by Fadiz
5 replies
I want to sell one of my sites, however I never sold a site using a marketplace...

Any thoughts ? is any good? or would you recommend other website marketplace
  • Profile picture of the author Morten V
    Flippa is good.
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  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    Isn't flippa the biggest website marketplace?

    It would be similar to saying you need to sell some household goods and asking if Ebay is any good. Granted, there's pros and cons (fees etc) but its still going to get the most traffic. There's other options: Craigslist, forums, contacting interested parties.

    If its a site with a traffic and revenue I'd definitely look into Flippa.
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  • Profile picture of the author bmokranus
    Flippa is very good, you can get a good offer if your site is well established

    You Can Make Money Online

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  • Profile picture of the author veheme
    Flippa is good if you know how to use it right. Research about your niche first and the usual going rate. That will give you an idea about the demand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    Thanks all. I'm going with flippa then, site i'm selling is doing really well considering its less than 3 months old with just two adsense ads so I was still debating to sell or let the site age little more. Still not sure how to price it, I'm gonna follow your advice and look for sites with the same niche and traffic
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