Cartoon Sales Video's

39 replies
Hey guys,

I was hoping someone on here could help me out...

Do you know where I can get a cartoon sales video made similar to this one..

I've tried typing in cartoon sales video on google but nothing comes up that is similar.

Any help would be much appreciated!!
#cartoon #sales #video
  • Profile picture of the author Adrian Int
    Not sure... but here's a bump because I'd love to know the answer too. :-P
    ATTENTION: Improve your list building. Free report and mp3
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Try searching something like 'whiteboard videos'.

    They are quite expensive though, obviously.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    $1k a minute.... around 20k for a normal length vsl.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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    • Profile picture of the author ryanphillips
      Cool. Will try out searching for whiteboard videos. See what comes up
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Yeah these are nice. I would expect to pay at least around 100 dollars per minute though.

    No signature here today!

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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      Yeah these are nice. I would expect to pay at least around 100 dollars per minute though.
      You're kidding right? You wouldn't even get a decent normal animated video for that sort of money. Try multiplying that number by about 10. There is so much manual labor involved in those videos with the artists and also the animations.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Im like a deer in headlights when I see those things :0|

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Skelly
      Post a job on odesk for doodle video or explanation videos. For decent ones you're looking at least $800- $1200 for a 2-3 min video. I didn't hire this guy but I liked his work see here: Demo (Hand Drawing style) on Vimeo you can search him on skype is name is George Jose from India
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Lacer
    Was searching for the exact thing! I think this kind of videos have a high sales rate. Too bad it costs at least $1,XXX.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    They're great videos and really are interesting to watch.

    If you want a decent one though like others said don't expect anything under $1,000
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    • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
      I love these but they are super expensive! I think if you have the money for it though it's worth it because they certainly pack a visual punch.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    lol more like $1k per minute.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author paul wolfe and are the two leaders in this space.

    Like Dave says...expect to pay around $1k per minute of sales video. What no-one has mentioned is that the $1K per minute cost DOESN'T include the sales script - which of course is also important.

    I want to make one of these videos for a product - but I can't afford $12K (video is around 12 minutes long). So I'm making my own (have sourced a studio, a video guy to do the editing and syncing to the script and adding sound effects, plus have some talent for the drawing).

    My question to anyone - I'm thinking of putting this together as a company and obviously it won't have a track record. So am thinking of offering the service at around $500 per minute to get it started.

    Would anyone be interested? (Of course before selling I'd have to demonstrate that the combination of resources can pull it off by using my own sales letter that's being made as an example).

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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    I know someone... PM me with some details.

    We have a few videos you can check out and other artwork you may be interested in.

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  • I will try to get you a contact.. How about if you can get set of cartoon images for your subject.. so that you can create video with sound ?

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  • Profile picture of the author PowToon
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    • Profile picture of the author TPFLegionaire
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficMystic
    i would also look at the crazytalk animator software.. pretty cheap and pretty powerful.. I use it for some clients videos..

    CrazyTalk Animator - 2D Character Animation and Cartoon Software
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanphillips
    cool guys. I contacted several companies searching for

    whiteboard animation
    whiteboard stop animation
    video scribing

    and the cheapest company with good quality I found was Video Scribing, Whiteboard Animation -

    Still out of my price range with..

    5 minute: from $5,400 to 5,800
    10 minute: from $8,500 to 9,500
    15 minute: from $11,200 to $12,500
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    you guys are totally missing the boat here.

    You do this stuff once you ALREADY have an offer thats doing well. Then, you give them your converting script and they will add the visuals to it.

    if your stuff is already profitable on paid traffic, this could/should bump up conversions.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author melleni
    My daughter has been making these at uni didnt realise they charged so much may get her making me one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    As mentioned before I was surprised how expensive they
    are. Here is another option.

    Epipheo Studios

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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    • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
      I was wondering this myself. Too bad they are so damn expensive. So consider this: If you are going to pay 10+ grand for this you better have a crazy script to go with it or its just a waste. For a good copywriter your looking at $5000+. That is sure going to add up fast!
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      • Profile picture of the author philhunter
        I used one for the product in my sig, they work well and keep peoples attention but don't expect to pay less than $1000 per minute for a good one.
        **Brand New Hot New Clickbank Launch** Earn Over $108 Per Sale + Rebills - Click HERE For All The Details!
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    • Profile picture of the author Morten V
      I have the skill to make these videos, but I haven't got any service I offer to anyone. It's fairly easy made from my point of view though.

      You can clearly see the OP video is not drawn when filming, but anyway it's a cool way of marketing. Maybe if I get more time on my hand I'll offer some cheap one's to warriors. 1k a minute seems way overpriced.
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  • Profile picture of the author NXmarketeer
    these videos cost very very serious money to be made! but if you use them well you can make them back no time!

    pm me if you are interested, i can introduce you to an artist that can make em.
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  • Profile picture of the author Morten V
    Originally Posted by bowerboy View Post

    I cannot believe people are surprised these are do these well is a very rare skill indeed combining storyline, plot, drawing and voice over.

