How to create product for Health Training Niche

5 replies
Hi all - I have 2 questions that I was hoping some experienced warriors could give me a hand with.

Backstory - I have a site that is dedicated to providing training to a specific career in the health industry. This career requires a certification so we also talk about formal schooling and certification requirements. The training I provide is somewhat supplementary and not certified / accredited.

I recently set up a list and am getting an opt in about every other day which tells me I need to start working this list.

I think I need to add a freebie PDF for the list but I have no idea what to offer. Anyone else ever create products in the job training / career training niche? I am thinking about an interview guide as one idea but that is about all I have.

Secondarily, if you had a list of people who either are students in a medical field or want to become students/practitioners in this field - what would you market to the email list in general?

Please, if you have a good idea, help me out!

(and thanks in advance!
#create #health #niche #product #training
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Why not create a short report on how they can do better on their certification exams?

    Or as you said, something to help them land a job in health career fields
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    A report on how to do well on the certification exam would be a good idea. Content about this subject might be a little difficult to find though.

    As for what to market to the list...

    It's pretty vague as to what your subscribers want (you should know more about them) but I think it's always a good idea to drip content out to the list and then ask for feedback. Ask them what they want or need or if they have any questions that you could try and help them with. This will give you a better idea as to what they might be looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author BocaKenK
    I'd use a PLR product on based on how to get a job in the health industry. Create PowerPoint slides and narrate it into Camtasia.

    I'm finding more people are willing to opt-in for a video series vs a book. (People are lazy, and don't like to read.)

    The perceived value of videos is a lot higher.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    That field is a large one - why not give them stats on which types of jobs are expected to expand over the next decade and which will decrease or go away, what types of skills and education employers in those areas are looking for, and what schools offer the types of classes that are most likely to land them the jobs?

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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