itself, that was like a total 'Wow!' moment for me.

      The fact that you can abandon all thoughts of making money, i.e. stop concentrating on that and thinking about it all the time and instead start to find ways to genuinly help people, well it's just a much more comfortable way to go about marketing ethically online.

      I've now helped hundreds and hundreds of people all around the world through my products, mentoring etc and I'm able to help them, feel good about myself, and make money all at the same time. Finest kind!

      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Hey Roy. Love your opening quote taken from Zig Ziglar.

    With that mindset...I don't think you can go wrote. Let's keep on helping people!
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    • Profile picture of the author marcust2

      Another great post! You always have something of value to share.

      Thanks again!

      Marcus Turner is new to internet marketing. My goal is to share basic information to help other newbies shorten their own learning curve to internet and affiliate marketing. Your free information can be found at
      Also follow me on Twitter!

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      • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
        Originally Posted by marcust2 View Post


        Another great post! You always have something of value to share.

        Thanks again!
        Thanks Marcus.

        Glad you liked it. Take action on the advice and you'll do just fine.

        "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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  • Profile picture of the author Sakkid
    Thanks a lot!!!Now i will have to amplify that!!
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    • Profile picture of the author tram
      Totally agree on the helping people aspect. Credit problems are no doubt a hot niche and will probably continue to be. The problem is, how do you promote such a hot niche when it's so tough to get first page on google and when clicks cost $1+ in adwords?
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      • Profile picture of the author CyndiHester

        Great post and I could not agree with you more. Most people look for the "magic red success button" . Just help someone else get what they need....and you will receive more rewards than any magic button could ever give you! Thanks for sharing that Roy.
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        • Profile picture of the author hitman22
          Thanks. Open my eyes
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  • Profile picture of the author lavaleekathy
    Well put Roy! Totally agree on your helping people aspect of the someone else get what they need, rather than telling them what they need....and you will reap the rewards and everyone benefits! A good thread...
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  • Profile picture of the author twomasters
    I like your mindset Roy. We so many times forget about the helping.
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  • Profile picture of the author artsub
    Good work guyz,
    Alot of info there in threads.
    Thanx for sharing ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
    It seems my post has struck a chord with people. Glad you like the information.

    There are two ways you can thank me.

    One is to hit the 'Thank You' button below my original post at the start of this thread , but the best way you can thank me is to take ACTION, make yourself some money with the information I have given you and then come back to this forum and post your success story!
    "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
    >> ---> <--- < <
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Roy, you are so right my friend, if people just focus on the money they always seems
    to miss out on making any but as you said focus on helping then for some reason it
    all just fits into place...most excellent post...

    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[547992].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Originally Posted by David_Thompson View Post

      ...most excellent post...

      Thanks David. Much appreciated

      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
      >> ---> <--- < <
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      • Profile picture of the author goindeep
        I agree 100% with you Roy. Focus on providing the customer value. Under promise and over deliver and you'll always come out on top smiling.

        Look at all the worlds biggest business people, they all provide a quality product or service.
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  • Profile picture of the author vbm08
    I also fully agree that it is your helping nature and not the product pushing capabilities which will help you make more money online.

    I have personally experienced this in the last month when I started promoting some health products and noticed that my CTR of articles went high when I wrote more helping and useful advice for my readers.

    So its 100% true that if you help people from your heart then they will help you make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author twannahiga
    An interesting thread, this is so true and sometimes we forget and our mindset moves to what we want, be traffic or money. I think we need to remind ourselves occasionally how we can help others and prosper from helping people at the same time. Good post and thank you.
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