Getting really annoyed at a new trend in WSOs (lack of price up front)
Inevitably, I've found that the price is extremely over-inflated, which is why they probably did that to begin with, but to be honest, even if it was a fair price, I might click to see what it is because I'm curious, but I wouldn't buy from such people just on principle.
And yes, I know that Amazon and some other online stores use a similar tactic on occasion. However, they first of all admit that they are withholding the price and they also do it only when they have specials going on which are real door buster deals, the exact opposite of the lame, over-hyped, overpriced products that these WSO sellers are offering. Not to mention that when Amazon does it, they at least quote the retail price.
I have a sneaking suspicion that these people are losing sales because others are just as turned off by this, but I'm wondering what other people think -- is this something which you find to be a turn off as well or do you not mind it?
LarryC -
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Bill Farnham -
[ 7 ] Thanks
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