How do you build your Amazon affiliate site ?

37 replies
I was wondering what platform/method people use to build successful Amazon niche sites.

I saw a sample site for Paula & Wanda and they basically created a large WP site with loads of content and then just added "click here for best prices on Amazon" type links.

Then again, I've also seen many sites using WP plugins.

For those of you who are making money from Amazon which method is best ?
#affiliate #amazon #build #site
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    There's lots of different ways to make money with Amazon. Paula & Wanda do have an excellent template to follow.

    I'm not a big fan of auto-content sites....You're much better off creating the content manually. It will payoff much more in the long run.

    Google's algorithms are always changing but what will always please Google is fresh content. So when starting out, be sure to update your site often...Your rankings will thank you for it!

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    • Profile picture of the author jakebvs85
      Originally Posted by Michael Franklin View Post

      There's lots of different ways to make money with Amazon. Paula & Wanda do have an excellent template to follow.

      I'm not a big fan of auto-content sites....You're much better off creating the content manually. It will payoff much more in the long run.

      Google's algorithms are always changing but what will always please Google is fresh content. So when starting out, be sure to update your site often...Your rankings will thank you for it!
      I cannot agree any further. If you want to do business forever, then do the things that will last forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    I think you've answered that yourself.. Paula and Wanda are raking it in with Amazon with large, in-depth (probably) authority sites.

    This is exactly how I approach Amazon. None of my sites are small; instead they are much broader, packed full of information, with occasional, in-depth reviews of a niche related products. I'd like to emphasize the word "review" - I never sell; I pre-sell. Once I move them forward to Amazon, they take over the job of selling.

    These sites (Wordpress blogs actually), also contain niche relevant reviews of some Clickbank products.

    I never now use plugins. Straight text links have always performed extremely well for me. I have experimented with both plugins and WP themes designed specifically for Amazon reviews. All they do is make your reviews look like everyone else's. That's the last thing I try to achieve.

    In addition to my reviews, my sites are replete with content - detailed articles I write, publish myself, then syndicate via Ezine Articles and my own list of willing syndicators. I'm now also beginning to work with Camtasia to create some review videos.

    Plus, of course I build lists, and through follow-up emails establish myself as a trusted expert in the niche. In some (not all) of these emails, I soft sell some of the products, both Amazon and Clickbank that I promote.

    I really learned the art of "pre-selling" by reading Pres-Sell Mastery by Paul Hancox.
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    • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
      Originally Posted by AnniePot View Post

      I think you've answered that yourself.. Paula and Wanda are raking it in with Amazon with large, in-depth (probably) authority sites.

      This is exactly how I approach Amazon. None of my sites are small; instead they are much broader, packed full of information, with occasional, in-depth reviews of a niche related products. I'd like to emphasize the word "review" - I never sell; I pre-sell. Once I move them forward to Amazon, they take over the job of selling.

      These sites (Wordpress blogs actually), also contain niche relevant reviews of some Clickbank products.

      I never now use plugins. Straight text links have always performed extremely well for me. I have experimented with both plugins and WP themes designed specifically for Amazon reviews. All they do is make your reviews look like everyone else's. That's the last thing I try to achieve.

      In addition to my reviews, my sites are replete with content - detailed articles I write, publish myself, then syndicate via Ezine Articles and my own list of willing syndicators. I'm now also beginning to work with Camtasia to create some review videos.

      Plus, of course I build lists, and through follow-up emails establish myself as a trusted expert in the niche. In some (not all) of these emails, I soft sell some of the products, both Amazon and Clickbank that I promote.

      I really learned the art of "pre-selling" by reading Pres-Sell Mastery by Paul Hancox.
      That is probably one of the best replies I have read on here for a long time :-)

      The only thing I will add is to make sure you give the reader what they are looking for :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Wilson
    What you don't want to do is create poor content and build loads of websites. Still many people do it like that.

    But how long will they survive? Those small, poor content blogs are going to go down any time soon.

    Also, be very attentive when it comes to keyword research as it will either make or break your success. It's the most important stuff when you're choosing your niche to sell Amazon products.

