Are You Currently Subscribed to Any Membership Sites?

by Vtoy Banned
15 replies
Hey Warriors,

Just wanted to get a quick sense on how many people are subscribed to a membership site. The price doesn't really matter, I just want to know within the membership sites, how often are they updated with new features added, and what makes you stick with the subscription?

Is the membership area a place to learn? Are they providing a service? Are you getting downloads?

What makes a membership worthwhile.

Lets hear it
#membership #sites #subscribed
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Do Netflix and Credit Report Monitoring services count? That's about all I'm subscribed to at the moment...
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    • Profile picture of the author Vtoy
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      Do Netflix and Credit Report Monitoring services count? That's about all I'm subscribed to at the moment...
      Haha Im talking about an internet marketing subscription or a membership related to this industry. Thanks for sharing though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Originally Posted by Vtoy View Post

    Hey Warriors,

    Just wanted to get a quick sense on how many people are subscribed to an internet marketing membership site. The price doesn't really matter, I just want to know within the membership sites, how often are they updated with new features added, and what makes you stick with the subscription?

    Is the membership area a place to learn? Are they providing a service? Are you getting downloads?

    What makes a membership worthwhile.

    Lets hear it
    Fixed that for you then .
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  • Profile picture of the author femdelak
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    • Profile picture of the author retsced
      Originally Posted by femdelak View Post

      Greetings to you all, members of this forum.
      My name is John Albert Wesley, a systems Engineer. I have been investing money online for more than 5 years.
      I'm here to reveal to you 3 very genuine investment companies that actually pays its members a percentage of their investments
      every trading day.
      I very well know that most people are scared of doing online investment because of their past
      losses & experiences i e when the owners ran away with the money after some months.
      I agree with you that one needs to be very wise since online investments are very risky.
      I will only remind you that there is risk everywhere, even in your bedroom. There is no free money online and people
      want to make money online. Whoever is not ready to take risk cannot succeed online. You need to understand that not all
      online investment companies are scams, some are genuine, honest and really paying returns every trading day.

      This is my advice for those ready to do online investments:
      Don't be greedy.
      Start with a small capital & after you received some real payments, you can then increase your capital.
      Also avoid short term investments like 10days,30days etc because they usually fold up within a short period of time.
      Long term investment companies usually stay for a long time before closing e g 180days. Another advice is that- run away
      from companies that promise very high returns on investments like 100% or 200% after 1week.
      Any investment company that promises over 3% returns daily on investment is fake and should be avoided.

      The companies I want to reveal to you are 3 in number and very honest, genuine and paying returns every trading day.
      But I need to inform you that the information will not be revealed for free. You have to pay some money to know about it.
      The fee I place on these 3 secrets is just $30. I mean $30 for all the 3 secrets.
      Due to the poor economic conditions all over the world, nowadays no valuable thing can be gotten for free.
      Every good thing costs money to enjoy, so also is valuable information on money matters or investing.
      I charge $30 because you and I know very well that information is power and power is money.

      Yes knowledge is money...

      I guarantee that you will make a lot of money at the companies. In fact you will make money there because I'm actually
      earning money at the companies based on my capital invested. The fee speaks for its uniqueness.
      You may even earn more money than me if you invest more money than me. Thats the main reason why I'm charging that fee.
      Unserious people are not welcomed, its strictly for very serious people only.
      When the information is eventually revealled to you, you will thank me many times.

      You don't believe it, you loose out because its very real & I'll give it out only when you pay my fee.

      Interested people should pay the fee of $30 to my liberty reserve account which is U6035813.

      Again my liberty reserve account number is- U6035813.

      After making the payment, notify me through my email address- zempella @ gmail .com with the e-currency account you used to pay.
      After confirmation of your payment, I will immediately send the 3 secret company details to your email address.

