Do You Really think IM Is Luck?

24 replies
Happy Easter Everyone....

Since the recent blog de-index, i have come across several IMers who were making lots of money before the update suddenly began to admit IM is luck.

I just find it hard to believe that this is true, there are lots of people who weren't doing well in the real world who only came up here and did remarkably well within there few months to a year and are still on top till this very time.

Is IM really a bag of luck?

Maybe we need to include this in our sales page so that newbies will know IM is a game of luck like the Casino.:p
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    I must be the unluckiest SOB there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Read between the lines...

    Here's what I'm reading:

    "I found out about a way to exploit a loophole in the system, and I staked everything on it. Not only that, I set myself up as a guru, showing other people my loophole for money. Then the resource I was was exploiting closed the loophole, my 'magic method' no longer works, and the well is dry. I'm too smart for that to be my fault, so anyone still doing well is just lucky."

    Classic sour grapes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Classic sour grapes.
      I'd rather they kept complaining than put in the work to create a real business. If those spammers/scammers knew what the same amount of work could get them with real business strategies they would be some tough competition .
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    • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      I'm too smart for that to be my fault, so anyone still doing well is just lucky."

      Classic sour grapes.

      For JohnMcCabe its luck and when there is no more loophole in the system, i guess you would also run out of luck?
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    • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Read between the lines...

      Here's what I'm reading:

      "I found out about a way to exploit a loophole in the system, and I staked everything on it. Not only that, I set myself up as a guru, showing other people my loophole for money. Then the resource I was was exploiting closed the loophole, my 'magic method' no longer works, and the well is dry. I'm too smart for that to be my fault, so anyone still doing well is just lucky."

      Classic sour grapes.
      Great post I was actually thinking something similar but didn't want to offend anyone.
      Don't believe everything you think
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  • Profile picture of the author Onora Oz
    It's smart planning, careful implementation, putting your offer in front of right people, timing... Just like any business.

    Good luck will happen when you:
    1 - Spread the risk (meaning, do not put all your eggs in one basket),
    2 - Focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Of course it is NOT luck, it is based on working smart, knowing what you are doing and consistently taking action.

    Lets look closely at what IM really is for a new perspective.

    From a marketing perspective the Internet is basically an advertising medium.

    The greatest advertising medium of all time I might add. Internet Marketing is using this advertising medium to successfully market. This provides unlimited options and possibilities. Most people fail at IM because they don't have a business to use IM to market.

    Make sense? If you have a business to market, IM provides more opportunities to succeed than any other platform because as I'm sure you know you have zero geographical limitations, absolutely minimal running costs, access to countless potential customers 24/7 everything is staked in your favour provided you know how to market and have a marketable business.

    Once I realized this I started to change everything and results came quickly.

    If someone has a business that is reliant on google too heavily (or any external) that has elements that are beyond their control and I guess you could call that "luck".

    Hope this helps
    Don't believe everything you think
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Yeah. It's luck. Luck comes to people who see the future and make appropriate adjustments well in advance of having their asses handed to them.

    Failure comes to those who insist on working business models that are either outdated or very close to being outdated, yet they keep pounding away at something because the rest of the herd is.

    Anyone know where I can get a 10,000 unit scraped backlink package for $5?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jit Lim
    Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

    Happy Easter Everyone....

    Since the recent blog de-index, i have come across several IMers who were making lots of money before the update suddenly began to admit IM is luck.

    I just find it hard to believe that this is true, there are lots of people who weren't doing well in the real world who only came up here and did remarkably well within there few months to a year and are still on top till this very time.

    Is IM really a bag of luck?

    Maybe we need to include this in our sales page so that newbies will know IM is a game of luck like the Casino.:p
    I believe IM as with anything has an element of luck in there, basically being there at the right place and time. I have read success stories where they had a good friend or relative who was successful and was able to mentor them to success as well. Or met at a social function or on an online forum and found out they were two blocks away from each other. However a lot of it comes down to your personal drive and mindset.
    "Take Inspired Action!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    I don't really believe in "luck". Whenever I hear someone utters the word "luck" it is used
    by people to describe someone achieving something that they themselves couldn't achieve.

    Usually, they use it consciously in order not to look bad, but after some time of constant
    usage, they even start to believe in it and start using it unconsciously, for every
    possible situation. I'm sure everybody knows someone like that from their circles.

    It's so much easier to blame it on "luck" or "unluck" for your incompetence, than to admit and
    accept that you are not perfect and that someone is better than you. Alas, if you do that you
    don't do yourself any favors, since unless you admit and accept that, you can't improve one bit.
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    • Profile picture of the author s1ngular1ty
      The way I see it there are two kinds of Internet Marketers. Those who search around blackhat forums looking for the next great exploit, scam or loophole to make them fast cash before anyone else finds it.

      For those people I do think luck is a significant factor. If they stumble upon a great new idea they can do very well indeed. I guess they are like gold prospectors in way, panning at the stream everyday making a few dollars here and there, praying for the day they hit the motherload.

      Then there are those who are trying to build a business by providing a service or products that people actually want. For those people luck isn't much of a factor. Its all down to talent and hard work, like any other enterprise.
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  • Profile picture of the author calvinyumi
    In my opinion, IM is just offline or general business alike, they are similar, and exactly the 'same' with a very little bit difference.
    What's the similarity?
    In order to grab your shiny achievement in both of them, you will need to act, action is the most important thing. But we all know that we need to make it easily, not work hardly, but work smart.


    I am just an ordinary one, yet surrounded by extraordinary ones.

