Why 72.3% of us are Doomed to Failure...According to F. Kern, J. Reese and T. Robbins

So John Reese mentions to Frank that he had come across a statistic that 72.3% of marketers are doomed to failure. That we will never make consistent, good money and build a successful business. The reason why? They weren't sure but it was loosely because they don't Take Action and Follow Through on a task until its completed...
They call in on Tony Robbins and the rest of the video is them chatting back and forth about why such a majority of people fail to succeed. What they were saying really struck home with me...
People spend their time and their money chasing a dream - a dream which for most of them will never become a reality. They buy these expensive courses and 48hrs later find themselves back online looking for the Next Big Thing that will show them how to make money online.
Robbins explains that there are 4 pieces to the puzzle and most people are missing at least one piece which will hold them back from realizing their true potential and achieving all their goals.
From what I can remember the 4 pieces were :
Potential --> Taking Action --> Results --> Certainty
Every one of us has the Potential to build a successful online business in whatever market we choose to target. We all started from scratch, even the Guru's were once stood where many of us are now. They weren't born successful marketers - they learned their trade and became successful at it. So we all have the Potential but what's holding us back???
Well the next step is where some people get caught out - they fail to Take Action! Whether you save your cash and buy a Big Ticket coaching program or a $7 WSO - why aren't you seeing any progress? They can't all be wrong so you must look a little closer to home. One big obstacle is that you didn't truly Take Action and Implement everything in the program exactly as specified.
Maybe you took some shortcuts or left something out but the fact remains - you can't have fully Taken Action and Followed Through completely if you are back online 48hrs later, credit card in hand looking for your next fix...the Next Big Thing that will solve all your problems and put you on the right track to success..
Okay so that's the first 2 pieces - Potential & Taking Action
The third is Results. You have the Potential, you've Taken Action and now you want to see some Results for your efforts. You want to see some money in your Paypal account or some Sign-Ups to your List. This is where many people get lost. Results don't always come as nice n' easy as we would like. You may not see anything in the first few weeks but you have to persevere.
You must believe in the system that you are following and not get distracted. Often people don't see Immediate Results and feel pretty down, like they've been wasting their time and there's no hope for them. This is when they hit the Wall....now, do they continue on and believe in the system which they are following or do they bail out and run back to the Next Big Thing system that will start pumping cash into their pockets once they purchase it...
Most people cut their losses (or so they think:rolleyes

And this leads onto the last step - Certainty. What do I mean by Certainty? Well this is where the process becomes a self-fulfilling-prophecy. You either stick with the system, implement it fully and start to see results or you go back to your old ways and repeat the Dreaded Cycle.
If you see Results this will Reaffirm what you are trying to achieve is true and gives your situations Clarity & Certainty. You will now believe in yourself more than ever and you'll be Certain that the path your walking down will bring you the success that you Crave. This leads you back into the cycle again....Potential --> Taking Action --> Results --> Certainty
You now believe in your Potential more than ever before. This drives you on to Take even Greater Action which will only lead to Bigger Results. This Self-Fulfilling-Prophecy now leaves you even more Certain that the path you are taking is the right one and you get more and more focused on your goals and ambitions. Sounds great right?
Well, unfortunately the opposite is also true and I'm sure many of us can relate to it. You think you have Potential, so you buy a product and Take Action....you see little or no Results for your work and so you don't believe in what your doing. You have Certainty but it's the negative form, your Certain of your own failures and so you start the Cycle again, and again, again... Each time you go through it you Reaffirm to yourself that it's the products/systems fault and so you must run back and buy the Next Big Thing that will be the one to lead you to the Promise Land...
Anybody seeing a Pattern Here? There are 2 : One which leads to Longterm success for you and your Business and the other is the Longterm Quest to build a Business that will never happen...that is until something changes...
I think I'll finish up there because I've rambled on for long enough

Hopefully you've gotten some value out of this and maybe it'll help you see the Bigger Picture at play here...
Anyway sorry for the long post - didn't think it would be this long when I started Lol
Cheers - Noel.
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