Bookmarking explained - Like I am an 8 year old!

7 replies
Can somebody explain to me what the heck Bookmarking is all about, and how do I get traffic from using it?
#bookmarking #explained #year
  • Profile picture of the author bizcorp
    If your not SB to get traffic then you should. There are 2 main types of social bookmarking sites. Voting and non-voting.

    Non Voting
    When you find a site or page on the internet you like you can "bookmark it" meaning you can add it to your list of favorites or places that you may want to visit again. These bookmarks can then be viewed by the public. You essentially create a link to your site by bookmarking your site which in turn will help you rank higher on search engines = more traffic. Stews included - Delicious, Mister Wong and lots more. Remember dofollow is your friend

    These are sites like digg which allow you to submit pages from a site that you want to share with other people. People then 'vote' on the quality of the site that you have bookmarked. The more votes you get, the more traffic you get to your site.

    Overall, SB is very powerful - you can links and traffic very easily if done right.
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  • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
    Originally Posted by Marty S View Post

    Can somebody explain to me what the heck Bookmarking is all about, and how do I get traffic from using it?
    This will help tremendously:

    - Kristine
    Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    Book marking- a service that marks pages and optionally displays it to other users..

    This service evolved from your browser. Example is your favorites option in internet explorer.


    You can access sites you bookmarked anywhere. All you have to do is to go to the bookmarking site ex. DIGG and whala all of your bookmarks are there. Even if you left you notebook or pc at home.

    It can drive traffic to your site. If you bookmark the pages in your site, allow other people to see your bookmarks and the topic also interests them.

    It can give your site a better search engine result placement (sometimes, you can even get to the first page), since technically the bookmarks you create will serve as a link to your site. If the bookmark site you used has a high page rank, google will consider that your site is quite valuable for having an inbound link from a high PR site.

    Bookmarking is good, although you should not overdo it. You don't want your site to go from Zero to Hero in just a matter of a few days. I did it once and regretted it..
    A better thing is to go slowly, taking your time between creating quality articles and improving traffic..


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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Originally Posted by d0rhk View Post

    If used properly, Stumble Upon will bring you the most valuable, targeted traffic. This is just my opinion though...
    I don't agree to it.
    Stumble Upon will definitely bring in traffic, but 80% and above is non-targeted traffic
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