Need you IM advice please

4 replies

Ive open an online shop selling Gifts. I search for gifts and there are a lot of websites out there for compeitiion. I knew the compeition would be fierce with this category but quite alot of these sites dont have great quality stock, bad coloured quality sites, not been updated for a long time etc...

Ive based my site on gifts like candy bouquets which are novelty gifts and hampers, lights etc. Ive put the site live and will continue to add new stock as i go along like fun chocolates and furnituite etc.

With such a large compeition out there for gifts, im aiming to make my site a large range of gifts so not just one thing like candles, but all different types..Is this a good idea?

Im asking for your advice with the next step please

Can do PPC to set up and grab customers?

I dont yet have an opt in page but working on this.

Im making the homepage of my site without the banner and better content and a logo.

Ive received feedback from followers on twitter saying its a fresh site and easy to use which is great, i just need advise on whats next and hopefully free
#advice #website
  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Im not sure what you are asking. Are you asking if PPC will work? If so you could always try on a smaller scale to test your campaigns.
    Don't believe everything you think
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    • Profile picture of the author QuirkieGifts
      Originally Posted by Oliver Williams View Post

      Im not sure what you are asking. Are you asking if PPC will work? If so you could always try on a smaller scale to test your campaigns.
      Sorry...Im asking what ways i can bring traffic to my website to result in conversions that is free or at a low cost
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  • Profile picture of the author vivianso
    Hi Cooper,

    As you have mentioned,you will make your site without banner,logo and contents.Customers point of view,those all are mandatory parameters to generate business.With help of PPC,you can get quick business(If you will create good Campaign) or you can also do SEO as well.

    I hope,these information does help you
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Ok normally I would say build a list (which you should do) write articles, forum marketing, adswaps etc etc, but because you are in a different niche I think people looking for gifts online would be basically searching in google.

    It is not my niche however here is my suggestion for you. What I would do is research all the best high ranking, related websites and contact the webmaster to arrange a joint venture deal.

    Instead of paying them to advertise on their site offer a profit share from any revenue made from the advertising. This way you are not limited to your advertising budget as you can approach as many website owners as you like.

    Just a suggestion :-)
    Don't believe everything you think
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