Thoughts on "so called" WSO Of The Day?

by Rick W
33 replies
Hi fellow warriors,

Just a short observation i have noticed recently with the introduction of...

"The Offline WSO of the Day"

I have noticed that it has sort of taken the prestige off of the actual wso of the day...What are your thoughts?

With the introduction of this new offer i think it has diluted the meaning of wso of the day therefore not as significant (although still a huge accomplishment if it is chosen)

I would love to get your opinion on this, so feel free to leave a comment
#observation #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    I think it is a welcome development as it gives more products a chance to get that extra huge exposure that being Wso of the Day brings. Moreover, I've not really noticed a significant change in conversions as most wsos of the day still break the 1000+ sales figure.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rick W
      Originally Posted by Dann Vicker View Post

      I think it is a welcome development as it gives more products a chance to get that extra huge exposure that being Wso of the Day brings. Moreover, I've not really noticed a significant change in conversions as most wsos of the day still break the 1000+ sales figure.
      Yes interesting point Dann, thanks for comment
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Well my first thought was... how can you have 2 WSO's of the Day? It's like saying the Oscar goes to this person... and this person. If you have the best offer of the day then that is the best offer of the day. If you then include another then that isn't the best offer of the day, it's the second best offer of the day.

    Anyways, Mike is entitled to do what he wants to do.

    You also need to remember that the WSO of the Day is not always the best offer of the day because it is only ever the best WSO using Warrior Plus as their payment system. It doesn't take into account all the other WSO's launching with other payment processors.

    I guess Mike is the only one with the stats and if he is still doing the Offline WSO of the Day in a few weeks time then obviously it is working well for him... and that's what counts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rick W
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Well my first thought was... how can you have 2 WSO's of the Day? It's like saying the Oscar goes to this person... and this person. If you have the best offer of the day then that is the best offer of the day. If you then include another then that isn't the best offer of the day, it's the second best offer of the day.

      Anyways, Mike is entitled to do what he wants to do.

      You also need to remember that the WSO of the Day is not always the best offer of the day because it is only ever the best WSO using Warrior Plus as their payment system. It doesn't take into account all the other WSO's launching with other payment processors.

      I guess Mike is the only one with the stats and if he is still doing the Offline WSO of the Day in a few weeks time then obviously it is working well for him... and that's what counts.
      Yes i know exactly what you mean Will, as a subscriber to wso of the day i would look forward to seeing who the winner was.

      Now i dunno feel a bit different with 2 of them
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Well my first thought was... how can you have 2 WSO's of the Day? It's like saying the Oscar goes to this person... and this person. If you have the best offer of the day then that is the best offer of the day. If you then include another then that isn't the best offer of the day, it's the second best offer of the day.

      Anyways, Mike is entitled to do what he wants to do.

      You also need to remember that the WSO of the Day is not always the best offer of the day because it is only ever the best WSO using Warrior Plus as their payment system. It doesn't take into account all the other WSO's launching with other payment processors.

      I guess Mike is the only one with the stats and if he is still doing the Offline WSO of the Day in a few weeks time then obviously it is working well for him... and that's what counts.
      They do have Oscars for best actor, actress, supporting actor, make up, etc.

      That said, I think the OP is putting way too much weight on the "WSO of the Day".

      It's the "WSO of the Day... according to Mike Lantz" not the Warrior Forum/Allen Says. And the selection criteria isn't based on quality alone. You can have a kick ass WSO, but if it doesn't sell well, it's not likely to be chosen WSO PRO of the Day.

      Plus it doesn't take into consideration all the other WSO's not using Warrior Plus/WSO PRO.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rick W
        Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

        They do have Oscars for best actor, actress, supporting actor, make up, etc.

        That said, I think the OP is putting way too much weight on the "WSO of the Day".

        It's the "WSO of the Day... according to Mike Lantz" not the Warrior Forum/Allen Says. And the selection criteria isn't based on quality alone. You can have a kick ass WSO, but if it doesn't sell well, it's not likely to be chosen WSO PRO of the Day.

        Plus it doesn't take into consideration all the other WSO's not using Warrior Plus/WSO PRO.
        Thanks for comment, I understand its not the be all and end all for wso's and its basically up to Mike, but i think its the biggest subscription base for wso's so it does hold a bit of weight for newbies.

        Like your opinion and comments tho
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        • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
          Originally Posted by Rick W View Post

          so it does fool a bit newbies.
          Calibanned that for you

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  • Profile picture of the author loi77
    I think there should only be "1" WSO of the day, online or offline.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rick W
      Originally Posted by loi77 View Post

      I think there should only be "1" WSO of the day, online or offline.
      Thanks for comment

      I agree, i think there should only be 1
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    We will eventually have "WSO of the Week", WSO of the Month and WSO of the Year" probably....

    As for WSO of the day, is it an offline method for internet marketers that gets the offline wso of the day?

    And for the regular WSO of the day, is it online methods and products only?

    Maybe I am confused....:confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author Rick W
      Originally Posted by Steve Wells View Post

      We will eventually have "WSO of the Week", WSO of the Month and WSO of the Year" probably....

