Article Syndication: Setting up your Archive?

4 replies
When it comes to setting up an Archive where you send potential publishers is a little baffling to me.

As far as I understand, you do this:

1. Buy yourself a domain, set up Wordpress with a nice, clean and simple theme. Sidebar and content. Nothing fancy.

2. Add your content to the website as Wordpress posts, like you would with a blog.

3. In the sidebar, have a 'Browse the Archive' section with links to specific categories?

4. Then on each article, have instructions to download the article in HTML and Plain Text formats.

5. Done?!

Is that it?

And I have a few questions, should you have different domains for different niches. Say Niche one is Golf (you would have categories like Golf Clubs, Golf Tips, Golfing Techniques, Golf Courses and so on) and Say niche two is... Cleaning Camera Lenses (you would have categories like Cleaning Equipment, Cleaning Techniques, Cleaning Fluids and so on)

NOTE: I'm not really using those Niches, just examples

Obviously these are just extremely random niches. Also these two niches don't relate to one another at all.

So would I have two domains with an archive on each for each niche or would I just have one huge archive with all the articles in one place?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.

Thanks again!
#archive #article #setting #syndication
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    This is the best guide I've seen so far on syndication, by Paul Myers. Look in TPW's sig for another excellent guide.

    I'd love to help myself but these threads usually descend into anarchy when I post so I don't bother anymore and just get on with my day, so just buy and read through those and it'll become quite clear.

    Your steps 1-5 look pretty good though.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    I've got the guide

    And these are a few questions I have about Archiving my Content.

    Obviously, I don't want to say anything that's in Paul's guide but from that you probably know what I know.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

    5. Done?!

    Is that it?
    Pretty much

    Of course, you don't have to use WordPress, or set anything in stone.
    See how my archive is set up - similar principles, different method.

    The key essential is getting that archive in front of publishers.

    And I have a few questions, should you have different domains for different niches.
    Depends on your strategy. And if the niches are related.

    If your aim is to showcase how versatile a writer you are, you could host
    them all on the same site. Or if your aim is to appeal to a specific niche
    audience, keeping them separated can help. It all depends.

    Hope this helps.

    Happy syndicating

    All success
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    That's perfect Drmani. Just want I needed, an example to take a look at. I really appreciate that. Again, thank you!
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