Need Traffic? Create Something Epic

13 replies

As we all know the Google Panda is ruthlessly and mercilessly doing away with websites that are using low quality content, and are indulging in low quality link building.

Websites are getting de-indexed and paid networks like Build My Rank are shutting down. This is a wake up call for every online marketer that relies on quick and effortless ways to generate content and get backlinks.

So what's the solution?

Create Epic Content!

That's right - the content that you create? Make it remarkable. Make it awesome. Give your best shot each time. Whether it's a blog post, an article, a video or an infographic - make sure you put your brain sweat into it.

The year 2012 is being raved as the year of content marketing. Why? Because every intelligent web entrepreneur is taking advantage of great content to educate their target audience, gain respect, get known, acquire quality backlinks ...

When you create epic content, you give Google and your target audience exactly what its looking for - extreme value.

The best part?

Most of the websites and blogs won't take this step because it involves hard work.

So instead of worrying about the Panda and buying paid links, do something that will be worth it. Create something that you will be proud of. Show your audience what you're capable of.

Trust me, you'll not only get rewarded with their loyalty, but also lots of love from Google and the other major search engines.

You'll not only get search engine traffic, but also lots of visitors through various social media channels.

Go ahead!

Be great. Be remarkable. Be epic.

- Mustafa
#content #create #epic #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    Awesome post, Mustafa! I hope marketers out there are listening

    I couldn't help but add one little part to your post (in bold below):

    Originally Posted by Mustafa Khundmiri View Post

    When you create epic content, you give Google AND YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE exactly what its looking for - extreme value. The best part? Most of the websites and blogs won't take this step because it involves hard work.
    After all, that epic content doesn't just make Google's spiders happy. It also makes your visitors happy - which makes them a whole lot more likely to buy from you!
    Sick of blending in with the crowd? Ready to stand ahead of the pack? The right content writing services can get you there...
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    • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
      Originally Posted by NicoleBeckett View Post

      Awesome post, Mustafa! I hope marketers out there are listening

      I couldn't help but add one little part to your post (in bold below):

      After all, that epic content doesn't just make Google's spiders happy. It also makes your visitors happy - which makes them a whole lot more likely to buy from you!
      I don't know how I missed the target audience Thanks for adding more value to my rant
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  • Profile picture of the author robyna
    Originally Posted by Mustafa Khundmiri View Post


    Most of the websites and blogs won't take this step because it involves hard work.

    - Mustafa
    I love the fact that hard work online is finally getting rewarded. We've gotten a bad rap and it's not always right. A vast majority of us work VERY hard. A small minority have skirted by. I'm glad this is slowly going away. Google is smart!

    Originally Posted by Mustafa Khundmiri View Post


    Be great. Be remarkable. Be epic.

    - Mustafa
    LOVE IT!!
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    • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
      Originally Posted by robyna View Post

      I love the fact that hard work online is finally getting rewarded. We've gotten a bad rap and it's not always right. A vast majority of us work VERY hard. A small minority have skirted by. I'm glad this is slowly going away. Google is smart!
      Ditto! To me, the sky-is-falling-what-do-I-do-about-Google's-new-change response is the opposite of what good marketers should be feeling. If you're doing things right (and by "right", I mean creating a site that's going to inform people, rather than just doing the bare minimum to try and squeeze money out of them), you don't have anything to worry about.

      Now, the folks who aren't doing things right, well then, yeah, they should be very afraid of what's coming next.
      Sick of blending in with the crowd? Ready to stand ahead of the pack? The right content writing services can get you there...
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    Have to agree with you about the hard work thing.

    The majority of the world aren't willing to really work long and work hard. They would rather hit a club with a friend or go see the newest film. Then the moan and winge when they don't see any kind of success.

    So the driven people should totally take advantage of this.

    Even most IM'ers don't understand how hard this can get sometimes, I work at the least 60 hours a week. Usually more than that. But I'm happy to, all this hard work is going to get me where I want to be.
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    • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
      Originally Posted by ryanmilligan View Post

      Have to agree with you about the hard work thing.

      The majority of the world aren't willing to really work long and work hard. They would rather hit a club with a friend or go see the newest film. Then the moan and winge when they don't see any kind of success.

      So the driven people should totally take advantage of this.

      Even most IM'ers don't understand how hard this can get sometimes, I work at the least 60 hours a week. Usually more than that. But I'm happy to, all this hard work is going to get me where I want to be.
      60 hours a week? That definitely seems like hard work Something that will never go to waste.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Yeah this is a point in time in the online world where you have to be crafty and creative with your marketing approach. Creating something epic should be your goal each and every time you go out and market your business online. Doesn't matter if it's via article marketing, blogging, or even video marketing. Create buzz, create news, and you will create new leads and customers sooner rather than later.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I do not know who said it, some warriors quote in here.....

    CONTENT IS KING! - And Targeted Traffic is QUEEN!

    Get these two things right and you will see great results.

    Thing is....they both go hand in hand!@
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    I like your postiive spin, Mustafa. Google Panda is simply rewarding us for doing something we should be doing anyway. If you are doing the right things to attract and keep visitors, you should be welcoming the Panda!
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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  • Profile picture of the author makingiants
    Creating great content is going to be the thing to do for a looong time...
    Vince aka makingiants
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Great post! I've said it a million times but it's worth repeating. Content and reputation are everything when it comes to IM. I know everyone hears this, but it's often lost on newbies, and even veteran IMers. One piece of high quality, engaging content is worth 100 pieces of garbage IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    If I knew how to do that, I would be a millionaire.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    I've been trying to pound it into everyone's head who has asked me over the last few years, that HIGH QUALITY, INTERESTING, FUN, THOUGHT PROVOKING content will win out in the long run.

    Most people's heads seem to be made out of concrete, because they just don't get it. And, as others have said, the reason they don't get it, is because it's not easy.

    Yes, it takes work...but you know what, lots of people bust there butt 60-hours a week at a job they don't like, for pay they aren't happy with.

    Imagine what would happen if you put that much time into creating the best site with the best content . . .
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
    + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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