      As for WSO of the day, is it an offline method for internet marketers that gets the offline wso of the day?

      And for the regular WSO of the day, is it online methods and products only?

      Maybe I am confused....:confused:

      I really dont know Steve, Im pretty sure to offer as a wso it needs to be IM related so i would have to say it is an offline method for IM'ers

      Thanks for comment
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Honestly, i don't even look at the "500+ sold", "WSO of the day" titles, because all it takes to get to these numbers is the endorsement of other WSO sellers/affiliate marketers with reputation (not always, of course).

    I've seen crappy "WSO of the day" products (rehashed, old material. As if "Captain Obvious" has made them), as well as good ones. It's like in the movie industry - if you get an Oscar, it doesn't necessarily mean that your movie was great, maybe your opposition is just crap
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  • Profile picture of the author DennisM
    Actually, I really LIKE that there's a WSO of the Day for OFFLINE. It shows separation from the traditional methods of making money online. I also say "why not?" For those of us that work in the offline niche it's refreshing to see what WSO is being recognized again, for exclusively offline.

    Just like in baseball, you have a Most Valuable Player award for both the National League and the American League. My only wish that NFL football would allow an MVP award in both conferences but I doubt that will never happen.

    Mike Lantz, please DO NOT retire this new, innovative way in recognizing that OFFLINE is real and presents a legitimate opportunity to start a business.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rick W
      Originally Posted by DennisM View Post

      Actually, I really LIKE that there's a WSO of the Day for OFFLINE. It shows separation from the traditional methods of making money online. I also say "why not?" For those of us that work in the offline niche it's refreshing to see what WSO is being recognized again, for exclusively offline.

      Just like in baseball, you have a Most Valuable Player award for both the National League and the American League. My only wish that NFL football would allow an MVP award in both conferences but I doubt that will never happen.

      Mike Lantz, please DO NOT retire this new, innovative way in recognizing that OFFLINE is real and presents a legitimate opportunity to start a business.

      Awesome Dennis im glad an offliner has stood up and said that you really like the new offline wso of the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by Rick W View Post

    Hi fellow warriors,

    Just a short observation i have noticed recently with the introduction of...

    "The Offline WSO of the Day"

    I have noticed that it has sort of taken the prestige off of the actual wso of the day...What are your thoughts?

    With the introduction of this new offer i think it has diluted the meaning of wso of the day therefore not as significant (although still a huge accomplishment if it is chosen)

    I would love to get your opinion on this, so feel free to leave a comment
    What difference does it make? WSO of the Day is nothing more than the WSO that Mike Lantz believes will make him the most money by promoting it. There's nothing really special about the title.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
    Originally Posted by Rick W View Post

    I have noticed that it has sort of taken the prestige off of the actual wso of the day...What are your thoughts?
    Prestige is an attribute an individual bestows on something. While you apparently hold the WoD in high regard many others only see it as 'the promo of the day'. Nothing special about it other than the pumping, err, marketing.

    Those WoDs don't have a history of being particularly outstanding, nor do they have any additional verification for their claims, if any.

    What they do seem to have is the ability to make ordinarily sensible people drop their defenses regarding the prudency of due diligence before making a purchase.

    One could almost make the argument that the WoD has taken the prestige out of "Of The Day".

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

      One could almost make the argument that the WoD has taken the prestige out of "Of The Day".
      Sentence Of The Day.

      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by loi77 View Post

        I think there should only be "1" WSO of the day, online or offline.
        Yes - just one every day and it will be what ever WSO I am currently running.

        i think it has diluted the meaning of wso of the day

        I'll tell you what I like. Forget WSO of the day.

        I look for JVZoo product of the day. I know and everyone else knows who exactly is endorsing the offer and there is no confusion.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post


          I'll tell you what I like. Forget WSO of the day.

          I look for JVZoo product of the day. I know and everyone else knows who exactly is endorsing the offer and there is no confusion.
          Same thing, different name. Implies that the offer converts for the site owners rather than the offer meets any rigorous standard of quality
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          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

            Same thing, different name. Implies that the offer converts for the site owners rather than the offer meets any rigorous standard of quality
            I know what you are saying, but my big point is I know who is behind it. Unlike WSO of the Day - which does not include the name "warrior plus" or "Mike Lantz."

            People who are new in this neck of the woods still get mighty confused.

            Perhaps the intentions were innocent in the beginning, but I'm not so sure I think it's good where/how things have wound up.

            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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          • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
            Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

            Same thing, different name. Implies that the offer converts for the site owners rather than the offer meets any rigorous standard of quality

            Myself (and many others too I'm sure) offer select WSOs to our lists.
            However, EVERY WSO I offer, I've looked over myself, and done so EXTENSIVELY, to make sure it's a quality product.

