The Honest Truth About PLR

53 replies
As I grow my online business PLR products are something which I am both using and creating.

However there seems to be about a hundred different opinions on what people want from PLR and how much of it is actually used.

So where better to find out the truth than from other Warriors and to do so I'd like to ask you a couple of simple questions:

1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?

2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?

Thanks and I look forward to your replies.

#honest #plr #truth
  • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
    I did several tries with PLR content.

    The ones that I put into use where those that fit a product I really wanted to do.
    Used them as base content and wrote the full product from there.

    For example, I did this about 4 years ago with a product about natural health. I bought a whole course for one plr ebook that was thrown as bonus. Rewrote it, researched, added my personal experiences and made a website about it. it kept bringing sales for years.

    Lately the main element that makes me buy is who wrote it. I don´t buy or even download those massive prl packages anymore. They are a waste of time. I want to know who wrote it, what is that person about and what is his/her area of expertise.

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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by Sandra Martinez View Post

      For example, I did this about 4 years ago with a product about natural health. I bought a whole course for one plr ebook that was thrown as bonus. Rewrote it, researched, added my personal experiences and made a website about it. it kept bringing sales for years.

      Thanks for your response Sandra.

      What you say here seems to be the difference between success with PLR and not.

      You actually made the product unique by adding your own material instead of using 'as is'.
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  • Profile picture of the author BridgetSielicki
    I have used much of the PLR I have purchased, and the rest is still sitting on my computer because it was either too awful and I didn't want to make the effort to rewrite it, or I decided to change course and it wasn't needed.

    When I look for PLR now, I really try and filter quality writers from those that are selling junk. I always like to rewrite and add a personal touch, but for a quality article that may mean only changing the first and last paragraph. A junk PLR article often won't have any substantial research behind it, and those are the ones I end up deleting simply because it is quicker for me to write my own than try to rewrite one of those.
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  • Profile picture of the author MidlandsMarketer
    I actually bought my first PLR pack the other day, initially looking for material that could be adapted into subscription bait. Instead, I found a big pack of 100 PLR articles in several niches, with a few of the articles being in the exact niche I was searching for.

    Because the price was so low (I think it was under $10) I decided to take a pop, knowing that there was no risk in giving it a try, even if it was all garbage. To my surprise, the niche articles that I wanted to use on a website that I'm developing were incredible.

    I didn't publish them 'as-is', and I rewrote a lot of the core content. However, as a basis to start from, added with the fact that I could have published them on the blog if I was willing to let my own standards of high quality slip a little, made it a fantastic purchase.

    As for what I use the other content in the pack for, I've actually put some of the article titles into good use by using them in MS for keyword generation and research. Having found a handful of potentially profitable niches already, I have to say that PLR= awesome when used right

    James, I've used only a small percentage of the articles so far- but I can't say I'll delete any of it, it's useful to hold onto for the future imo, especially if it's of a good quality and could be used on any future sites.

    Currently working on something awesome!

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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by MidlandsMarketer View Post

      I didn't publish them 'as-is', and I rewrote a lot of the core content. However, as a basis to start from, added with the fact that I could have published them on the blog if I was willing to let my own standards of high quality slip a little, made it a fantastic purchase.
      Once again the difference is making the content unique. The words 'standards' and 'high quality' stand out here and I am sure your customers will thank you for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author yaheem
    Done it twice 5 years ago, used them "as is" for a couple of months to build a list of buyers. Then after I went through them I felt bad about it and took them down, and made it up to the buyers with better stuff but never tried to sell them anything later out of guilt. No one asked for a refund though, which means they found what they wanted, but still ...

    The truth is where you are right now. If you're using them as a skeleton like Sandra and building from there then you're doing your buyers a favor. If you use them the way they are like I did then you're hurting your business.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by yaheem View Post

      If you're using them as a skeleton like Sandra and building from there then you're doing your buyers a favor. If you use them the way they are like I did then you're hurting your business.
      Yaheem, thanks for your 'confession' :-)

      At least you have learnt a valuable truth which both you and your customers will benefit from.
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  • Profile picture of the author FXdarling
    thank you for the discussion. I was about purchasing a package of PLR articles for my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
    I mostly break up and use PLR as followup autoresponder emails. No need to worry about Dup Content and builds the list.

    IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

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    • Profile picture of the author JackieGold
      Originally Posted by Michael Mayhew View Post

      I mostly break up and use PLR as followup autoresponder emails. No need to worry about Dup Content and builds the list.
      That is a great idea - thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Tim Castleman had a great course for a while about PLR. He said that the best part about it- if it was done correctly- is the amount of research and time put into it.

    Is some PLR garbage? Of course- but there are also a lot of gems out there that can result in huge ROIs if you know what you're doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randohm
    I started using it maybe 4 years ago and soon realized that in order to get the results I wanted I needed to spin the articles so much I might as well rewrite them completely. The PLR became just another way for me to do research on a topic as I wrote my own piece. You might as well go to wikipedia and rewrite the articles there and provide citations where necessary. PLR is good for filler but the more filler you have the worse your reputation will get as you put it out. Filler content and good content are not the same thing. Giving PLR away as a a bonus or gift is a much better idea than making people pay for it but after you get good at writing you'll need it less. You'll have to rewrite it anyway so your writing skills will get better with time.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    PLR is just raw meat to cook with your own recipe to get delicious income.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by sirtiman View Post

      PLR is just raw meat to cook with your own recipe to get delicious income.
      Now that has to be the best analogy ever :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    I am on the other end of PLR now. However I got my big break by taking an excellent PLR product (in 2006) and redoing it on video. Had several big names promote it and made six figures in a week.

    Lesson - look at the potential to change it or add to it. There is huge money to be made if done correctly.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      I am on the other end of PLR now. However I got my big break by taking an excellent PLR product (in 2006) and redoing it on video. Had several big names promote it and made six figures in a week.

      Lesson - look at the potential to change it or add to it. There is huge money to be made if done correctly.
      WOW - What an awesome example of the power of PLR.

      Six Figures in a week? We need to talk ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    I used PLR content on my sites when I started (before I learnt about google duplication penalties)
    I tried to buy and resell some PLR didnt work well
    I buy some stuff in PLR that I need but dont plan to sell or use
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Some PLR stuff is worth a try because it's so affordable but I've never taken it too seriously. Most of it is garbage.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by Tadresources View Post

      Some PLR stuff is worth a try because it's so affordable but I've never taken it too seriously. Most of it is garbage.
      Whilst there is a lot of 'garbage' out there I wouldn't go as far to say 'most of it'.

      There are a lot of reputable PLR providers that I know who provide very high quality PLR.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
      Originally Posted by marketerpro View Post

      Its interesting to hear so many are getting value out of PLR. Much of what I've seen wasn't very good, at least without serious editing. Maybe I need to look at higher priced PLR, maybe with more limited distribution.
      Originally Posted by Tadresources View Post

      Some PLR stuff is worth a try because it's so affordable but I've never taken it too seriously. Most of it is garbage.
      If your looking at big PLR sites offering thousands of low price products you will find a lot of garbage.

      But look for plr content that is created and sold by individuals and is restricted and you will find a lot better quality [lr. A LOT BETTER.
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      • Profile picture of the author howinfo
        Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

        If your looking at big PLR sites offering thousands of low price products you will find a lot of garbage.

        But look for plr content that is created and sold by individuals and is restricted and you will find a lot better quality [lr. A LOT BETTER.
        I do agree, I have found few small sites that only sell PLR articles they have written themselves and the quality is lot better than most of the big sites, maybe it is bit more expensive but there is no waste, all the articles are good.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketerpro
    Its interesting to hear so many are getting value out of PLR. Much of what I've seen wasn't very good, at least without serious editing. Maybe I need to look at higher priced PLR, maybe with more limited distribution.
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  • Profile picture of the author nulen
    question for you guys.. i understand that most PLR products are articles but is there PLR products wich are software like applications for pc/smartPhones or social networks or very developed websites?
    im a programer in my profession so coding apeals to me much
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    • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
      1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?
      When PLR first became popular I used to buy a massive amount of it and probably only ever used about 10%. That was back when I was new to marketing though and was easily distracted by 'shiny objects'.

