Review My Blog Please

10 replies
I'm looking for a couple people to review a niche blog I launched a few months ago.

Please PM me if you are interested.

I am looking for people who are experienced in running large content blogs with affiliate marketing (as opposed to say adsense, product creation, amazon, etc).
#blog #review
  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    I guess it is a niche that there isn't too much risk in others trying to jump in because it requires a lot of knowledge...


    BoxingTrainingFitness DOT com

    Have at it. Be brutal, vicious, tell me what you think.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I think it looks hot. I like the piece with Mayweather and Pacquiao.

    QUESTION: Is the "Learn How to Box in 10 DAYS" course the only thing that you're promoting on your site?
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Momentarily it is. Even my mailing list is only a week old.

      There will later be a boxing conditioning product, as well as a muscle product promoted.

      And amazon will be used to promote "top lists" of equipment/gear.

      All of that will eventually be integrated into the mailing list heavily
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  • Profile picture of the author MaggieDavid
    Like the site, looks great -

    Question, you said that Amazon will be used to promote "Top Lists" of equipment/gear, have you tried other affiliate sites, i.e. Share-A-Sale, etc to see if they have merchants with the excellent, equipment, but that give you a higher Commission. Well worth a look.

    It is easy to join share-a-sale etc. and just might give you that extra commission. Do not leave any monies on the table.

    To Your Success
    6StarMedia - Website Design, Business/Corporate Design, SEO, Copyrighting and Website Management Services Plus much more

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  • Profile picture of the author Praveen Kumar
    Nice site with absolutely HIGH Converting offer , i like it.
    Are you outsourced these content on you site and how much did you paid for it?
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      I have written all content myself.

      I plan on outsourcing some article marketing, but will continue to write all blog posts myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by Praveen Kumar View Post

      Nice site with absolutely HIGH Converting offer , i like it.
      It's less high converting than I'd like.

      The optin forms have been up for about a week, and I'm converting about 4% of visitors to optins.

      Going to play with the form at the bottom of posts and experiment with exit popups (I have popup domination)
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  • Profile picture of the author Premier Plugins
    I honestly can't find a single thing about the site I don't like.

    Having said that, time for questions lol.

    Which email opt-in form solution are you using for your blog?

    Which plugin is making your 'related posts' at the footer of your articles. The one's labeled "Other Posts You Might Like:"?

    Thanks! Great site.
    Serious Plugins for Serious Businesses
    Premier Plugins | Premium Wordpress Plugins
    Sell Your Plugin Products on our Site!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6095686].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
      Originally Posted by Premier Plugins View Post

      Which email opt-in form solution are you using for your blog?
      Grabbed some code and graphic templates from here
      7 Custom Aweber Email Signup Forms
      And redid the graphics myself

      Which plugin is making your 'related posts' at the footer of your articles. The one's labeled "Other Posts You Might Like:"?
      Its YARPP, which now supports "Custom templates." You can google and find lots of tutorial on how to convert it to something such as I have. It helps them I'm using woothemes which has a really convenient image resizer.
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  • Profile picture of the author eguinan
    WOW! I LOVE the look and feel of your blog!
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