I have 200k subscribers - now what?

21 replies
Hi Warriors,

I just recently acquired 200k subscribers from a reputable source.

If I'm correct, I have to host these subscribers using a virtual private server or dedicated server?

Which will be the best option? Any recommendations?

#200k #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
    what sort of subscribers?

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    • Profile picture of the author KevinDasilva
      Start providing them with "Valuable FREE Content" (either yours or other peoples) regarding the TOPIC they subscribed too...

      And have them put onto "sub-lists" depending on what "Free Lines" they bite on...
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Lobley
      I don't know a lot about email marketing but I'd want to:

      Ask the guy to give you copies of previous emails sent to the list.
      Ask what kind of products done well for the list.
      Ask what the average conversion rate for the list was.

      I don't know if it would be worthwhile to get the previous list owner to introduce yourself to the list of 200,000 people. It could look like an abrupt change to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stanley Tang
    I'll be very careful using email lists which you did not capture yourself... make sure to confirm the source. I'm assuming you got them from some co-reg service which I personally have found to generate poor response rate... the best bet is to introduce yourself, tell them if you did not intend to be on your list to unsubscribe immediately, and provide tons of free stuff before you start promoting.
    eMillions: Behind-The-Scenes Stories of 14 Successful Internet Millionaires
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    • Profile picture of the author Sam Rodrigo
      Originally Posted by Stanley Tang View Post

      I'll be very careful using email lists which you did not capture yourself... make sure to confirm the source. I'm assuming you got them from some co-reg service which I personally have found to generate poor response rate... the best bet is to introduce yourself, tell them if you did not intend to be on your list to unsubscribe immediately, and provide tons of free stuff before you start promoting.
      I'd not only second that, but "200k subscribers" that.

      Most often people will "opt-in" to some site, but then regret it when their address is sold. OR they had used a 'disposable' address and don't care. In that case, your quality is garbage.

      You might want to test with a small sample before you make a mistake.


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  • Profile picture of the author benzino007
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    • Profile picture of the author radhika
      First thing let them double opt-in again before you start sending them emails.

      Send a free report/free content based on your list's niche asking them to confirm.

      Follow up Autoresponder PRO :: 33% Discount!!
      FREE Upgrades! IMPROVED Email Deliverability!!
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  • Profile picture of the author terrapurus
    You "acquired" 200000 subscribers? I seriously hope you did not buy an email list. Unless they are doulbe opt in on your own lists, then you can run into some serious issues if you emial them. Remember, spam is unsolicited emails with commercial intent. If these people have not given you direct and explicit permission to email them, then tread lightly here.
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    • Profile picture of the author komrad
      Originally Posted by terrapurus View Post

      You "acquired" 200000 subscribers? I seriously hope you did not buy an email list. Unless they are doulbe opt in on your own lists, then you can run into some serious issues if you emial them. Remember, spam is unsolicited emails with commercial intent. If these people have not given you direct and explicit permission to email them, then tread lightly here.
      I agree with you, spamming would be very serious problem later. Beware.

      Please read the sig file rules

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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Sounds like you payed for co-reg leads to me ????

    In which case they need to be treated differently to a normal subscriber

    The leads will be single opt in in whichcase be VERY careful

    I have not had experience of them but know of others such as Willie Crawford who have success with them.

    Heres what I suggest, and yes before I start you are going to lose most of them - FACT !! But heck if you could build a list of 200k with $1000 or whatever then everyone would do ....

    Use an independant autoresponder to your normal one, you have to find one that will allow you to import co-reg leads... You want to introduce yourself and be honest that you purchased the details from a compny as they requested further info on ( Your niche ) Tell them that you have lots of great free stuff for them and help with ( Your niche ) but in order to provide them with it they need to confirm they want your help and free stuff

    Then direct them to your opt in page which will allow them to double opt in to your normal autoresponder service

    Then you got them on a normal great list, like I say you are going to losemost but the ones you do lose you arnt interested in anyway !!

    If you get 1% I would be Flippin happy as larry !!

    Hope that helps

    Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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    • Profile picture of the author jgoffshore
      Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

      Sounds like you payed for co-reg leads to me ????

      In which case they need to be treated differently to a normal subscriber

      The leads will be single opt in in whichcase be VERY careful

      I have not had experience of them but know of others such as Willie Crawford who have success with them.

