Entrepreneur Vs. Consumer mindset

7 replies
I was browsing the WF when I came across a rant - one of many. This was a normal "blah blah blah" rant, but I skimmed it anyways, because even rants (or the response to a rant) can yield useful information.

Anyways the OP was ranting about a certain marketing tool and one of the members that responded suggested they "get out of the consumer mindset". That member also mentioned that they see a lot of people trying to break into IM while retaining that consumer mindset.

First I would like to point out that the OP was not exactly in a consumer type mindset but more of a "the world revolves around me!" mindset, which many customers do have.

But I feel that it is important to develop a new mindset (the entrepreneur mindset) but still retain the old (the consumer mindset, not the egocentric one).

I have found throughout life that it is important to keep an open mind and attempt to see issues from various viewpoints. I have observed members (successful and unsuccessful marketeers, both) who talk about using marketing methods that others might find intrusive or belligerent (namely, customers). I think that this is because they only have one viewpoint, not several.

Lets use a widely talked about method that some swear by while others swear at.

The Exit Popup (or w/e you call it) is used to ask customers if they are SURE that they want to leave the page and abandoned this ONCE IN A LIFETIME offer that WILL NEVER BE OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. The ad usually goes on to suggest that IT WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS and did they mention ITS YOUR LAST CHANCE?

I. Hate. It. Abso-freaking-lutly. To me this method is right up there with those sketchy websites that disable your back button. I look at websites as virtual stores, and if you went into a store, looked about then went to leave and the store owner blocks your path and asks if your sure you want to leave, you probably would consider it to be wayyy out of line (This is a metaphor by the way, don't comment on it). I will never use this method because I consider it to be wholly intrusive, and it turns me off to any offer ever made by that site or author again.

Now, you might say that the above paragraph is me in the consumer mindset, and you would be right. I decided this when I first started learning and was visiting any and every website to learn how other IMers did their thing.

So after a little while I came across a thread boasting about conversion rates after adding an exit ad. So I looked into it a bit, and supposedly it works quite well depending on what your selling.

But I thought about it. I weighed the pro's and the con's. I looked at it as a business man, and I looked at it as a customer interested in buying. As a business man it offered better conversions (supposedly), but as a consumer I figured it was too intrusive.

I still do not like exit ads, but could I really have said I made a decision based upon one mindset (i.e. the consumer mindset)? This was a simple example, but it can be applied to other things. What are you doing to increase sales? How do you and other people feel about it from a consumer point of view? Is it intrusive? Annoying? Immoral? And vice versa, you might personally like something someone else did and attempt to impliment it, but it might not be seen as useful or profitable to your entrepreneur mindset.

So round yourself out a bit and develop several different mindsets, it will benefit you in most aspects of life.
#consumer #entrepreneur #mindset
  • Profile picture of the author Ludovico
    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    So after a little while I came across a thread boasting about conversion rates after adding an exit ad. So I looked into it a bit, and supposedly it works quite well depending on what your selling.

    But I thought about it. I weighed the pro's and the con's. I looked at it as a business man, and I looked at it as a customer interested in buying. As a business man it offered better conversions (supposedly), but as a consumer I figured it was too intrusive.
    Most of the time you see these exit-pops used on squeeze pages for one-off products. They DO increase conversions enough to make them pretty useful.

    But I understand what you're saying. If you're trying to build a reputable brand, I too would avoid exit pops.
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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    I have found throughout life that it is important to keep an open mind and attempt to see issues from various viewpoints.
    This will definitely set you apart from the rest, and has stuck out for me with all that you have written.

    It is also important to maintain a positive outlook no matter what scenario you are faced with. For example, as a vendor, I find there are constantly people emailing that their instant downloads have not come through and that they are angry, like REALLY angry. Seriously, there are other things you can channel your anger towards, it's just not going to do them any favors. (all the while they have supplied the wrong email) :rolleyes:

    I use exit pop-ups on OTO pages only, and make sure there is value in whatever I'm leading them to.

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  • Profile picture of the author Theory5
    Right, I believe that a lot of those people who like to call up someone (or email someone) simply to yell at them and demand they fix an easily remedied problem have an egocentric mindset, which ultimately damages their decision making process because they can't see other viewpoints. They can't even be bothered to look into the problem, its just the second something stops working they immediately go off half-cocked and demand someone (other than themselves) fix it. Even if the fix is in large red blinking letters.

    If there is a single mindset an entrepreneur should avoid, its that one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
    Once you start buying traffic in huge quantities, and it costing you hard cash, you'll do everything possible to make damn sure those people get on your list.

    That's why exit popups work. And other techniques work.

    It's money down the tubes.

    You may think that everyone hates it. But buyers are liars. Lots of successful businesses use the things you/others hate.

    Some hate sales copy.

    Some hate exit popups.

    Some hate webinars.

    Some hate videos.

    Some hate videos with no controls.

    Some hate being mailed everyday.

    Some hate being mailed at all.

    Some hate not being mailed too.

    Some hate PDF's and prefer video.

    Some hate video products and prefer PDF.

    If you listen to all that, you'll end up with...

    Selling Nothing and pleasing everyone.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5926172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Theory5
      Originally Posted by Rob Howard View Post

      Once you start buying traffic in huge quantities, and it costing you hard cash, you'll do everything possible to make damn sure those people get on your list.

      That's why exit popups work. And other techniques work.

      It's money down the tubes.

      You may think that everyone hates it. But buyers are liars. Lots of successful businesses use the things you/others hate.

      Some hate sales copy.

      Some hate exit popups.

      Some hate webinars.

      Some hate videos.

      Some hate videos with no controls.

      Some hate being mailed everyday.

      Some hate being mailed at all.

      Some hate not being mailed too.

      Some hate PDF's and prefer video.

      Some hate video products and prefer PDF.

      If you listen to all that, you'll end up with...

      Selling Nothing and pleasing everyone.

      Technically that was not the point, I was simply using exit pop-ups as an example.

      But you bring up a good point, if its money down the tubes I should do everything in my power to make more cash. I should setup exit pop-ups, throw in a script that disables back buttons, write up misleading sales copy, create videos that do not allow a visitor to pause, rewind, fast forward, or mute. Heck perhaps I should just create some software that will place a program on visitors computers that will advertise to them 24/7!
      After all, its still money.

      There needs to be a balance. You need to understand what the customer wants, just as you understand what you want. Striking a balance is more than simply barraging visitors with flashing ads and copy.

      Any successful business spends cash on figuring out what their customers want.Take a look at Facebook, they didn't get to the top by any of the methods you listed above, in fact they didn't use any ads at first (if memory serves).
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      • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
        Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

        Any successful business spends cash on figuring out what their customers want.Take a look at Facebook, they didn't get to the top by any of the methods you listed above, in fact they didn't use any ads at first (if memory serves).
        But they are in a completely different business than direct sales.

        And they didn't start off as a business anyway.

        Selling info products is different than branding campaigns. It's direct marketing. Direct response marketing requires prospects to make immediate response.

        And I didn't say be unethical. Writing misleading sales copy is unethical.

        Having flashy ads, red headlines, exit popups, squeeze pages, sales pages, and videos without controls is not.

        Now, if you want to spend lots of money in branding yourself, focusing completely on user experience, and possibly waiting years for a payout (using your facebook example), then go ahead and have fun!

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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    ^ haha great post Rob

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