What is the biggest problem with my blog?

8 replies
I set up a blog on a few months ago. I am currently adding an article a day to it but to be honest the traffic is not really increasing.

I am only bookmarking the articles a couple of times, should I be stepping this up abit and try bookmarking the articles a little more? Would pinging them also help.

I know this is all about giving good content and building relationships so people will come back to you but I also have a couple of articles that are ranking in google and was hoping I could try have a little more success doing this.

If anyone can offer me some tips as to how I can improve things with my blog I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks
#biggest #blog #problem
  • Profile picture of the author WittyT
    First of all, if you want to see your traffic go up, you have to make sure that every article you write targets one specific low competition keyword. That's where to start.
    Then it's all about getting backlinks to those articles.
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    • Profile picture of the author twentytwo
      You should comment on blogs that have to do with your product. I have seen a big difference after I did that. ;]
      "Stop thinking! and just DO!"

      FBAFORUMS.COM - Grow your FBA Business
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    • Profile picture of the author Joejdf
      WittyT, do you have a suggestion for a good keyword suggestion tool?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

    If anyone can offer me some tips as to how I can improve things with my blog I would really appreciate it.
    What ... without seeing it?! :p

    Ok, here goes: the biggest problem with your blog is that you don't have an opt-in, and are not therefore retaining your visitors.

    A complete guess, but what else can we offer?! That's very often the underlying problem, when people ask ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      What ... without seeing it?! :p

      Ok, here goes: the biggest problem with your blog is that you don't have an opt-in, and are not therefore retaining your visitors.

      A complete guess, but what else can we offer?! That's very often the underlying problem, when people ask ...
      Thanks Alexa, I have an opt-in on money site which the blog links to but not on here so I will now look at putting one on here aswell
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  • Profile picture of the author akg12
    Keep up the hard work.. Blogging can take a few months to get going but as long as you stay motivated and keep creating articles and building links, and a community around your blog you will be all right... Good luck to you!
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