Hotel Booking Affiliate partners

3 replies
A site I'm working on will offer hotel information, and I'm looking for an affiliate hotel booking platform. I've been googling around, and I can't find a definitive leader.

I'm looking for something similar to OpenTable, which I'm also working on, but in the hotel space.

I know expedia has an affiliate program, but is it the best? I was hoping there would be some people with experience in this area that can recommend the best booking engines for hotels, or maybe red flag some to stay far away from.

#affiliate #booking #hotel #partners
  • Profile picture of the author marcolav
    Originally Posted by ddoggphx73 View Post

    A site I'm working on will offer hotel information, and I'm looking for an affiliate hotel booking platform. I've been googling around, and I can't find a definitive leader.

    I'm looking for something similar to OpenTable, which I'm also working on, but in the hotel space.

    I know expedia has an affiliate program, but is it the best? I was hoping there would be some people with experience in this area that can recommend the best booking engines for hotels, or maybe red flag some to stay far away from.

    Try 205,465 hotels worldwide. Book your hotel now! they are the best , for hotels

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  • Profile picture of the author ddoggphx73
    Thanks Marco, I will check them out.

    Anyone else have some others to look at, or suggestions on ones to flat out avoid (which might be more valuable than which ones are good)
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    • Profile picture of the author williamhall3
      You can go for, it offers online booking for hotels worldwide.
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