            So, I MIGHT do ONE a week, or rarely TWO a week...but I'd never be able to do one (or two) every day, because I'd spend way too much time reviewing products, and wouldn't have time for any of my own work.
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            • Profile picture of the author zerofill
              Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post


              Myself (and many others too I'm sure) offer select WSOs to our lists.
              However, EVERY WSO I offer, I've looked over myself, and done so EXTENSIVELY, to make sure it's a quality product.
              Few people just recently thought I was bull****ting when I said I bought everything I sent out. Until I showed them a screenshot of the emails in thunderbird.

              Then they were like sheesh... lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Waiting patiently for the List Building WSO of the day...
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      Waiting patiently for the List Building WSO of the day...

      And if that comes Fernando, we will soon see a WSO of the day for everything associated to IM..

      Affiliate Marketing WSO of the day
      Email Marketing WSO of the day
      Adsense WSO of the day

      ...... You see where I'm coming from.
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  • Profile picture of the author eibhlin
    I don't pay much attention to the "awards" system, for the same reasons others have mentioned. Further, by the time something is "... of the day," if it had been on a dimesale, the price is often more than I'm willing to take a chance on.

    Lately, I've had to ask for a refund on far too many products that didn't match their respective sales letter claims.

    On the other hand, for people who are buying in very specific niches -- and are as deluged with "buy this!" emails as I am -- any filter is welcomed. The repetition is getting to be a bit much, so I'm unsubscribing from most lists and keeping just a few that deliver original, interesting, and useful content.

    As I unsubscribe, I'm filtering. Sometimes, that's to see which offers might be right for me.

    At other times, it's to see which marketers are sending me duplicates of pre-fab sales letters. I only need one, if that.

    I applaud anything that further filters recommendations so I waste less time looking at products, but I'm not sure that the "... of the day" approach is the way to go.
    Artist, blogger, and author of a bazillion books, more or less. Find me at
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    Actually, I don't mind it, considering many offline products are very different from online.

    Now clickbank products on the other hand.. we might as well just go all academy award for those:
    Best Actor
    Best Supporting Actor...
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    It just shows that there are so many WSOs for offline stuff now. A few years back there were only WSOs for online stuff now everyone is heading offline lol.
    I find a balance between online and offline suits me very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by Rick W View Post

    Hi fellow warriors,

    Just a short observation i have noticed recently with the introduction of...

    "The Offline WSO of the Day"

    I have noticed that it has sort of taken the prestige off of the actual wso of the day...What are your thoughts?

    With the introduction of this new offer i think it has diluted the meaning of wso of the day therefore not as significant (although still a huge accomplishment if it is chosen)

    I would love to get your opinion on this, so feel free to leave a comment

    My thoughts are that there was NEVER any prestige with the WSO of the Day to begin with.


    Because WSOs are selected for WSO of the Day based solely on how they are converting. The products are not reviewed in depth, if at all. I know this because I've talked to others who have had their WSO featured as WSO of the Day.

    It's a big crock if you ask me. "WSO of the Day" means absolutely nothing! It means that's the offer they decided to blast out for the day, the one they thought would bring them the most money. No thought or care was put into seeing if the offer itself was actually worthy of recommending to others.

    Okay, I'm done ranting.
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    I have a side observation about the WSO of the Day.

    I used to be on the WSO of the Day list since I signed up for the W+ website eons ago. I did unsubscribe to this list since I really didn't care about the WOTD.

    Just a couple weeks ago I bought a WSO which used the W+ system. Thing is, my Paypal address is different than the email address I used to join W+ as well as being different than the one I use here on the forum. Within 24 hours after making this purchase, I started getting WOTD announcements from Mike to my PP address. Keep in mind, this an email address that is otherwise NOT associated with this forum.

    And I wondered, do W+ sellers know that ML is adding their buyers to his mailing list? (Unless, of course, there's some other explanation for how my address magically ended up on the WOTD list within hours of buying a WSO thru W+.)

    I've never used W+ as a seller, so I haven't read the TOS, but I sure hope those who're using W+ (or ANY service) read the TOS and privacy policy documents.

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  • Profile picture of the author cbean
    What a shame WSO of the day should not only be about what converts but the quality of the WSO .....imho.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    I reckon it's just a way for (let's not name names) Micky to generate more money..

    I don't think it's bad though because I chose to subscribe to his "WSO of the day offer" which I have personally bought a few of it.. Well, at least they are GOOD So Kudos to Micky for coming up with "WSO offline of the day".. I gonna buy a few of those as well because what he recommends is always (at least, most of the time) GOOD

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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by JeremiahSay View Post

      I reckon it's just a way for (let's not name names) Micky to generate more money..

      I don't think it's bad though because I chose to subscribe to his "WSO of the day offer" which I have personally bought a few of it.. Well, at least they are GOOD So Kudos to Micky for coming up with "WSO offline of the day".. I gonna buy a few of those as well because what he recommends is always (at least, most of the time) GOOD

      But given the choice, why would you buy a product from someone who just selects solely based on how well the offer converts, rather than someone who actually does in-depth reviews of the product?

      You even acknowledged the fault in this yourself when you said "at least most of the time".
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Of course, WSOotD also "encourages" product owners to use Warrior Plus on the offchance they will get selected...

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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