26 replies
Hey, I'm not new to the internet marketing scene but am very new to making my first big buck online. Lately I have spent a lot of time on flippa as I would rather just invest in an already set up online business than create another failing one (I've failed at 4 thus far) Anyways, I have 20 hours to figure out if one that is very intriguing is worth my time and money to bid on but it almost seems like a scam. It's a site that sells 4 different types of back link packages for your website. It orders these backlinks from a cheap 'supplier' and makes great profit margins on them (or so he claims) I know backlinks are important to any site but do you think this a wise site to pursue or am I just getting scammed on flippa like a lot of people. Side note: the seller has sold 2 very similiar sites like this one that sold for a good price recently. I'm sick of failing at this internet business stuff and just need to start making cash pronto. Please advise.
#flippa #scam
  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    I sent you a PM...you may not be able to reply to it directly because you are a new member. If so, just email me at: JKulp42757 AT AOL DOT COM.
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
    + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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    • Profile picture of the author henrijames
      Thanks, I sent you an email.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    I'm glad that you are taking the time to work out your doubts and do your due diligence. My motto is if it looks too good to be true, but probably is.
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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Tadresources View Post

      I'm glad that you are taking the time to work out your doubts and do your due diligence. My motto is if it looks too good to be true, but probably is.
      I'm glad he took the time too...because it was too good to be true.
      Huge scam.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author zaco
    Originally Posted by henrijames View Post

    Hey, I'm not new to the internet marketing scene but am very new to making my first big buck online. Lately I have spent a lot of time on flippa as I would rather just invest in an already set up online business than create another failing one (I've failed at 4 thus far) Anyways, I have 20 hours to figure out if one that is very intriguing is worth my time and money to bid on but it almost seems like a scam. It's a site that sells 4 different types of back link packages for your website. It orders these backlinks from a cheap 'supplier' and makes great profit margins on them (or so he claims) I know backlinks are important to any site but do you think this a wise site to pursue or am I just getting scammed on flippa like a lot of people. Side note: the seller has sold 2 very similiar sites like this one that sold for a good price recently. I'm sick of failing at this internet business stuff and just need to start making cash pronto. Please advise.
    Don't buy sites because you couldn't create your own, I was at the same position and then I decided to build others, btw the backlinking industry is dangerous now, nobody wants to hire others to do it since they can use blog networks and get their sites penalized so everybody is stepping out...

    Now you said you failed 4 times, but you still want to be in the internet business, that is great! never give up..now you should answer these questions to decide why you failed and to start a fresh start, as I told u I had the same issue before..

    1) What skills do you have? what are you good at? be honest with yourself because this is the most important part of the business

    2) What do you want to get in? do you want to sell affiliate products? do you want to create your own product? CPA? you have to pick one

    3) You must do keywords research and seo analysis before starting a website if you want to get organic traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by henrijames View Post

    Hey, I'm not new to the internet marketing scene but am very new to making my first big buck online. Lately I have spent a lot of time on flippa as I would rather just invest in an already set up online business than create another failing one (I've failed at 4 thus far) Anyways, I have 20 hours to figure out if one that is very intriguing is worth my time and money to bid on but it almost seems like a scam. It's a site that sells 4 different types of back link packages for your website. It orders these backlinks from a cheap 'supplier' and makes great profit margins on them (or so he claims) I know backlinks are important to any site but do you think this a wise site to pursue or am I just getting scammed on flippa like a lot of people. Side note: the seller has sold 2 very similiar sites like this one that sold for a good price recently. I'm sick of failing at this internet business stuff and just need to start making cash pronto. Please advise.
    Flippa has been literally inundated with the sites that sell backlinks and the sites that sell social bookmarking services. Often the same seller sells those same sites over and over again. I personally wouldn't touch the offer.

