Which is important for a beginner IM, Branding or Traffic?

21 replies
Hi all,

I am new to IM. So a lot of why, what, when questions come across in my mind when trying to set up salesletter, squeeze page, opt-in page.

But the very first questions, what to do when you first dive in IM?

Branding or Traffic? And how do you do that?

#beginner #branding #important #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
    Hey Jude,

    Welcome to IM world

    About what to do when you first dive IM, if I am going to answer specifically your question then I am going to pick Traffic.

    Because simply, without traffic you can't create a brand or make money or do anything.

    About how to get traffic, well you got paid option and free option.

    Paid option: PPC (Pay Per Click), Buying Banners on forums, blogs and websites or outsourcing people to do the free option for you (Blog commenting, Forum posting, Articles submission, ... etc)

    Free Option: Article Submission, Social Bookmarking, Blog Commenting, Forum Posting, ... etc.

    My recommendation if you are a well-funded warrior is to go into the "Paid Option".

    It gets you results, FAST.

    Let me know if you want more help and welcome to IM again.

    Good Luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author Jude Teng
      Hi MidMido,

      Thanks for provide valuable info. (:

      Can you share with me more specify how you set up your online business?

      I have a six month plan, and actually the plan is to:-
      --> Set up opt-in page.
      --> Drive traffic to my opt-in page by provide free stuff.
      a) By solo ads
      b) By forum
      --> Sent quality email with great info
      --> Attached affiliate link with the email

      The real problem I face is:-
      a) What kind of opt-in page which really work?
      b) Is these two driving traffic method really "driving traffic"?
      c) For swipe emails, that mean I got to prepare every single of personal email or I can outsource?
      d) For affiliate, must choose quality product to customer? How to justify?

      Cheers (:
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      • Profile picture of the author loi77
        Originally Posted by Jude Teng View Post

        I have a six month plan, and actually the plan is to:-
        --> Set up opt-in page.
        --> Drive traffic to my opt-in page by provide free stuff.
        a) By solo ads
        b) By forum
        --> Sent quality email with great info
        --> Attached affiliate link with the email

        The real problem I face is:-
        a) What kind of opt-in page which really work?
        b) Is these two driving traffic method really "driving traffic"?
        c) For swipe emails, that mean I got to prepare every single of personal email or I can outsource?
        d) For affiliate, must choose quality product to customer? How to justify?

        Cheers (:
        Hi Jude,

        I think you have a great plan. List building is the key to your long term sustainable IM success.

        Sounds like you want to enter IM niche, and there are pros and cons. It is a very competitive yet profitable niche.

        All 4 questions that you raised are all important aspects that you have to learn as you embark on this journey.

        As you stated, first of all you have to create high converting squeeze page to build your list. So you have to do your research in this area, set up your squeeze page and test it to see which one converts better.

        Squeeze page can be as simple as a headline, a few bullets and a couple of boxes.

        Then you can drive traffic to it. Solo ad is probably the most effective. Once you reach a certain number such as 500, you can do ad swaps and JV to increase the size of your list.

        After that, you have to learn to write promotional emails, or outsource it. But you still want to grasp the theory behind copywriting.

        As an affiliate, you must definitely promote ONLY quality products, otherwise you are going to kill you list if you are promoting crap.

        Hope that helps.

        All the best,
        David Loi

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      • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
        The real problem I face is:-
        a) What kind of opt-in page which really work?
        You will have to do split-test to find out which is the winner. There is no definite answer for it.

        b) Is these two driving traffic method really "driving traffic"?
        Yep, but that is not everything but still they are very effective methods

        c) For swipe emails, that mean I got to prepare every single of personal email or I can outsource?
        In my opinion, you need to learn how to write emails yourself, but outsource is a valid option too

        d) For affiliate, must choose quality product to customer? How to justify?
        Try it yourself and review it and see if it helps ending your subscribers problems, see other people's reviews and testimonials (Not the ones who are affiliates already) and judge it by yourself

        Cheers (:

        Originally Posted by Jude Teng View Post

        Thanks for all expert and young warriors giving true and very personal info.
        I truly appreciated it.

        By the way, after reading all the replies. I come out with a summary based on my understanding. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

        That is:-

        Branding & Traffic
        As a beginner IM, I shall focus more in traffic 70% and the rest 30% to branding. But once, established a large net of subscribers then should change to 30% traffic and 70% branding.
        It simply because, IM beginner need capital to run so traffic more = $$ more. But once established, focus on branding can make unimagined huge profit. In short, balance it.

        So, how to create traffic?
        Paid option & free option. (Paid option work best -Solo ads)

        Don't have a squeeze page & sales letter?
        Go to WSO to get special price package and test the market.