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  • Profile picture of the author MidlandsMarketer
    Since it's Masters weekend, I'll quote Arnold Palmer (I believe) who said that 'the more I practice, the luckier I get'.

    This is something that is true in any business, no less so than in IM. If you put effort in to ensuring that you have traffic coming from multiple and diverse sources, you'll be a lot luckier when it comes to the effects of a Google penalty. Sure, if the recent de-indexation has hurt you and Google traffic was your only significant source of traffic then you'll be feeling pretty unlucky.
    On the other hand, if your site has been penalized but has streams of visitors coming from other sources would you consider it 'lucky' that you have other options to fall back on?
    No- it's simply a case of building a business that is not reliant on a single factor, or to use the oft repeated phrase 'don't put all of your eggs in one basket'.

    Currently working on something awesome!

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    • Profile picture of the author marknel
      Of course you need luck..its just you need to manufacture it!
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    • Profile picture of the author David Crossland
      IM is one of the best businesses in the world to be in.

      You need very little experience, very little capital (if any), no property (shop or office), no staff, no bad debts, can work from anywhere in the world, can trade with people all over the world (not restricted to the folks in your hometown that might be feeling the pinch right now) and if a product fails then it needn't bring the house down.

      You just move on, don't you? Or, if you prefer, you can feel sorry for yourself and blame bad luck. Giving this as a reason why you haven't moved on to the next product or niche which might turn out to be a huge success for you.

      Life is a load of stepping stones and doors. Going from one to the next, never knowing until you open the next door what might be awaiting you on the other side.

      From my experience even some of my failures have later been of use because life changes. Markets change. Systems change and technology changes.

      The important thing is not to forget the lessons you learn from these set backs. In the future you may hear a little bell ringing in your ear which is trying to say to you that the idea that failed some time before may now fit in with what you are now seeing before you. And with your experience of "failure" you might be better able to take advantage of an opportunity than the next person.

      It might just click in to place. An old idea might now work when it didn't before.

      So, are you one of those people who says "The glass is half empty"? Or are you someone who says "The glass is half full"?

      You can decide. You can change. Failure and negativism does not have to control your life and your level of success. You can take control.

      Just remember, without the lows you would never appreciate the highs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Blaine Smitley
    This is no different than real world business's.

    Unlike solid planning, luck is more often than not a temporary illusion of success. Sure there are exceptions like winning the lottery. That's luck.

    I knew a painter in our local area that was small potatoes. Then his sister up and married a major builder in the area and he got tons of work painting new homes during the real estate boom, and expanded his entire business 10 fold to accommodate his new brother in laws projects.

    Made enough to get into a new house, bought 5 new work vans. Hired about 20 painters and all was well for a couple years. And all due to luck.

    Then the real estate bubble burst, and he lost it all. Ruined his credit. And now he works for one of my brothers painting companies for $15.00 per hour.

    Was he unlucky? Yeah he was. Luck more often than not is a 2 edged sword. And is nothing to be trying to build a business or future on.

    Luck is a fleeting mistress.
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  • Profile picture of the author jadon johnson
    Well I think its more to do with working smart and treating it like a real business not much "luck" needed
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    IM isn't look. I personally think that the majority of people who were delisted were probablt overly reling on one specific SEO or IM approach. The fact is that you need a broad range. It's just like owning a stock share portfolio, if you put all your investments into one company and that company performs poorly then you lose. But if you spread the risk then you benefit. You need to blog, forum post, submit high quality articles, guest post. Keep it varied and you spread the risk and build links.
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  • Profile picture of the author BCRed
    You make your own luck. There may be a small degree of it in whether a particular project is successful, especially on your first few. But if you learn from your mistakes and use it to educate future decisions, eventually you will succeed. Anyone expecting to bat 100% with sites built in a week is completely out to lunch I'm afraid.
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  • Profile picture of the author saladflorida
    its not just luck, it also hard work and strategy.
    but if you put it that way, i will consider my self lucky, well at the moment
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

    Is IM really a bag of luck?
    Never, they all depend on dedication and effort.

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  • Profile picture of the author marcelomusza
    Mmm no, no luck at all.
    At least from my own experience, luck is only determined by your actions taken in the business. And to take action in your business you have to study and understand what you are doing...
    I am not a big fan of Luck, I think we all forge our own luck with our own actions.
    Internet Marketing Resources for Online Entrepreneurs
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    It's 95% skills, 5% luck..

    Yes luck do play a part. And I believe we can all change our luck. We can turn bad luck into good luck, failure into winner. Likewise we can also turn good luck into bad, and winner into failure.

    For instance, you strike the lotto and make an instant $1m.. many people would say you're lucky, but research has done a survey that 70% of the people who became instant millionaire WISH they didn't (or at least they wish they have a second chance).

    Why? Because once people have money what do they do? They will buy lots of doodads, they will quit they jobs, they will get cocky, arrogant, "show-off", they will have lots of hot chicks etc (the lists goes on) <-- this is an over-simplified example of turning good luck into bad.

    Our goal in life is to turn bad luck into good luck (or good luck into even better luck). We can have countless of failures, rejections, disappointments etc nevertheless, if we can turn these "bad lucks" into good like learning from our mistakes, move on in life etc.. then slowly but surely, we will all grow stronger, faster, smarter.. this is another over-simplified example of us turning bad luck into good.

    I hope this help,

    P.S. Make it a habit to improve at least a little each day (regardless of how bad your day is).. You will see magic and miracle (talking about luck).. you make your own luck
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