What Separates The Men From the Boys
After reading a recent thread about failure, I have decided to put out my own take on that.
I am in no way successful. In fact, I am nowhere close to success just like many other warriors. I am also in the most critical time as an entrepreneur, and a man. It's the test.
This test will separate the men from the boys, the women from the girls, and the successful from the failures.
The test is ones ability to cope with failure, and push on towards success. Everyone's personal crucible will melt them down to their core. This is where you will find your true self, And great individuals are at their finest when they are on the brink of failure.
The weak will make excuses, blame others, and give up. But what they don't understand is that this test is the most important part of every business owners career. For the successful anticipate this test, push through the failure, learn from it, and then finally succeed.
I guarantee you that no one is successful without personal failure. Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times before he successfully invented the lightbulb.
Finally I would like to note that this failure is just another step in the process. Right there in between taking action and success. Everyone is bound to failure at some point in their life so my message to you is to understand that it is there. Understand you will fail, and understand that success comes after failure in the dictionary.
So as I fond myself struggling through this failure I find it easier and easier to deal with because of my mindset. So I thought I would share it with you.
Best of luck
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