        Cheers (:

        P.S. Feel free to add in your thought.
        You've understood it very well indeed
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        • Profile picture of the author Jude Teng
          Originally Posted by MidMido View Post

          The real problem I face is:-
          a) What kind of opt-in page which really work?
          You will have to do split-test to find out which is the winner. There is no definite answer for it.

          b) Is these two driving traffic method really "driving traffic"?
          Yep, but that is not everything but still they are very effective methods

          c) For swipe emails, that mean I got to prepare every single of personal email or I can outsource?
          In my opinion, you need to learn how to write emails yourself, but outsource is a valid option too

          d) For affiliate, must choose quality product to customer? How to justify?
          Try it yourself and review it and see if it helps ending your subscribers problems, see other people's reviews and testimonials (Not the ones who are affiliates already) and judge it by yourself

          Cheers (:

          You've understood it very well indeed
          Hi MidMido,

          It seems like a long journey to achieve so many things.
          After listen so much I shall take some action on my plan. (:

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  • Profile picture of the author creditbuilder
    I say if you are new, instead of choosing any of that, find someone who is looking for JV (Joint Venture) and if that person has a big list and likes your product or service they will promote it... that's what I did with my WSO... I am not an internet marketer, but found a guy to JV with me and off we went!
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  • Profile picture of the author prasanth5
    I would say that traffic is important for the beginner in IM. This is because of the fact that the beginner would gradually derive confidence from traffic building up on his site.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoshiran
    I don't think there is "more" importent...if you are selling your service or a products you own you will need to have a brand; unless your product is really unique and solve a big problem it will be very hard to sell it without being a "someone" (=branding), even if you will have traffic.
    Now, without traffic you can't show the "world" your service/product, so of course you need to figure out how to get traffic.
    Work on both, set a time in your daily plan for branding and a time for traffic getting methods etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author kc33
    I say the most important thing is to focus on one method and stick at it for one month. Get your squeeze page, sales funnel set up...then keep driving and driving and driving traffic to it. Don't worry about getting everything perfect. Just Go For It.
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  • Profile picture of the author eibhlin
    I'm going to be a contrarian and say branding.

    Until you've decided exactly what your business is, how you want to represent yourself, and so on, your traffic will often be one-offs.

    You (or at least your website) won't be memorable for people to return to, over and over again. All of your efforts will focus on driving fresh traffic to your site. That's a time sink, and a sad waste of resources.

    Start with your own interests. Why does that niche interest you? What are your strongest opinions about that niche, and how do you want to convey them?

    Your site should provide a strong visual impression as soon as visitors arrive. It should convey your niche but also your individual slant (or sub-niche) on the topic.

    Like everything about your website, it should be memorable.

    Follow that with articles that have a clear "voice" to reinforce your branding.

    Frankly, the only way to be memorable is to work on your branding from the beginning.

    You'll find great advice about branding from a variety of pros, from Seth Godin to Tiffany Dow, and from Kevin Riley to Simon Greenhalgh (Linkwhizz). Most of them will stress the importance of establishing yourself as a personality with specific views and style.

    Traffic is important. In fact, it's vital. However, my advice is to establish yourself with branding first, so your traffic converts to return visitors, from the beginning.
    Artist, blogger, and author of a bazillion books, more or less. Find me at Eibhlin.com
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    • Profile picture of the author retsced
      Originally Posted by eibhlin View Post

      I'm going to be a contrarian and say branding.

      Until you've decided exactly what your business is, how you want to represent yourself, and so on, your traffic will often be one-offs.

      You (or at least your website) won't be memorable for people to return to, over and over again. All of your efforts will focus on driving fresh traffic to your site. That's a time sink, and a sad waste of resources.

      Start with your own interests. Why does that niche interest you? What are your strongest opinions about that niche, and how do you want to convey them?

      Your site should provide a strong visual impression as soon as visitors arrive. It should convey your niche but also your individual slant (or sub-niche) on the topic.

      Like everything about your website, it should be memorable.

      Follow that with articles that have a clear "voice" to reinforce your branding.

      Frankly, the only way to be memorable is to work on your branding from the beginning.

      You'll find great advice about branding from a variety of pros, from Seth Godin to Tiffany Dow, and from Kevin Riley to Simon Greenhalgh (Linkwhizz). Most of them will stress the importance of establishing yourself as a personality with specific views and style.

      Traffic is important. In fact, it's vital. However, my advice is to establish yourself with branding first, so your traffic converts to return visitors, from the beginning.
      Listen to what eibhlin is telling you, that is the only way to move forward.

