Help! wordprs pop up box on home page

2 replies
I need a new popup box that I can add my email capture html code to. I'm using simple pop up box, but it keeps showing up even after I submit the email capture form. Then, it also shows up on every page.

Again, I have the html email capture form fields code. now I need a pop up with more control.

Anyone have a decent popup code they can share? FREE! I need something ASAP, and I'll give you credit if you help me out in my next video blog. I'll mention your name and website.

#box #home #page #pop #wordprs
  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    Are you with aweber or getresponse? They offer a free lightbox popup solution

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  • Profile picture of the author HappyLuke
    I'm with this new wordprs autoresponder plug in.

    In America anyone can go straight to the top. And here's what's exciting- It is the bottom that is crowded, not the top.

    (Excerpt from my Success Manual found at

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