8 replies
Hi all:

I invested in a coaching program and have niche blog set up, free offer to build list. But the coaching program is going to end. I havn't got to the part of generating traffic.

I am not sure if I should invest another round of coaching which will cover content, autoresponder emails, traffic, etc.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
    Originally Posted by ylhsiao View Post

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.


    It's just a suggestion...

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  • Profile picture of the author TonyBabb
    I would say yes. These are things you will need to know how to do at some point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I personally think you dont need a coach. Soak up the info on this forum, do a search on "traffic", "email marketing", "list building", etc to find out what you need to know to make money in your online business.
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    • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      I personally think you dont need a coach. Soak up the info on this forum, do a search on "traffic", "email marketing", "list building", etc to find out what you need to know to make money in your online business.
      Exactly what I thought so.. Spending on coaching program is only good when you're able to see ROI (return on Investment).. These money (you spent on coaching, which I reckon is a lot of MONEy) can be better spend on marketing..

      After your first round of coaching, I believe you have gotten the basic (At least I hope you've gotten it).. Now it's time to take action and search for information that can help you along the way (It's all right here in this forum).

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that coaching program is NOT good, it's good.. I've a coaching program once before too.. BUT coaching program is only good (especially it's so HIGHLY priced) when you're able to see return on your investment or at least gotten some valuable information out from it..

      Good coaches who knows what they are doing will usually offer a money back guarantee if you don't see results upon completion of the course <--- This is the kind of coaching program I would want you to participate in

      Just a heads up, please don't criticize me (especially coaches out there)

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  • Profile picture of the author MrKeh
    Check out the program in my signature. I just joined it the other day and the content is the best I've seen so far on list building. I honestly think I will get a lot of success due to how well layed out the content is.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    If you need lessons on traffic generation and SEO, auto responders etc then I recommend you check out The Challenge as they provide a free course that is excellent in building up your knowledge of internet marketing and earning money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author mal129
    I say if you received good value in your first round of coaching, then I say do more if the pricing is reasonable.
    SOLO AD TRAFFIC Provider for over 11 Years - Get targeted traffic to your offer from my privately and owned built email lists. I have niches in Internet Marketing, Make-Money-Online, Biz-Op, Crytocurrencies, MLM, Health/ Weight-Loss/ Fitness/ Anti-Aging, Travel, Pets and more!
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  • Profile picture of the author NoviIM
    Find a coaching program that provides guidance and solid information on how to build an online business. There are a lot of scams out there with coaches just looking to take your money without offering any sort value, which is a shame.
    If you're investing money make sure you go with quality.
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