My first newly born baby

by cbnet
6 replies
Dear Warriors,

My first site is about two/three days old. I have created Home, About us & two other pages relevant to my domain name. Obviously, I will be adding more contents to my site.

I request warriors to advise me next three steps which now I should take now. Such as, should I now submit it for search engine indexing. The next logical step is to monetize it. I am thinking of adsense & affiliate marketing. When I should start doing it.

#baby #born #newly
  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    You should only concentrate on making your website more useful and helpful to readers as well as getting targeted traffic on the other side.
    Don't even think about monetizing it until you start getting a good amount of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    Have you built a sitemap yet?

    Have you done your meta tags?
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    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Well congrats on the little one

      It always helps to have a plan before you build a site. What is your goal for the site? What type of site is it? That will help you understand how best to monetize it.

      You should be sure to add a spam blocker, site map, contact, privacy, disclosure, seo and other plug ins. Plus more content.

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    And here I was about to jump on and congrats you and the wife on your first kid - lol

    I would do the following:
    1. Make sure it LOOKS clean, dont put ads EVERYWHEREon it - or you'll just turn people away.
    2. Provide quality UNIQUE and not overly SEO'd content (Panda, remember)?
    3. I always add an image or two to each post I make, and videos every 2 or 3 posts - it keeps users visually interested, keeps them on your site longer, and generally improves click-throughs to offers you ARE making.
    4. Create a facebook fan page AND start Pinteresting some of the images from your site. Make sure they're NICE high quality images and videos that people are want to share.

    Basically, focus on getting traffic going first - then add a few offers in here and there - keep them subtle and you'll get better conversions than if people know you're just wanting to sell to them.

    Good luck :-D

    Jeff Lenney

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author webcheapservices
    congrats bro for the start
    now go ahead and do some SEO and get some targeted traffic and give them usefull info so they return to your website again and when you see it getting good traffic start with adsence or affiliate marketing
    good luck with your website.
    best regards.
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