Internet Marketing is Just Like Losing Belly Fat
When you first come to the intenet you are bomarded with all these different ways to make money and build an income. You try some and fail, try others and they work a bit, try another one and you end up spending more than your earning and the process continues
As newbies and even people that have been around for a few years continue to do this because they are quite simply looking for the magic pill and that secret which the guru`s are not telling you
Sound familiar?
Ive been into my fitness training since i was 16 years old and im now 31 so a good 14 years and ive come across countless people that have been trying to lose weight
They jump from slim fast, to the cambridge diet, to the atkins diet, then to eating banannas at every meal, then soup at every meal, then slimfast shakes, then diet pills, then my favourite (**** berry lol)
The person which is trying to lose weight continues on this cycle untill they eventually think
"oh stuff this obviously i wasnt meant to be slim"
and they give up
see any similarities between weight loss and internet marketing??
So whats the solution??
Well the solution is the same for both
You use real strategies and methods for obtaining your goal with no short cut in mind
For internet marketing stop looking for that magic pill, you will be looking for a long time, instead focus on building a real business and for god sake take it serious
If you keep looking for fast solutions, stop now they dont exist
It will be hard at times, it will be painful at times, you will feel like throwing in the towel but just keep pushing forward and keep focused
Stop jumping from diet to diet looking for the easy way to lose weight
There is no short cut or fast and easy way
You need to be eating good natural healthy foods combined with regular excericise. You need to be following proven methods for losing weight with focusing on having a healthy diet for life not just for 6 months untill you lose that 2 stone.
It will get hard and sometimes you may feel like you have a hit a brick wall but keep pushing forward and dont give up
I hope you can see that weight loss and IM are no different its just the person that complicates the process
Remember slow and steady wins the race
Thanks for reading
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