      I wish you a very good luck in your online businesses.
      Are you sh***ing me? It's people like you that f**k it up for the real service providers.
      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6087669].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
        Originally Posted by retsced View Post

        Are you sh***ing me? It's people like you that f**k it up for the real service providers.
        Quoting his spam before it is deleted ensures that his crap legacy lives on you know :rolleyes:.
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        • Profile picture of the author Vtoy
          Well this thread is ruined. Anyway, thanks to the spammers and signature promotions.

          I'm not really interested in joining anything so you can lay low with the promotions. I just wanted to know the general idea of what makes a membership worthwhile. Some I've seen are just terrible, basically an open forum is a lot more helpful IMO. I'm just trying to figure out what makes that difference in creating that unique or special feature that keeps users subscribed and happy.
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          • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
            Originally Posted by Vtoy View Post

            Well this thread is ruined. Anyway, thanks to the spammers and signature promotions.

            I'm not really interested in joining anything so you can lay low with the promotions. I just wanted to know the general idea of what makes a membership worthwhile. Some I've seen are just terrible, basically an open forum is a lot more helpful IMO. I'm just trying to figure out what makes that difference in creating that unique or special feature that keeps users subscribed and happy.
            Membership sites can be more FOCUSED on what you need to know and go much more in depth than an open forum like WF.

            Sure, WF is a great place and even with greater content than most products, but only if you are willing to search for it and filter the crap.

            That's why "in my opinion" people go for membership sites for example or any information product related to IM although it maybe found in WF.

            It is a simple trade, You save time (instead of searching and filtering the crap) and pay them money (to give you the content you want).
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Guzman
      I am subscribed to Kim Roach's Marketing Lab. It is a great program and it gets updated about once a week. I really like it, because she provides a lot of value. A continuity membership site needs to provide more value that what it is worth. If you are going to have a membership site, you need to updated it periodically because of course it is a monthly membership. I have also been in the type of membership sites that have a pay once and be in for life. The great ones typically provide really top notch content.

      A site like this most of the time contains a forum and and a place where people can interact with each other. If you want them to stick with you for a while you are going to have to provide a ton of support and value.

      There are many out there who have a Content Dripper.

      Hope this helps,

      23 Year Old kid Discovers How To Drive Real Effective Traffic To His Blog>>> Click Here To Learn How He Did It!<<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    /waves goodbye to femdelak. Could have at least tried to be subtle with the spamming...
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced

    I have only ever stayed in one membership site and it is the sole reason I have been able to quit my day job and go full time online. Let's face it, a membership has to provide value you can't find anywhere else on the net if they want you to stay a member. The six figure mentors is hands down the best online marketing and lead generation training program out there today, and they are set to be the leading system on the planet over the next 3 years...i wouldn't doubt it for a second as the training is top notch.

    You can click on my sig to test drive their free 7 day boot camp...guaranteed to blow you away mate. It blew me away with just the free training.

    I learned more in 7 days than i learned in 7 months within the free bootcamp video series. I'm not blowing smoke up your ass either, this is the real deal and if you decide to join the system you will have to complete an application...they do not want opportunity seekers in their system, they're looking to train serious individuals who are looking to create a real sustainable business.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I'm subscribed to one just now.

      I don't know if you'd call it a traditional membership site - it's more like a course built inside a membership site and it lasts for 3 months.

      It has new videos every week (we actually get them all at the same time), lots of bonus content, monthly calls, weekly reviews, plus a ton of other stuff.

      I don't know if I'll still have access after the 3 months. Probably will, but there is all the stuff left there from the last class you can also study.
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  • Profile picture of the author creck01
    Only on one at the moment
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  • Profile picture of the author Webgeniuz1
    I'm subscribed to "" an automated backlinking service. They have a unique approach of gaining backlinks through their "LinkLoop" feature. That and PRweb is also great, I've had some tremendous results however it';s quite pricey! So do your research!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vtoy
    Alright, best if you guys leave the names out, just looking for the general facts like what kind of services or communities you look for to stay subscribed.

    IE://Weekly webinars, downloads, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I have subscribed to the War Room if that counts

    It is worth it - constantly updated with new, useful information from which one can learn just about anything he or she needs to know

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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