The Chicken or the Egg?

by 17 replies
I lurked here for over a year before joining and doing some limited posting. And have always been inspired by the idea of generating passive income online.

So I read where some of the more successful IM'ers say to pick something your passionate about and market around that. It seems like what I see here more than anything is a passion about Internet Marketing. The launching of WSO's and the engagement on the threads about them seems to make them the best thing since... whatever!

Have any of you ever found a niche or product that you weren't passionate about, only to start marketing it and being successful because it was vague and others hadn't thought of it? Then you came passionate about it after the fact? Because it was making you serious money?

This is my issue. I'm not passionate about much accept the idea of success. Whatever niche I choose will end up being a consequence of that. That leads me to wonder am I setting myself up for failure?

Does this sound practical? Go to say.. ShareAsale, or Amazon with the idea of finding a niche doing some keyword research and then building a site to market it? In the hopes that it does well and I will become passionate about it because I'm finding success there?

Can the Chicken come before the egg and still develop with any meaningful success?

I'm just rambling on a Saturday morning.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #chicken #egg
  • Banned
    Yes, very much so!

    I've never believed much in the "If you start promoting/writing about what you're passionate about, the money will follow" theory, myself. I don't really believe it at all, to be honest. I see that it's better to promote and write about something you're passionate about than something in which you have no interest at all, but only if it's something with an existing market, and everything else should be secondary to that, for me.

    I wouldn't think so.

    (By the way, if you're "passionate about success", that exact subject is available for marketing purposes as a niche of its own, you know? A sub-niche of "self improvement". Just saying.)

    Yes - why not?

    Not so "rambly", maybe. This always has potential for interesting conversations, here, and I'm surprised it isn't raised more often ...
    • [1] reply
    • Don't forget dinosaurs. I'm glad we put that one to bed :p.

      I agree with Alexa about choosing a sub-niche of self improvement if you have no passions.

      Tons of research materials and can be marketed laterally in most other niches.
  • Yes! That's actually a great point. I'm going to contradict myself because I've often told others to get involved with something they're passionate about. Yet in my case, I started a particular type of business purely because I saw something that few people were doing and recognized the potential. In fact, I've done it several times since then.
    I think the 'do what you're passionate about' is good advice for people who want to do something, but don't really know what. But if you spot something which you think has good potential and you have the capacity to learn a new trade, go for it.
  • That's because this is a community of internet marketers passionate about that particular subject so, naturally, it does seem to be the center of our universe.

    Yes, it is possible. I have two niches in particular that do very well and were not chosen because I had a personal interest in the niche. Both were developed because I saw a need first and then, as I learned more about the niches, the passion grew. (Not IM niches, btw.)

    I didn't go into the niche as an expert and I didn't profess to be one. I built a blog about each subject, did a ton of research, figured out what was important to the niche, studied forums, spoke to experts, and - most importantly - practiced what I was writing about. In both cases, I actually got the products that were involved in my niche, wrote about them, showed my own pictures, etc. I didn't just read and regurgitate and I think that made a huge difference.

    Doesn't work every time, though. Both of these niches were things that I might have enjoyed anyway, I just hadn't taken the time to learn more. There are other sites I started in niches I really had no personal interest in and those tanked simply because I got very bored with the niche.

    If you find a niche and you think that it sounds interesting and you think that you'd be able to add value over time, even if it's not something you know a lot about at the moment, then I think there's potential. May take some experimenting to find the right one, though. Good luck!
  • Personally, I think you can be passionate about the product or about the process. Many people promote products they're not passionate about but they love the process of IM.

    If you're going to do your own writing it does help to at least have some interest in the market you're promoting. But it's not a requirement. You can always hire ghostwriters or use a curation method.

    As Alexa said, you need to know there's an existing market for what you're promoting. Your passion for a topic won't help you if no one is willing to spend money on that subject.

  • Although I think it is good advice to market something you have an interest in, as it is generally easier to get to a position where you can create valuable, authoritative content. I also think it is possible to have success in niches you have absolutely no interest in.