      Now I only buy what I need - I don't buy PLR unless I have a plan to put it into action. So I pretty much use all the PLR I buy.

      2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?
      The kind of PLR I buy is normally reports and ebooks. Also PLR that's a bit different from the norm e.g. comparison charts, worksheets, tutorials, checklists etc. Things that could I could add to a product of my own to enhance or complement it, could add as bonuses etc. There isn't enough of that kind of PLR around, but maybe there isn't a market for it?

      What would end up in my recycle bin is probably articles. To me they're not really necessary when you can find articles everywhere you look online.

      What I would find useful though is articles that are 800+ words, product reviews that are 800+ words etc. Most plr articles and reviews are only about 400-500, so by the time you've rewritten them they don't contain much substance at all.
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      • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
        Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

        Now I only buy what I need - I don't buy PLR unless I have a plan to put it into action. So I pretty much use all the PLR I buy.
        A very wise strategy...especially the word 'action'.

        This is the difference between using PLR and it just sitting on your hard drive. Taking action and actually doing something with the PLR is essential.
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  • Profile picture of the author Viramara
    I translated them and posted them into my local blog
    And I turned some into an e-course
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  • Profile picture of the author DonWarrior
    NEVER thought about it that way...
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  • Profile picture of the author peptone
    I have found a good source of quality PLR ebooks and articles for my niche but have only used about 5% of it so far. I always rewrite it first.

    My #1 priority for PLR is that it be of good quality - there is so much rubbish out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by jamesutterson View Post

    1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?
    Roughly 0% - I have hundreds of gigs of PLR, but have only ever used a couple megs of it.

    2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?
    Items that are not complete garbage. Unfortunately, that is only a minute fraction of the PLR that I download, and it's generally more time and trouble than it's worth to delete it... so it just sits there. Disk space is cheap.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Originally Posted by jamesutterson View Post

      1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?

      2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?
      #1 - Probably only 5-10%, although I'm a lot more selective now. When I first started branching out from ghostwriting, I downloaded huge amounts of PLR that as I weed through is mostly going straight into the recycle bin. Now I only get it if it fits into a planned site or project.

      #2 - The biggest waste of time for me is getting PLR with all the graphics. I just bought one recently that had a ton of graphics but the 'report' was literally under 1000 words. I don't use the graphics so for me, that was wasted money. I have learned to repurpose some of the graphics so that helps but mostly I get rid of them.

      Originally Posted by nulen View Post

      question for you guys.. i understand that most PLR products are articles but is there PLR products wich are software like applications for pc/smartPhones or social networks or very developed websites?
      im a programer in my profession so coding apeals to me much
      Yes, you can get PLR plugins, software and apps. They're not as common but they are out there.

      Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

      What I would find useful though is articles that are 800+ words, product reviews that are 800+ words etc. Most plr articles and reviews are only about 400-500, so by the time you've rewritten them they don't contain much substance at all.
      Not to toot my own horn here, but I do have a Clickbank Review membership where the reviews run 800-1200 words, with the average being 1000 words. I also occasionally will sell a one-off package of reviews like this. I agree with you that shorter reviews are much more difficult to make unique so I've formatted mine deliberately to make it easier for buyers.
      Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
      Fast & Easy Content Creation
      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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      • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
        Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

        Not to toot my own horn here, but I do have a Clickbank Review membership where the reviews run 800-1200 words, with the average being 1000 words. I also occasionally will sell a one-off package of reviews like this. I agree with you that shorter reviews are much more difficult to make unique so I've formatted mine deliberately to make it easier for buyers.
        That's exactly the review length I'm looking for. I don't normally join memberships as I wouldn't use most of the articles but I'll definitely consider this. Do you make previous month's content available? For instance would I be able to buy a one off package of all your reviews in a particular niche (e.g. health products)?
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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
          Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

          That's exactly the review length I'm looking for. I don't normally join memberships as I wouldn't use most of the articles but I'll definitely consider this. Do you make previous month's content available? For instance would I be able to buy a one off package of all your reviews in a particular niche (e.g. health products)?
          Hamida, shoot me a PM or hit me up on Skype and tell me what types of niches you are looking for. The membership draws from all the niches, except for the Silver level which is just IM related. I am open to trying a few single niche levels if the interest is there, or could do some one-off packages.
          Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
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          ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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  • Profile picture of the author Joejdf
    I don't use PLR articles because most of the articles I write for my blogs are on subjects that I'd like to learn more about. Therefore I gather my information, do my research, and then blog about my findings and personal takeaway.