    Far too many of those sites out and about now, not to mention that Google has let loose yet another Panda update that penalizes sites for paid links, so the site could get penalized for selling links, not to mention the customers who buy them, if you do get any customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ed Micah
    Odds are any cookie cutter type "Business" is not going to be profitable, is in an already saturated market and is more often than not has a short-term lifespan.
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  • they do work, some cookie cutter businesses but they all take hard work to build up just like anything you start from scratch. My goal is to start off building up adsense and advertising income stream till its over 100 dollars a day then start to use that money to purchase unique sites that have 1000-3000 dollar a month incomes or more with a service that charges monthly
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Draper
    I always wonder if the person that just sold 2 of the same businesses end up using the same income proof for all sites. If it's me looking, I wouldn't buy it.

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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    I have never done businesses on Flippa , not my thing but from all the "Flippa scam " threads we get here i am surprised people still use them.
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Without even knowing the site in question, I can tell you it isn't a wise investment. There are much better sites on Flippa that you can invest in.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
      Any new site, whether you buy it or build it, will live or die on the traffic it gets and it will always be down to you to get that traffic.

      If that traffic is to come from Google search then you will need to do the same SEO on a bought site as you would one you build yourself.

      The "business model" of the site is pretty irrelevant if it does not have a track record of income.

      In this case the amount and quality of the SEO will decide if the site is good or not so what you are buying is basically a simple "built for you" site ($25 anywhere).

      I see little value in buying sites from Flippa that do not have a proven history of revenue (well actually profit).

      Saying it is a scam my be a little strong as it is probably in line with selling a product or tutorial claiming to be able to make $XXX or aftershave that attracts women.

      In the right hands and with the right skill and effort it probably can! but you will need a lot more than just the site or product itself.
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  • Yes, I agree that if it does look too good to be true it probably is. I would much rather believe in a company that gives it to me straight...
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    what they do: they just make one sale and say $200 in 24 hours to advertise the site. becareful with these sites. if you want to get into the business. create your own site.
    but, i agree....invest in better sites on flippa.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aswad
    Originally Posted by henrijames View Post

    Hey, I'm not new to the internet marketing scene but am very new to making my first big buck online. Lately I have spent a lot of time on flippa as I would rather just invest in an already set up online business than create another failing one (I've failed at 4 thus far) Anyways, I have 20 hours to figure out if one that is very intriguing is worth my time and money to bid on but it almost seems like a scam. It's a site that sells 4 different types of back link packages for your website. It orders these backlinks from a cheap 'supplier' and makes great profit margins on them (or so he claims) I know backlinks are important to any site but do you think this a wise site to pursue or am I just getting scammed on flippa like a lot of people. Side note: the seller has sold 2 very similiar sites like this one that sold for a good price recently. I'm sick of failing at this internet business stuff and just need to start making cash pronto. Please advise.
    My advise "Stay Away". I use to sell on flippa before and I know lots of seller offer bad service. Like you said they only create the website using premium themes that they get from fiverr and most of the backlink service came from fiverr too.

    With all the Panda updates etc from google it is not relevant to offer such service anymore. If you want to be successful on flippa, create a nice graphic website, leave it for few months and drive free traffic from social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author warrior2008
    Everyone has a great point here. Loads of people sell the same site over and over. If you want to make money then look at the best of the best sites, go to odesk or some place like that and tell them what you want using those sites as examples but just pull from them what you like and make the best of the best.

    One thing you can do it buy a cheap cheap site just for the product it sells if the product is good. But then again how would you know if it was a PLR product. So many flip sites for Paypal problems also then when you get it you lose your PayPal in days as it is ties to a banned site.

    Find out what you want to do, have someone build it for cheap as in outsourced. Be unique, and get it to Clickbank or a place like that and off you go.


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  • Profile picture of the author warrior2008

    I may be building a few CB sites, make sure they get approved and then selling them on Flippa for like $497. It would be a test and all unique products I ran WSO's with and that is it! Who ever gets them then no one else does. No traffic to them just tested and created by myself as a WSO. I will make very little but get a great seller reputation.

