Need Help with a Video Creation Issue

4 replies
Hi there, I'm creating videos using PowerPoint and Camtasia Studio. I've tried everything to get my final .mp4 file to fit the dang YouTube window but to now avail - except for the one time it did when I produced it as an HD 1280x720, it looked like crap...all stretched out.

I've even tried resizing my browser window.

Anyone know how to get this to work?

Thanks in advance for your help!
#creation #issue #video
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    Some good info here:

    Creating Videos

    Look at post #2

    Originally Posted by Josh Anderson View Post

    640x480 - one of the best dimensions to use for capture as it is easy to work with in post and is a standard ratio.

    480x360 - Never capture smaller or bigger than this if you are going to put it on youtbe. This is key for youtube. Its also a great dimension for small file size and compact use on websites while delivering view of a fair amount of content. This works especially well when you have autopan on if you need to show more areas of a site.

    If I capture larger areas I often use modals (light box) to place video in compact area and display it in a more professional way.

    11. Set in camstudio to save the output as avi. Always save your output as avi whether you are using camtasia or camstudio.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

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    • Profile picture of the author Gail_Curran
      Youtube has a 16:9 aspect ratio. If you're using Powerpoint slides, go to Design -> Page Setup - > Slides sized for 16:9. This will create slides that are wider than the PP default.

      When using the Camtasia recorder, select one of the "widescreen" areas for the recording window.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dreamer333
        Dan, thanks so much! I'll try those out.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dreamer333
          Gail, OMG! You rock. Thanks so much. I hadn't thought of that before. Before I go changing all my slides, should I use landscape or portrait or does it matter?
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