Turtleknife reaches one million views on YouTube!

12 replies
At some point today, my videos on YouTube will surpass one million views. I think it's been nearly 3 years since I started placing videos on YouTube, and although I really didn't know much about what I was doing when I started, I did persevere and have made video marketing an integral part of my website business.

Although I am proud of the massive number of views, I am posting this as a source of proof to any one new to the business that a video content and marketing strategy, IMHO has significant advantages because:

1 - Videos entertain as much as they do educate. You can have the exact same valuable written content in an article, but displayed by PowerPoint on video adds immeasurable entertainment value - even with poor production!

2 - With video, you are bearing much more of yourself and your vulnerability, to the point where viewers tend to give you more acceptance, and credibility and can more easily justify you as a market leader, rather than just having your name at the end of an article.

3 - Videos are more viral than articles, and by using a watermark and intro/exit you will always get credit for the production of that content, no matter where it is posted on the internet.

If I was just starting out is what I would do after you have chosen a niche for yourself:

Write or buy a free 7 day email course and convert each lesson to video articles, where in each email you are promoting an affiliate product.

Write or buy 25 to 50 articles. Rewrite 2 versions of them so that you have 75 to 150 articles. One version will be a script for the video, another version you can send to article sites with keyword link-back strategies, and the third version will be for your own website content.

Get Camtasia and PowerPoint. Create four or five simple displays in PowerPoint using text and graphics. Then record over these (changing) displays using Camtasia, while reciting an article. Have your domain address as a transparent overlay throughout the video. Post the video on YouTube with accompanying key words as titles, and URLs in the information sections. Try to do 2 or 3 of these a week, each covering a simple, but valuable concept. (ie - giving something away).

Set up a Wordpress or Joomla blog and start scheduling regular content additions, including an RSS feed to your website, but make sure there is a prominent sign-up option on each page of the website.

Set up another blog at blogger.com with complementary keywords linking back to your site and others . Add free e-zine content to this site on a regular basis. Add your own YouTube videos to this site as well, while adding a paragraph of new content to each video page.

Focus on 2 or 3 main keywords, and 10 to 12 LSI key words. When you achieve first page status, pick some of those LSI keywords or more competitive keywords related to your first website, and wash, rinse, repeat.

I have gotten lots of help in this forum already, so anyone who needs advice on video marketing can PM me or reply here and I will help as much as I can.
#million #reaches #turtleknife #views #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Marty S
    It took me 2 1/2 years to reach this so now I am thinking 2,000,000 by the end of the year. To do this I will:

    1 -Add 40 more videos this year.

    2 -Have at about 10 of them "viral" using humor or controversy

    3 -Send about another 10 out in email campaigns.

    Anyone have any other suggestions? What have you done for your vey best and most popular videos?
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    • Profile picture of the author JackKnight555
      Uhhh... that is a remarkable amount of exposure! Does anyone else have any such sccess with yutb? I would like to learn more about this.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomcam
      Congratulations on the million views, Marty! Your post is the skeleton of an info product (in fact, I'd like to interview you for one I'm working on, if you're up to it). I have a few minor additions to your post.
      • Not only should you start the YouTube description with a clickable URL as Marty did, it's very helpful to lodge an entire keyword-rich article in there. Some people just copy an ezinearticles.com article, attribution and all.
      • Intro and outro music can be used as branding. You can slap it together Lego-style with GarageBand even if you don't know a lick about music.
      • Start the video introducing yourself with social proof of why you should deliver the video and giving a one-sentence description that explains what problem it will solve for the viewer. In other words, it's the videos USP.
      • Watermark the video with your URL on the lower left, since YouTube occupies the lower right with their watermark.
      • Add commentary (those little conversational bubbles) to the video at particularly important times.
      • Use a good microphone. Marty, yours sounds great. What is it?
      • If it's a Camtasia video, redirect to your website at the end.
      • If your site has visual branding (presumably a logo, but it might be your mugshot) begin and end the video with that branding.
      • Finish by telling the user why this video was important. (Your intro told them why it would be a good use of their time.)
      This is all Marketing 101 in the offline world but even many top internet marketers miss some or all of these free branding and traffic opportunities.
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      • Profile picture of the author JackKnight555
        The LSI thing.... remind me? I have two decent blogs right now but am thinkg of branching off.
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        • Profile picture of the author Marty S
          Originally Posted by JackKnight555 View Post

          The LSI thing.... remind me? I have two decent blogs right now but am thinkg of branching off.
          Yeah I learned about that from TS2. Someone else may be able to do a better job of explaining it, but they are related keywords to your main keywords that Google deems relevant to your content. So if my key word is Poker, then an LSI key word might be omaha or stud.

          Tomacam, yes interested in helping. Buzz me.

          Also, I went through two headsets (cheap Irish blood) trying to save money, before I just splurged on some logitech headset that you could easily navigate a plane to the tarmac with. Moral: Buy the best one you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
    Which video has reached 1 million views? Are you the guy that shows how to play poker? If you are, I think your video about how to play pocket jacks is hilarious. These days that it's happened so many times, it is not funny
    Make money from writing, find out how now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rohit Shah
    A great milestone achieved.
    Will try these tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    Marty S,

    So from these one million views, how much money was made if I might ask? There is so much work involved, I am curious as to your ROI. If you don't want to share, I'll understand.

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