Best Converting Theme

2 replies
Hello all, what in your opinion is the best converting theme ! free or paid
#converting #theme
  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    The best theme is the one that has the most UNIQUE, well-written content within it, backed up by top-notch SEO efforts and and quality backlinking structure.

    Kinda see my "theme" there? Start with the Twenty Eleven theme in WP, modify it to suit your needs, and go from there. The fancier the page, the greater the distraction; the simpler the page, the more likely the visitor is to click on your AdSense.

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author damongreene
    That question is way too subjective. The only way to determine is to test it in your market. One theme may convert like gangbusters in one market and totally flop in another. You must know your market to even begin to determine what "may" be the best converting but the only way to truly know is to test it.
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