      You should have a personal authority site to send your subscribers to. This is the place where you can build a relationship and interact with them. You can personalize your emails and tell them a about your self and your journey, but that will not be as personal as what you can create on your very own "branded" authority site.

      This is what marketing is all about and it's something you should be doing from the very start.

      Best of luck on your journey. The fact you are already thinking about branding yourself puts you well above the majority who get into this business.
      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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      • Profile picture of the author nikks
        I would say that Branding is more important, and hold similar views to some of the warriors here.

        You want people to recognise who you are before they buy from you. People need credibility before they buy. You might not see the effects of branding now, but trust me it goes really far.

        Imagine in a few years time, when people heard your name, they recognise you as an expert in the field. Sales will come pouring in.

        Although traffic is equally important, if there are no traffic there is no money.

        So I would suggest do both. Brand yourself and drive traffic at the same time. That is what lots of people are doing.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jude Teng
          Originally Posted by retsced

          Listen to what eibhlin is telling you, that is the only way to move forward.

          You should have a personal authority site to send your subscribers to. This is the place where you can build a relationship and interact with them. You can personalize your emails and tell them a about your self and your journey, but that will not be as personal as what you can create on your very own "branded" authority site.

          This is what marketing is all about and it's something you should be doing from the very start.

          Best of luck on your journey. The fact you are already thinking about branding yourself puts you well above the majority who get into this business.
          Hi Retsced,

          Thanks for advice.

          Would it be means I am going to set up a personal blog first before all the squeeze page are ready?

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        • Profile picture of the author Jude Teng
          Originally Posted by nikks View Post

          I would say that Branding is more important, and hold similar views to some of the warriors here.

          You want people to recognise who you are before they buy from you. People need credibility before they buy. You might not see the effects of branding now, but trust me it goes really far.

          Imagine in a few years time, when people heard your name, they recognise you as an expert in the field. Sales will come pouring in.

          Although traffic is equally important, if there are no traffic there is no money.

          So I would suggest do both. Brand yourself and drive traffic at the same time. That is what lots of people are doing.
          Hi nikks,

          This is exact the way my IM course lecturer do it right now.
          Leverage her brand to maximum by giving course ,memberships and so on.

          But I think only few of the IM guru really give true content to the participants.

          Thanks for the advice by the way.

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  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    Traffic is the number one if you want to make money, however if your opt-in page sucks then all that traffic will be going to waste, My advice to you is to play around testing your opt-in pages before driving tons of traffic and effort,

    The best way to do this is to experiment with different opt-ins/squeeze pages by using cheap traffic sources. There is a wso in the wso forum which gives you ten mega cheap traffic sources. These may be considered junk traffic (which I wouldnt entirely disagree with) but its a great way to do a bit of testing without spending tons. Check it out, have a play around and spend a good month or so doing small campaigns and tweaking as you go along! this way will give you an idea of how well your page will convert! once you've done that then YES its all about traffic!!!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Brand itself won't do you any good without traffic and you can build brand without traffic, so Yes traffic is most important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathern
    Not much I can add to the good advice the Warriors have already given you except.

    Welcome to the Warrior Forum Jude!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ruby2011
    If you do not have much budget, it is better to get some traffic and make some money to cover the daily costs. then go for the branding. This works for most IMer.

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  • Profile picture of the author JaynKeth
    Hi Jude, welcome to IM. I am rather new too. I have done quite a lot of readings on IM and attended a few courses. Overall, I would summarize that both are important. Driving traffic is always key as you will need traffic to make a sale. But you will definitely need branding so that you make an impression to your list/readers/prospects. So get traffic then continue to build branding But one important takeaway, focus and be consistent and what we do, don't give up.
    Stay consistent and FOCUS!
    This is the best system to succeed in internet marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jude Teng
      Thanks for all expert and young warriors giving true and very personal info.
      I truly appreciated it.

      By the way, after reading all the replies. I come out with a summary based on my understanding. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

      That is:-

      Branding & Traffic
      As a beginner IM, I shall focus more in traffic 70% and the rest 30% to branding. But once, established a large net of subscribers then should change to 30% traffic and 70% branding.
      It simply because, IM beginner need capital to run so traffic more = $$ more. But once established, focus on branding can make unimagined huge profit. In short, balance it.

      So, how to create traffic?
      Paid option & free option. (Paid option work best -Solo ads)

      Don't have a squeeze page & sales letter?
      Go to WSO to get special price package and test the market.

      Cheers (:

      P.S. Feel free to add in your thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Traffic is most important. Solve all cash flow problems and automate it... then focus on becoming a world class expert and branding yourself.
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