    Something for others to think about doing as well if they want to get their name out there.


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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    These type of sites are build specifically for one thing and its not to make money it is to be sold to innocent newbies. The seller then just replicates the same process and finds another person to flog off a replica site to. It is unethical and misleading, basically taking advantage of people who are non the wiser. Flippa are also unethical IMO because they let it happen as they also profit from this.
    Don't believe everything you think
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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    invest in sites that are unique niches!

    Plain and simple, do NOT bid on things that are 'easy' or it will be a scam or a very short buck.

    I have a Website or two for sell now, one on flippa. It amazes me that my site gets undervalued but people are jumping for htings just like you mentioned.

    Last time I sold the a site like this, I sold it for HIGH $XX,XXX in 2008. Now all i'm asking for $5k on Flippa and not sure if I can get that yet. Highest offer was $3500.
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author Sands
    Flippa offers ZERO protection for buyers- none.

    99% of the listings will not use Escrow.

    They don't compel sellers to do so.

    Win a bid and all the seller has to do is violate the terms of Flippa to get banned- then wait and re list the item under a new screen name in a few weeks. They simply claim the just bought it form some one else.
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    • Profile picture of the author OLechat
      "99% of the listings will not use Escrow.

      They don't compel sellers to do so."

      That's inaccurate -- roughly 20% of listings accept Escrow, and we encourage sellers to use Escrow every step of the way, including by educating buyers to seek out listings which accept it. We even give sellers a 20% discount on Escrow fees when the transaction is initiated from Flippa.

      If the seller of a site you're interested in doesn't use Escrow, you should send the seller a message and say that you will bid under the condition that they use Escrow. It's still the best way to ensure a safe transaction.
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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    There are sites on Flippa that are legitimate and not scammy...probably even sites that sell backlink packages, but here are a few of the tricks the scammers will use to lure you into bidding/purchasing their auctions for these "types" of listings:

    1. Income comes from MULTIPLE Sites - They will use PayPal screenshots or videos to show you all of the orders that are coming in. You think all the orders are coming in from the site they have listed in the auction, but the truth is they have 10, 20, 100 similar sites selling those backlinking packages. You purchase the site, they push a few orders through you at first to make you "believe" and then they orders all dry-up and go away. A sign of this is that they've sold multiple sites that are similar selling "packages". (This applies for more than just backlinking packages....FB likes, Twitter followers, etc...)

    2. They're selling you the site as a front...THEY will be your supplier! - This doesn't have to be a scam necessarily...if they're the supplier for you selling at a realistic price and you're both making a profit, I think it's a great promotional strategy for "franchising". HERE's where the scam comes in: They're supplying you X for WAY below market pricing. You buy the site and they then raise the supply price for you to something that's no longer profitable. This can be a complicated "scam" and even those who are pretty savvy with Flippa can fall into this trap.

    Hope that helps!
    Website Brokers - We can help you sell businesses making $500 to $50K per month.

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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    These types of sites are clone sites that certain sellers churn out over and over again to try to sell to people who don't know any better.

    The amount of clone sites sold on flippa is absolutely staggering.
    Don't believe everything you think
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  • Profile picture of the author mco65
    I bought one site on flippa a few years back when flippa was till getting their feet wet. The site was decent enough and the price was right.. Although it did not prove to be profitable.. I haven't bought any since from flippa but I have purchased more than a few sites from individuals who create unique sites...

    Flippa is just like anything.. buyer beware. Do you homework and don't buy on impulse the first site you see on there.
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  • Profile picture of the author TolyZ
    If you want to buy established website that sells backlinks I have one for sale (check my sig.) It's well known in it's industry, 8 months old and has a lot of regular customers. You can send me an e-mail using contact form on the site. I'm starting my web design / seo company and don't have the time to maintain the site.
    Professional SEO Company marketing1on1.com that gets results.
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