    I feel like the unique value that I provide my clients as a marketing consultant has to do with my personal approach to solving marketing and branding problems. Adopting another marketer's (PLR writer's viewpoint) viewpoint would be doing a disservice to me, my customers and my prospective customers.

    That is just my personal feeling on them as they relate to my business; I can see how they would have a place for others though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You can use them as the source of email content.
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  • Profile picture of the author lennyk1313
    If the price is right it may be worth looking in to purchasing. Even if the content is not great you can always rewrite it a bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Originally Posted by jamesutterson View Post

    1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?

    2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?

    1. I have used about 1% approx.

    2. The products that end up in my recycle bin are those without clear licences.

    I prefer products with licences that are clearly from the original creator and I like to see them in PDF and not text format. That gives me a little more confidence that the licence is genuine.

    Furthermore, if the original creator has placed any limits on the use of the materials, I like to see a distinction drawn between the use of the source materials and the use of derivative works. For example, if a PLR provider says you can't give away the 'product' (s)he probably means the source files and not PDFs created from them - that's the distinction I would like to see.

    I have purchased many PLR products that have licences included that state the purchaser is not allowed to pass on PLR rights - but that is what a lot of people are actually trying to do.

    Two separate licences - one provided within the ZIP download (to be passed on to another purchaser) and a separate one (separate download) for the original purchaser - would solve the problem.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sharyn Sheldon
    Originally Posted by jamesutterson View Post

    1) Of all the PLR you have bought and downloaded how much (%) of it have you actually put to any use?

    2) If you buy, or are considering buying PLR what 'items' do you really need and which end up in your recycle bin?
    1. I've probably only used about 10% of my PLR if you define it as using primarily the wording and content, with some editing. However, I've used around 50% of it if you count using it for research or for a template, i.e. deleting the content of an ebook that was well formatted and just using the layout. It's a big time saver. The stuff I haven't used is mainly from my early days of buying plr, before I knew where to shop.

    2. I buy PLR for several reasons, all of which can require different items. If there's a subject I want to learn more about, I'll sometimes buy a package from a favorite seller who I know from experience provides great content. It's a cheap basis for learning a subject without doing tons of research myself. Then I can go online to supplement that learning.

    I also love checklists, worksheets and other tools. That's one of the reasons I add them to most of my own plr packs that I sell.

    Articles are great when I need quick content for a niche blog or as a rough draft for unique articles. While I do a lot of editing, it's always quicker to work from a good rough draft or outline.

    Finally, I sometimes buy plr as research for my own site. There are two motives here. One is to see what is selling well and the other is to make sure I'm not providing the same thing as everyone else. I want to add value to what's already out there, not duplicate it.

    One last note. I never throw out anything, but that's mainly because it would take me longer than it's worth.


    - Sharyn Sheldon

    [BRAND NEW PLR] Shoestring Budget Startup - Ready-to-Go, Customizable Course and Complete Sales Funnel

    FREE Content Planning Template easy way to make sure your content is working for you

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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by Sharyn Sheldon View Post

      I want to add value to what's already out there, not duplicate it.

      Sharyn, 100% agree with on you on this point.

      It's the difference between building a sustainable long term business and looking for a fast buck.

      Unfortunately too many choose the latter route and then wonder why they are not getting anywhere
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  • Profile picture of the author sundown16
    I agree with most of you, the PLR I've downloaded is either very dated or unrelated to the niche that I'm usually involved with at the time.. which is frustrating
    however, I've tried to make use of it somehow for article content in bits and pieces
    and topic research and development
    I use PLR packages when I'm looking for reports and a good site for that is
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Gray
    Getting PLR from a reputable writer can be a very profitable situation, take the PLR and use it in your autoresponder, use the PLR to put together reports that you can give away to build your list and then there is the possibility of re-writing the content to get content you can use on your sites. Also if you have a list getting PLR reports in the same niche will allow you to give your subscribers some good free stuff.

