What is your busiest day of your week?

13 replies

What day of the week is your busiest with your online business?

Any trends occurring and if there is, do you know the reason why?

#busiest #day #week
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    For ecommerce stores it's usually Monday. Although, Monday-Wednesday are all pretty even usually.
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    • Profile picture of the author QuirkieGifts
      Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

      For ecommerce stores it's usually Monday. Although, Monday-Wednesday are all pretty even usually.
      howcome this is the case with ecommerce stores? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
    Everyday - lol - honestly though - there are weeks that I work every single day of the week. Mondays seem to be my busiest day out of the 7 however.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Monday. I feel the extra need to work after the weekend.

    No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Not really sure. But I honestly think it's because people discuss stuff they want to buy over the weekend, and then once they are back at work they start shopping for it online.. They wouldn't want to do it on their own time!
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    The day what I have done a stupid work. Recover...... Recover.......... Recover....................... (There're many days like this )

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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeC
    For me it is monday, i deal with a lot of offline clients, and it is on monday when i get all these emails and sometimes phone calls, but surprisingly friday is also very busy, they know im not 100% available during the weekends, so they contact me on friday.
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    Mondays tend to be the most chaotic, sales are usually best wed-thursday though.
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    • Profile picture of the author PattC
      Monday seems to be the busiest, as I am taking most of the weekend off. It's always catch up time for email, calls, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author ericbryant
    Same as a lot of folks here, busiest early in the week.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcelomusza
    Yeah I agree, Monday is the busiest day of my week. In the weekend I don't use to work, and the ideas that come into my mind to promote my business or make UI changes, I write them down and apply them on Monday.
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  • Profile picture of the author valmillercorl
    every day...that's cause I have a very busy toddler at my feet while trying to work...good thing like I feel it isn't work though...otherwise I would just quit.

    But I'd have to go with Mondays just like everyone else.

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    • Profile picture of the author hondablaster
      Wow this is incredible. I found this on google and it lead me back to warrior forum. Hopefully nobody is a "that's an old post nazi." as there is no need to duplicate the question.

      But yes Mondays are consistently my busiest days of the week. And if a holiday happens to land on a Monday I am swamped.

      I believe it is that Mondays suck and people shop while they are at work. And there is a perception that if they buy on a Monday it will arrive the fastest because it the furthest away from a weekend. (No delivers Sat or Sun for some carriers)

      I would also say Sunday nights come in second place, and Saturday and Friday are slowest.
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