I forgot to renew a site making me $100 a month!! :(

19 replies
Like a idiot I forgot to renew a amazon site making me $100 a month on average. My only amazon site making me money yet I renewed all of my "duds." Some how I forgot about this one. Now someone took it. Is there anything I can do to get it back or is it gone for good?

Now my online income is cut in half. How sad Im so upset I forgot to renew this. But im working on a new big site that should make me a lot of money. $100-200 per day to be exact
#$100 #forgot #making #month #renew #site
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    Originally Posted by coreytucker View Post

    Like a idiot I forgot to renew a amazon site making me $100 a month on average. My only amazon site making me money yet I renewed all of my "duds." Some how I forgot about this one. Now someone took it. Is there anything I can do to get it back or is it gone for good?
    If it's been less than 30 days you should be able to get it back. I did that once and it was about 3 days after it expired and I just used my registrar and they had a link in there for me to get it back.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    If someone else took it, it's probably gone for good. Who did you register it with?

    One of the reasons that I LOVE Namecheap is that I've forgotten to renew domains in the past, and come back over a month later to renew them with no problem, no loss of content, etc.

    Godaddy, on the other hand, will pounce on your un-renewed domain and try to sell it to the top bidder.

    Namecheap good, Godaddy bad.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Originally Posted by 1960Texan View Post

      If someone else took it, it's probably gone for good. Who did you register it with?

      One of the reasons that I LOVE Namecheap is that I've forgotten to renew domains in the past, and come back over a month later to renew them with no problem, no loss of content, etc.

      Godaddy, on the other hand, will pounce on your un-renewed domain and try to sell it to the top bidder.

      Namecheap good, Godaddy bad.

      Nonsense... GoDaddy is relentless about sending reminders
      starting months from your expiration date. If you fail to renew
      a GoDaddy domain name you have no one but yourself to blame.
      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6010670].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by 1960Texan View Post

      If someone else took it, it's probably gone for good. Who did you register it with?

      One of the reasons that I LOVE Namecheap is that I've forgotten to renew domains in the past, and come back over a month later to renew them with no problem, no loss of content, etc.

      Godaddy, on the other hand, will pounce on your un-renewed domain and try to sell it to the top bidder.

      Namecheap good, Godaddy bad.

      What a crock of BS. If you're going to post, at least give the truth a try. Godaddy's answer is in this thread.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6016730].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        What a crock of BS. If you're going to post, at least give the truth a try. Godaddy's answer is in this thread.
        Calm down your gonna burst a blood vessel or even worse drop your stogie...
        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

        ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    but under whois it says someone else has it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    I registered it with namecheap I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    Im not sure when it expired. Im trying to figure out who I registered the domain with.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    I still had traffic to the site according to statcounter on sunday. So it expired sunday. Geez no freaking grace period? That's bs....
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    Yea so it expired this morning or last night. wow and it's already gone?
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  • Profile picture of the author zaco
    it cannot be gone, you have 42 days to claim it, contact your host and they might charge you 80-250$ to get it back
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    on my statcounter site I still had traffic sunday. Maybe he didnt take down my site yet? I have no idea where I registered the domain. Im looking but I cant tell. Im gonna callgodaddy. This is part of my problem I know.
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  • Profile picture of the author texas319
    Yea a call to godaddy should be the first step. If you had a popular/high traffic domain someone has been watching it
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    • Profile picture of the author Marian
      There's an option to re-activate the domain at NameCheap.com

      I too have domains that are expired for a few days.. but if I decide, I still get them renewed even in 2 weeks time - no problem. (and without any additional costs)

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  • Profile picture of the author Go Daddy

    If the WHOIS details show a different registrant, it's probably too late to get it back (barring an agreement with the new registrant to buy it back).

    I'm concerned that there's some confusion about the expiration date, though. If you're looking at WHOIS, you can see the definitive expiration date. Don't use your stats to figure that out because it's possible the domain moved to a new registrant without changing the nameservers. Also, note that most registrars do provide a grace period. At Go Daddy, at least for gTLD's, the domain doesn't leave your account until it's been expired for 42 days. After that, you may or may not be able to redeem the domain name for an additional period (usually 30 days) - that depends on whether or not the domain was purchased at auction prior to day 43.

    In other words, at Go Daddy (for gTLD's), you definitely have 42 days to recover a domain after it expires, and you may have 72 days. However, if the registrant shows someone else, that time has likely passed.
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  • Profile picture of the author nrmillions
    what was the domain?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
    I put ALL of my money domains on autorenew. No remember'en no forget'en.

    And... I have my PayPal account backing up my card on file.

    I still get e-mail notices from my domain registrar but they automatically renew.

    I think William of Occam and Tim Ferriss would approve.

    Joe Mobley

    Originally Posted by coreytucker View Post

    Like a idiot I forgot to renew a amazon site making me $100 a month on average. My only amazon site making me money yet I renewed all of my "duds." Some how I forgot about this one. Now someone took it. Is there anything I can do to get it back or is it gone for good?

    Now my online income is cut in half. How sad Im so upset I forgot to renew this. But im working on a new big site that should make me a lot of money. $100-200 per day to be exact


    Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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