      Heres what I suggest, and yes before I start you are going to lose most of them - FACT !! But heck if you could build a list of 200k with $1000 or whatever then everyone would do ....

      Use an independant autoresponder to your normal one, you have to find one that will allow you to import co-reg leads... You want to introduce yourself and be honest that you purchased the details from a compny as they requested further info on ( Your niche ) Tell them that you have lots of great free stuff for them and help with ( Your niche ) but in order to provide them with it they need to confirm they want your help and free stuff

      Then direct them to your opt in page which will allow them to double opt in to your normal autoresponder service

      Then you got them on a normal great list, like I say you are going to losemost but the ones you do lose you arnt interested in anyway !!

      If you get 1% I would be Flippin happy as larry !!

      Hope that helps

      This is useful advice. I have been thinking about purchasing this sort of list and was wondering how best to deal with the spam issue. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason James
    When I first began as an internet marketer years ago, I aquired a list too, but it was 10 million names, but for some reason my Internet stop working and my website went down when I tried to email them all at once... maybe they overloaded the server trying to buy the products i was selling?? DUHHHHHH!
    I pity the fool who doesnt "Like" me on Facebook!


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  • Profile picture of the author SeanIM
    I created a custom hack to the Infinite Responder that allows me to bulk import leads very easily...

    That + a solid host = write some auto responder emails, give some great free stuff away to begin the dialogue then hit send...

    build that relationship...then pitch

    also, put your helmet on, there will almost assuredly be a few complaints...even with the cleanest of lists it happens so make sure your host can handle it.

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    • Profile picture of the author ADAMw3
      Originally Posted by SeanIM View Post

      I created a custom hack to the Infinite Responder that allows me to bulk import leads very easily...

      That + a solid host = write some auto responder emails, give some great free stuff away to begin the dialogue then hit send...

      build that relationship...then pitch

      also, put your helmet on, there will almost assuredly be a few complaints...even with the cleanest of lists it happens so make sure your host can handle it.

      I don't think hacking someone's autoresponder and stealing email addresses is legal. You can get in huge trouble and this is considered spam.

      If you are going to do anything with this list, you need to make them double opt in and confirm that they want your emails... even that is risky since you "hacked" to get these addresses.
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      • Profile picture of the author SeanIM
        Originally Posted by Adam Bshero View Post

        I don't think hacking someone's autoresponder and stealing email addresses is legal. You can get in huge trouble and this is considered spam.

        If you are going to do anything with this list, you need to make them double opt in and confirm that they want your emails... even that is risky since you "hacked" to get these addresses.
        Uhm, by 'hacked' I meant 'extremely customized' or 'enhanced'

        sorry you took that connotation to mean I 'hacked addresses' lol...I assure you that is not the case.

        have you ever heard of co-reg? or the need to take previously captured addresses and consolidating them in one location?

        surely you can understand the utility of enhancing a tool for use? eg; taking a GPL open source script and modifying
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanIM
    woops....double post...
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  • Profile picture of the author Earl Smith
    Id check to see if your source is legit before anything. I'd send those subscribers a email to confirm if they want to subscribe also leaving a link to your site. If you have a giveaway on your site link them there but make sure you have information about your site or a link to info so they don't think your just tryin to get their information.

    So make sure you giveaway is something that's not crap. If they continue to subscribe then you got em locked, the rest is up to you

    Have a Great Week Warriors
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    Offer them a free report or something like this and see how many of them will actually suscribe... This way you will find how many are responsive and how many are just ignoring you...
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  • Profile picture of the author Louis Raven
    Your first job is to get them double opted in, verified, and happy to receive promotional material from your self.

    Then.. release the dog of war!

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    • Profile picture of the author James Clark
      Big Mistake. I would never buy a email list. I have heard of guys using co-reg list. If you do, I would try to develop a relationship with them when you send out you first 5 or six emails. There is a system to this. A friend of mind wrote a book on the subject. If you want copy just PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author knowwow
    Hi James,

    I tried sending you a PM but I can't. I'd really appreciate if you could share a copy of the ebook with me.


    - Chief Executive Philosopher

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  • Profile picture of the author SamLewi
    you might want to look into hosting your own email marketing software like interspire email marketer. 200k emails to start would cost a lot through most email marketing services. make sure you provide something of value and ask them to opt-in to your list. NEVER SPAM.
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