How Much $$ Is Enough?

21 replies
So I'm wondering, how much money is enough for you?

I mean I don't want figures or anything but what are you heading for and if you get there are you going to stop and retire or carry on trying to make money online.

For instance when I first started to make money online one of my first thoughts was great I can save up and finally buy the car of my dreams...

Well then when you actually get that car you then see a better one that you want so you work even harder...

When you get the dream house you see a better one so again you work harder.

My point is when I first started making money online I had tunnel vision, nothing else mattered apart from making more money and buying more things...

But as life goes on it seems that you sometimes need to step back and appreciate what you already have instead of always striving for the next best thing.

I'm not saying that I would ever stop marketing online I'm just saying that IM eats away at your life if you let it.

It can consume every second of your day even when you are just thinking about that next tweak to your site or your next marketing strategy.

I think having kids has made me appreciate what I actually have in the moment rather than constantly striving for more material things.

So what are you working towards and if you get there are you going to stop or carry on for the next best thing?
  • Profile picture of the author s1ngular1ty
    I just figure that Internet Marketing is my profession and I have a bad case of the protestant work ethic. So as long as I have my health I'll carry on working, and for as long as Internet Marketing remains my profession I'll keep on at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Ahh very wise words.

    I walked away from my IM business 3 years ago because it was interfering with my family life and my health, I'm back now but with a totally different viewpoint.

    I have my priorities much more in order now


    Originally Posted by philhunter View Post

    I'm not saying that I would ever stop marketing online I'm just saying that IM eats away at your life if you let it.

    It can consume every second of your day even when you are just thinking about that next tweak to your site or your next marketing strategy.

    I think having kids has made me appreciate what I actually in the moment rather than constantly striving for more material things.

    So what are you working towards and if you get there are you going to stop or carry on for the next best thing?
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    No enough, limit is maximum I can earn.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marsala
    For me, as long as my health permits me to work, I'll work. To me, it's not really about a specific amount of money or the nest best thing. Sure I want stuff, just like anyone else. But the most important thing to me is to enjoy life. Live to be happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    $15,000 a month... i reach this i'm bouncin to beverly hills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    I believe you should work as long as you can.

    The current concept of retiring is very flawed and has to be changed.

    Work now - enjoy later. The only problem is that now is incredibly long and later is incredibly short,
    and it may never come.

    Create a good balance of work, rest, fun, family and everything else.

    Do it now and don't wait for some point in the future to start doing something, it will never come.
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    • Profile picture of the author Scrambler
      I think it is important to stay gainfully active no matter what your age. For us that will be IM. We look at what we are doing now in IM as laying the groundwork for our "retirement" career.

      Every person is different. For some paying the bills is enough. For others it's having enough to support themselves, their children, and give their grand kids a big leg up in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author gonzotrucker
    Enough to quit my day job, and work full time online.
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  • Profile picture of the author dayus444
    IMO opinion, i think the best thing about I.M is the fact that there is no limit to how much you can actually make
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  • Profile picture of the author Shimon
    Hi, for me enough to live a comfortable lifestyle and helping out my family and friends and of course giving money to charity.

    This is what I work for. nothing more nothing less. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author ivan84m
    For experience, I can tell you that it's best to have a job even if it's time-consuming or tedious than not to have it, because a lack of money will create even more problems.

    Need a logo for your business?
    Click here =>

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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      It's a few thousand for me.

      After that I'll be working to reduce my time spent working, of course I'll have a 2 year nest egg in case I have to start again.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    I'm not a pig or anything,but, life is so uncertain that unless I am at the highest level there is never enough. I have now lived long enough to see numbers that seemed like enough to ride off in the sunset get toppled down to near poverty level in just 5,10,20 years time.

    Once rich and secure now has beens...

    I look at where the world is headed and it seems to me that you need more money than ever for; fun, plan b, and, plan c just to have a life. I am not going to go deeper than that, but, you got to be on your P's & Q's if you plan to outlast your cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Originally Posted by philhunter View Post

    So I'm wondering, how much money is enough for you?

    I mean I don't want figures or anything but what are you heading for and if you get there are you going to stop and retire or carry on trying to make money online.

    For instance when I first started to make money online one of my first thoughts was great I can save up and finally buy the car of my dreams...

    Well then when you actually get that car you then see a better one that you want so you work even harder...

    When you get the dream house you see a better one so again you work harder.

    My point is when I first started making money online I had tunnel vision, nothing else mattered apart from making more money and buying more things...

    But as life goes on it seems that you sometimes need to step back and appreciate what you already have instead of always striving for the next best thing.

    I'm not saying that I would ever stop marketing online I'm just saying that IM eats away at your life if you let it.

    It can consume every second of your day even when you are just thinking about that next tweak to your site or your next marketing strategy.

    I think having kids has made me appreciate what I actually have in the moment rather than constantly striving for more material things.

    So what are you working towards and if you get there are you going to stop or carry on for the next best thing?
    This is a great post, I know exactly what you're talking about.

    For this very reason I usually work for 3 months, then practically stop for 3 months. However I find it impossible to switch off completely, not that I'm complaining... I enjoy spending those few months thinking about new ideas before testing them out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Mills
    I think if you can earn enough to live a comfortable lifestyle, that would be great. Then if you are successful and can make more, it would be nice to then help other people. The trick seems to getting to the first stage.
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  • Profile picture of the author NoviIM
    It all depends on what type of lifestyle you want to live. If you want to keep renting a 1 bedroom apartment for $500 a month for the rest of your life and eat frozen dinners, then you dont need that much.
    But, if you want to have 3 bedroom Condo on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and eat Le Bernardin every night.. then it's a whole other ball game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sushiman1111
    $100K/year is the current goal. I have an offline business that pays the bills quite well, but 100K in the form of passive income will be enough for me to untether and do the traveling that I've been itching to do. Of course, I live outside the USA and that money goes a lot further in most countries than it does in the States.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahmedb
    for me i think 10 000$
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  • Profile picture of the author kayebee
    I don't think there's ever a limit to where I can say the money I have is enough. I would love to save as much as possible because emergency situations can always happen and can render you penniless. I've been there... I would like to get to a point where I'm working less hours in the day.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I don't think that I have any set monetary goal in mind. Whenever I hit a short term goal, I always set a new one. I get what you are saying in terms of not letting IM consume you though. In that regard, I am just taking things as they go and am fully prepared to let relationships, children, a post college job, and other important matters take precedence when need be.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    enough to pay my mortgage without affecting my day job salary.
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