    Honestly I am surprised they are as cheap as they are. This takes real natural talent to do well, not just manipulation of a software program.
    You are? Because I can make these and it's not that big a deal. I can see how these videoes are made and it will not take that much time and effort as stated!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    These are interesting looking videos. I wonder if they're worth the cost of having it created tho.
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  • Profile picture of the author twistedpixel
    Just came across this VideoHive Template that might provide a quick solution using the style you wanted.

    I'm sure you could find someone on Fiverr to customize it and keep your total cost under $50

    After Effects Project Files - Whiteboard Write | VideoHive
    Looking for Affiliates to promote the "World's Best Tasting Protein Bar!" (according to customers)
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  • Profile picture of the author Morten V
    Originally Posted by bowerboy View Post

    really?? so as a one man show you could effectively capture the essence of a clients product or service, write the script, do the voice over and also draw the cartoons? All synced together with the voice over at one speed and the a cartoon running at another??

    Power to you..that's awesome
    Yes I could do that.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoftWarp
    Easy to solve.
    There is bunch of qualified people of fiverr and most of them are eager to do "more" for "more".

    Contact them, deliver your sample, and see what they will have to offer.

    Any qualified guy in this field will be able to make something "similar" - we used a lot of fiver gigs for our our own campaign on mothership and the results were fine.

    But let me tell you this: We did achieve much results when we reduced to whole affair to technical aspects. You can't seriously expect anybody to do a lot of brain work for 5 bucks. So do some brainstorming for yourself, cough up some really clear ideas, and then let them do the technicalities for you. And if they want more than just 5 bucks - hey no problem, right?
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  • Hey guys, it's true that it costs quite a bit to get started on these, and I recommend that when you do - have a firm that does great copywriting combined with the right storyboarding, drawing and editing to get the best effect.

    One key thing though - have a great product in place before proceeding, as you do not want to overpromise and underdeliver - especially when you're using whiteboard animation which can be very persuasive when done right.

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    • Profile picture of the author MariusBakken
      As for conversion, I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the split-test on - see Video Sales Letters by AdToons--make more sales than long form copy ; you can see from the screenshot in the second paragraph looking like a conversion difference from 0,62 % with the old one to 1,13 % with the adtoons one for Mike Geary.

      One factor to take into account though, is if this was done right after the introduction of the video scribe. I read an interview with Tom Venturo a while back and when they changed from a long sales letter to VSL - their conversion shoot through the roof temporarily, probably due to the change itself. After a while the difference levelled out more, with a VSL + long sales letter combo converting the best.

      By the way, does anyone know who did the fatburningfactor video scribe above ? It looks slightly different vs. truthaboutabs and fatburningfurnace.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    ya.. not really the same thing.... thats a predone template... maybe you paid to have it slightly customized... we're talking about complete videos designed specifically for your offer/script.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author mbitsol
    I am surprised to see these type of videos are so expensive.
    MbitSol - Digital Marketing Agency providing SEO Services UK
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    lol.... you have any clue how long it takes to make them?

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author viet831
    Videohive is a great way to make cheap and highly professional videos that look like tv ads! Just go and get a freelancer to put your ideas onto the videohive template which will definitely increase your sales

    Why you need a Sales Video to increase conversions

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  • Profile picture of the author Linerider
    I am curious why people like these types of videos and how much they have been tested. I hate watching them, it's distracting and I'd MUCH rather watch a person or even a Powerpoint with slick graphics than someone drawing.
    I'd like to see some more information about how effective these whiteboard videos actually are.
    Do you know of anybody who has done split testing on these? Just because they look nice and are fun to watch, doesn't mean people will buy the product at the end of it.

    I'm promoting for an affiliate who has both regular Powerpoint promotional videos and the video scribe ones, and the Powerpoint ones convert much better. Now it could just be that his particular scribe video is cr*p, but still, I'd need some convincing before spending $15,000.
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  • As davemiz and others have pointed out, custom and original whiteboard animations take a great deal of work from a number of artists and professionals to create something of quality. While many marketers will indeed only opt to use a video like this after establishing a tested and successful product, there are companies that offer great value at an entry level price for those looking to jump right in or launch a product or campaign with a scribe video.

    See what we can do for you today at ArtMark Video Scribing.
    Click here to see a recent whiteboard animation we created.

    Don't forget to mention you're a Warrior... 20% Discount off form member's first scribe video with us.

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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    Do it your self cheap!

    There is a software for your own whiteboard animation.

    The software is: VIDEO SCRIBE from

    They sell it with subscription plan. Monthly and yearly.

    It's about $160 for a year.

    I think I will buy it myself and start the service here.

    Sounds cool.

    And... well... I really did. I have it and start the doodle service here.
    Check me on Warriors For Hire section. Cheers.

    Click here - Link to Video Scribe software -

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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