    Indeed, I have created many sites in many niches using the techniques described in my WSO and I certainly have absolutely no interest in many of them.

    If you are going for this approach of creating many different sites in many different niches you must find a way to automate the process. Building traffic for them all manually would be pretty depressing when some of your sites will no doubt fail to generate income.

    Basically, Just don't spend too much time on each site. Automate as much of the process as you can, and then keep on creating sites in different niches and you can will find winners.
  • If you passionate with succes it is great. You can start promoting everything earning easy money. Like successful forex trade or even winning lottery. I have passion about finances. In my real life I am investing all my money into real estate and silver, so writing about it satisfy me.
  • There are some people who are investing in agriculture because they think it is profitable and there are some people who make a living from farms just because they are farmers. It may sound a bit lame but I hope you get the perspective. If you are into IM to be an entrepreneur then your primary drive is always going to be inspired from the need to succeed. If you are fond of cats and love to blog about them, then your motivations are purely personal. If you are good at something, you have to be passionate about it. People are passionate about different things for different reasons but that doesn't really validate your efforts
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You don't really have to be passionate about a subject or a niche to make it online.

    People go online to do 3 things:

    1. Make money.

    2. Make money.

    3. Make money.

    One of the best ways to do that is the work at home business niche. Everyone wants to make more money and the internet has laid a HUGE field for anyone to make it BIG.
    • [1] reply
    • It's funny you say that.. When we wrote up our business plan, I didn't want it to be all jumbled up with a bunch of feel good crap with stats and all that. Instead it's a simple hierarchical graphic chart that drops down with various listed phases of a process.

      All of the way at the top is a big yellow box that starts it all out. In that box is simple says " MAKE PASSIVE MONEY ONLINE" I told my partner (brother) that everything after that had to be adjustable because they would be consequences of the top box. That we couldn't be afraid to just change any of the lowers one if we seen a need to do so. But that the top one was and will stay our business plan.
  • I've just created a folder in my fav's bar for "Affiliates". So far I've chucked Amazon, ShareaSale, and Clickbank and Google Ads. Any advice on others to research?

    Also a folder for Wordpress themes tailored for IMer's.

    A folder with Keyword and Niche research tools.

    A folder with company's I can outsource backlink building to, that will do it properly and not get me sand boxed by the big G.

    A flolder for outsourcing resources... You know, graphics, article writing stuff like that.

    And a folder for the best threads here on getting started. I spend a lot of time reading about the failures and success's of you good people that come here and pour it out the way you do. I'll forever be in your debt, and am looking to the day when I can share my experiences, both good and bad, to help other newbies that are freshly arrived.
  • Banned
    I'm not really passionate about most niches I get into. I'm passionate about successful niches that I get into, so sounds like you're on the right track to me.
  • Banned
    From your post i think you are telling about someone who got lucky and got some really great deals
    Yeah its possible. but you have to be really lucky. In my case, i started with Adsense. i created a blog in 2009. without any research. Just for testing. i just did some basic posting and back linking. Then i stopped. After a while i saw that i was at the first page for some of the top keywords. and i checked the analytics. i was really astonished. Today's page view was 1000.
    Then i added Adsense. and believe me or not i am still getting cheques
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • You need the mindset of success. The willingness to keep trying different approaches, and in this case different products in different niches until you succeed. It's a lot of work. That's the real reason people don't make it. They give up before they make money because they get discouraged.
  • I would love to say, yes I try to only market what I'm passionate about, but the truth is most of the things I market I am not passionate about at all, but I see the money making potential in it. One thing I can say though is it's amazing when other people are talking and I almost always am able to carry on a conversation with them on almost any topic because I have dipped into so many different niches and learned so much.

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  • 20

    I lurked here for over a year before joining and doing some limited posting. And have always been inspired by the idea of generating passive income online. So I read where some of the more successful IM'ers say to pick something your passionate about and market around that. It seems like what I see here more than anything is a passion about Internet Marketing. The launching of WSO's and the engagement on the threads about them seems to make them the best thing since... whatever!