    Top notch PLR providers on the WF will provide you with excellent content that can be used in several different ways....Tiffany Dow, Bryan Kumar and Ken Strong come to mind and there are other very very good PLR providers on the WF.


    "Punish The Deed, Not The Breed"

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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by Joel Gray View Post

      Also if you have a list getting PLR reports in the same niche will allow you to give your subscribers some good free stuff.

      Thanks Joel, for another great suggestion which everyone should consider.

      Plr is a great resource for gaining subscribers but it is also an excellent way to provide them with additional content and thus retain them
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  • Profile picture of the author LeadGenie
    Always valuable to sort out the good content from the fluff.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Originally Posted by Sharyn Sheldon View Post

      for a template, i.e. deleting the content of an ebook that was well formatted and just using the layout. It's a big time saver.
      This is absolutely brilliant! I know a ton of ways to use PLR but this is one I'd never thought of.
      Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
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      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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  • Profile picture of the author odohjc
    I have used over 10% of the PLR products I purchased. PLR products are essential part of this business. It is important to know that most of the time you cannot invent the wheel. There is nothing you can do without good research. PLR products provide materials for research.

    What is essential in using PLR product is that you must devote time to rewrite them whether they are from good sources or not. This makes it possible for you to provide unique content.
    There are some PLR materials that are still gathering dust in my desktop. These are those not yet within my present niche. It is my desire to use them as I expand my niche to include some of them.

    The importance of PLR products cannot be over emphasized.

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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by odohjc View Post

      What is essential in using PLR product is that you must devote time to rewrite them whether they are from good sources or not. This makes it possible for you to provide unique content.
      I think almost everyone has agreed that this is the first rule of using PLR effectively.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I've use PLR packages to translate them and create spanish, french and portuguese versions, that way I avoid the oversaturated english market.

    I've also repurpose the content turning them into videos, slides, pdf's, podcast...

    I squeeze the content til the last drop.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesutterson
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      I've use PLR packages to translate them and create spanish, french and portuguese versions, that way I avoid the oversaturated english market.
      That is a great and unique way to use PLR.

      Do you outsource the translation or are you multilingual?
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      • Profile picture of the author neodarth
        Originally Posted by jamesutterson View Post

        That is a great and unique way to use PLR.

        Do you outsource the translation or are you multilingual?
        I speak spanish (native) and portuguese and my wife speak French (native). But generally I outsource the translation.

        That way I can work on several projects at once.
        ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

        ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    I have purchased or downloaded for free the huge PLR packs containing 1000s of articles, but as the vast majority of it was in niches I am not interested in, most of it is sitting unused. Some of the quality is so bad, it hasn't even been worth my time rewriting it.

    I have also bought some very good PLR from a membership site which I haven't used as I decided to change direction.

    Generally speaking I think that the quality of PLR is getting better as the rubbish is being weeded out. The key point here is to use PLR as a starting point and make it your own, there are some quite creative responses in this thread!
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  • Profile picture of the author eman1
    Great question! Some PLR products are worth a try because it's so affordable but I have never taken it too seriously. If you can find a good consistent supplier of high quality PLR products, you should be able to get some very useful content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I have to admit that I have a lot of PLR sitting on my hard drive that I haven't used and much of it I will probably never use.

    However, most of that was free or incredibly cheap PLR and the quality is just too poor to do anything with. I'm not really quite sure why I even still have it sitting on my hard drive.

    I have bought quite a lot of PLR that I have used. Usually I will use PLR to add content to my own websites but I rewrite it to make it unique.

    What do I want in PLR? Just good quality, a good starting place to change that article into something of my own. If the quality is poor then you might as well just start from scratch and write your own article.
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  • Profile picture of the author brownmarketing1
    I try to keep them organized and when I need an article or content use them for reference to add to my own knowledge and then I have created something that might have use to someone else. Like anything out there are good sometimes excellent PLR and then again stuff from 2008 about SEO would be a waste of time in most cases.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProAffiliate01
    If I use PLR content, I would take time to human edit it enough to ensure it is unique. I choose to do this out of fear that too many people are using the same articles, books, etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6168140].message }}

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