Apparently, Ad-blocking is piracy now. You're getting content you didn't pay for!
I was just browsing Reddit and I came across this YouTube Video
The guy is saying that installing Adblock is some how the same as piracy, the presenter is absurd in my opinion. I just thought I'd share this with you, for laughs.
Reddit Thread: Apparently, Ad-blocking is piracy now. You're getting content you didn't pay for! : technology
My Thoughts (By Redditor Tevoul)
but his reasoning is also fundamentally flawed. His entire argument is based on the premise that piracy is acquiring content without properly compensating the owner according to the EULA, but that is plain wrong - piracy is violation of copyright, plain and simple. Because you are not duplicating and re-distributing content when you view it with an ad blocker on you are not violating any copyright, and therefore are not pirating content.
However, even if we did ignore what piracy actually was and grant him the re-definition he would still be wrong - the vast majority of sites do not have any EULA or license agreement of any kind that includes watching ads as a requirement for seeing their content, they just inject the ads into their page. Because the user hasn't agreed to anything there is no agreement to break, thus he can't even claim that users are breaking a license agreement.
Content creators drove adblock to be created with the sheer number, annoyance, size, and bandwidth required for their ads. Now they want people to think they are stealing content by removing them so they don't need to update their business model to something that doesn't piss people off? No dice.
OldLodgeSkins -
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