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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    I have a step by step guide where you can watch over my shoulder while i build a site and explain the "why" not just the how. We also give 1-1 support throughout.

    If you are interested let me know or if you would like to chat on skype just add me.
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    • Profile picture of the author spirituscorpus
      Thanks guys but I was actually wondering what which platform is best i.e do you think an Amazon WP plugin is best or simply insert anchor text links as Paula and Wanda have done in the main such as

      ">>available to buy on Amazon now>>".

      They don't seem to use many widgets so I was wondering which converts better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashera
    To OP -

    I use WEAVER II theme on my Wordpress Amazon sites which is free, and Amazon Product In A Post plugin which is also free.

    They convert pretty well for me, and are easily customizable.
    If you don't change direction, you'll end up where you're going.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Sahu
      Originally Posted by Ashera View Post

      To OP -

      I use WEAVER II theme on my Wordpress Amazon sites which is free, and Amazon Product In A Post plugin which is also free.

      They convert pretty well for me, and are easily customizable.
      Can you give a link to that theme? I did research in Google and I found to two different WEAVER II themes.

      1. Weaver II Theme Extras
      2. Weaver II Theme Switcher

      So I am a little confuse.

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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    I tend to avoid too many amazon plugins and widgets and stick to creating simple sites manually
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    I'd recommend going with the simple text links....They do convert well! No need for plugins.

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  • The best ever will be to create personal review websites built with articles made from the heart, like a normal customer who express his satisfaction for the product and some things who aren't convincing.

    By my side I use ShopperPress with optimal results, and no plugin until now has reached its value.

    See you soon,
    Alessandro Zamboni
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  • Profile picture of the author ordersekarang
    using WP for amazon affiliate products is the best choice . I've tried it for some sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    My sites are authority-type sites that target low-competition product keywords. My reviews are short but they are indexed and ranked highly within 48 hours in most cases.
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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    Number 1 rule, keep things simple!

    A visitor is coming in is already interested in buying the product, so you just need to clearly and concisely tell them why they should buy. I have a free guide detailed in my sig

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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Carl
    I use a Wordpress site with lots of original information articles with some product reviews. Although I have not made any money from it yet (it is only 1 month old), I know that I am following a proven strategy so I am confident.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
      I generally have about 5 links on a page.

      The first is in the picture of the product at the top left of the page.

      The next one is usually after the first paragraph or two saying something like [Click here to check the current price at]

      Then after I discuss the user reviews of the product I have another link saying [Click here to read more real user reviews]

      I will then usually have another picture or two of the product with a link underneath saying [Click here to view more images]

      Then at the end of the review I have a box with a big heading that says "Where to buy?" then in the box I just place a link that says

      I find these kind of text links convert so much better than buttons, widgets or banners. And I have extensively tested many combinations.

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      • Profile picture of the author phans
        Originally Posted by Ben Armstrong View Post

        I generally have about 5 links on a page.

        The first is in the picture of the product at the top left of the page.

        The next one is usually after the first paragraph or two saying something like [Click here to check the current price at]

        Then after I discuss the user reviews of the product I have another link saying [Click here to read more real user reviews]

        I will then usually have another picture or two of the product with a link underneath saying [Click here to view more images]

        Then at the end of the review I have a box with a big heading that says "Where to buy?" then in the box I just place a link that says

        I find these kind of text links convert so much better than buttons, widgets or banners. And I have extensively tested many combinations.
        i second that!
        i do it the same way as you
        what kind of click through rate do you get?

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        • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
          Originally Posted by phans View Post

          i second that!
          i do it the same way as you
          what kind of click through rate do you get?
          On my main earner at the moment I get about 220 UV's a day and roughly 100 clicks at Amazon, so that works out to be a CTR of about 40-50% which is pretty huge for an Amazon review site.

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  • Profile picture of the author oniram
    I use a WordPress theme with only one Amazon search widget and anchor text links in my product reviews along with a picture of the product. WP is a very good platform (IMO) to promote Amazon Products. I always check to see how many searches there are for each product and try to pick off beat keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author latrice17
    Wolfmmiii, I tried to buy your blueprint, but where do I enter the discount promo?
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by latrice17 View Post

      Wolfmmiii, I tried to buy your blueprint, but where do I enter the discount promo?
      Sorry about that latrice17. I had that in there for testing but I opted to not use the e-junkie cart so I can't offer the discount code at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author ammywood
    I can help you building amazon affiliate sites.. If interested PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Velant
    There are many Wordpress plugins for Amazon on WF. I use Product Style by Ryan Stevenson and I love it! You can find it here in WSO forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author wbgclient
    Thank you for all these answers. I am interested in building an blog to sell amazon affiliate products. Most of you are saying that you write reviews for the products. i guess that basically means that first you buy the product and then you write the review?
    Thank you for the answer.
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by wbgclient View Post

      Thank you for all these answers. I am interested in building an blog to sell amazon affiliate products. Most of you are saying that you write reviews for the products. i guess that basically means that first you buy the product and then you write the review?
      Thank you for the answer.
      No, you don't need to buy a product to provide a helpful review. I provide reviews in a handful of niches that I'm familiar with. Providing best-use information, comparisons with similar products, feature explanations, etc are good ways to provide reviews of products you do not own.
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  • Profile picture of the author fitnessmaster
    Personally, I never use automated plugins because they just haven't been effective for me. I'm sure there are people that get results with them but I would rather put in the work and post manually using honest and helpful reviews.

    The only way to do well with an Amazon affiliate site for the long run is to build an authority site for your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author UW
    how do you guys set up your homepages for a review site? I am trying to have one full length post on the homepage about buying tips and advice and then all recent articles will be below that one.
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by UW View Post

      how do you guys set up your homepages for a review site? I am trying to have one full length post on the homepage about buying tips and advice and then all recent articles will be below that one.
      The home page isn't what's important. You should be focusing on your product pages. However, to answer the question, my home page shows 15 or 20 of my reviews on it in excerpt form along with a featured image.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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      • Profile picture of the author UW
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        The home page isn't what's important. You should be focusing on your product pages. However, to answer the question, my home page shows 15 or 20 of my reviews on it in excerpt form along with a featured image.
        i agree with you. I only have about a 200 word article on the homepage and i am going to have all of my recent reviews below that. What theme are you using if you dont mind me asking? I am currently using the eleven40 from genesis and i cant seem to be able to get the little 200 word post to show fully while other recent articles to show in an excerpt below? any ideas?
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        • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
          Originally Posted by UW View Post

          What theme are you using if you dont mind me asking?
          I use several different themes for my Amazon sites. My favorite is actually a newspaper / magazine theme.
          Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Can anyone advise me whether any of these Amazon WP press plugins are Penguin friendly?

    I plan to use lots and lots of original content, but I've heard that even with unique content, these kind of products might leave "footprints" that could be very bad SEO/Penguin wise.

    I should say I am a complete novice and hardly know what I am talking about ...
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    My advice is to simply stay away from any plugin that just scrapes content from Amazon and posts it to your site whether it's Google friendly or not because chances are very good that your visitor has ALREADY been to Amazon and has already read the info once. The visitor came to YOUR site because he wants to know what YOU have to say about the product.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by spirituscorpus View Post

      Thanks guys but I was actually wondering what which platform is best i.e do you think an Amazon WP plugin is best or simply insert anchor text links as Paula and Wanda have done in the main such as

      ">>available to buy on Amazon now>>".

      They don't seem to use many widgets so I was wondering which converts better.
      Step away from the widgets. They look cool, but nothing works like plain old text links.

      I'd stay away from any of the WP scraper plug-ins. Do you really want to compete against the Amazon mega-site using their own content?:confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author npaige
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      My advice is to simply stay away from any plugin that just scrapes content from Amazon and posts it to your site whether it's Google friendly or not because chances are very good that your visitor has ALREADY been to Amazon and has already read the info once. The visitor came to YOUR site because he wants to know what YOU have to say about the product.
      hi there -

      i am wondering if the videos in your starter kit are pretty detailed? asking because i already purchased your tutorials

      just wanted to check the value before purchasing again...
      some of the products i already have...

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  • Profile picture of the author kojakeugenio
    I just started my amazon affiliate campaign and this kind of threads helps a lot.

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