How Do I Find List Building Skype Groups?

18 replies
I am a member already to two Skype Groups: Coby Wright's and Kelvin Nikkel's.

Does anyone know of any others i could join? And how i could join them?
#building #find #groups #list #skype
  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    most of the skype groups which marketers get together are usually quite private

    they dont invite every man and his dog for obvious reasons

    what exactly do you need to learn?

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  • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
    It more trying to get JV's rather than learn something.

    Trying to get a mini giveaway setup, however, i have no takers at present.

    Any suggestions?


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    • Profile picture of the author yakim1
      There are anywhere from 15 to 20 giveaways per month. Most of the scripts used in the giveaways supply the email address for every vendor or jv partner with the gift they are giving away.

      You can contact these people to find jv partners for your giveaway. So it is not hard to find a partner if you look in the right places.

      Best regards,

      Originally Posted by georgedinmore View Post

      It more trying to get JV's rather than learn something.

      Trying to get a mini giveaway setup, however, i have no takers at present.

      Any suggestions?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    You need someone to invite you to their group.
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  • Profile picture of the author samuraig
    Can you join groups on Facebook? It's a more active place.
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    • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
      Originally Posted by samuraig View Post

      Can you join groups on Facebook? It's a more active place.
      I don't like Facebook, its a time waster for me and i get no work done if i use that.


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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    the best way to get jv`s is by launching a quality wso

    that way if another member likes your product he will promote for you and also he /she will more than likely be interested in your future products too

    this is how ive built my jv partners

    build a list with all of your jv partners so that you can inform them of futur products

    you can contact other marketers but to be honest the best way to get jv partners is for them to come to you because they like your stuff

    it does all take time but its worth it in the end

    im not saying dont try to get any jv`s yourself by asking around but just bare in mind that you may not get a great response if they dont know you


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    • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      the best way to get jv`s is by launching a quality wso

      that way if another member likes your product he will promote for you and also he /she will more than likely be interested in your future products too

      this is how ive built my jv partners

      build a list with all of your jv partners so that you can inform them of futur products

      you can contact other marketers but to be honest the best way to get jv partners is for them to come to you because they like your stuff

      it does all take time but its worth it in the end

      im not saying dont try to get any jv`s yourself by asking around but just bare in mind that you may not get a great response if they dont know you


      Thank you for your wisdom.


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    • Profile picture of the author andyjbenson
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      the best way to get jv`s is by launching a quality wso

      that way if another member likes your product he will promote for you and also he /she will more than likely be interested in your future products too

      this is how ive built my jv partners

      build a list with all of your jv partners so that you can inform them of futur products

      you can contact other marketers but to be honest the best way to get jv partners is for them to come to you because they like your stuff

      it does all take time but its worth it in the end

      im not saying dont try to get any jv`s yourself by asking around but just bare in mind that you may not get a great response if they dont know you


      Pauls right with this one. You will be able to build a list of your best performing JV's from each WSO you release.

      Each time you release a WSO it will just get easier and easier as your list will increase each time and therefore your product exposure will too.

      You can also put your top affiliates on "Auto Approve" so that each time you launch they wont need manually approving should they wish to promote again.

      Yes it takes time but your never gonna get top affiliates on board without laying the foundations and building a relationship with them. This aspect is just as important in your success as building a relationship with your subscriber list is to getting sales!

      There's nothing wrong in approaching other potential JV's via email too. If you are on their mailing list and you have maybe bought one of their products, that is a good starting point for an email. Something like......."Hey JV guy, I have been a customer of yours for a while now. Really love the value you provide. Bought product X from you and it really helped me etc etc. Im now at the stage where I have produced my very own product and I would love to know what you think of it and if it's a good fit with your list."

      I did that and got some great responses! Not everyone came on board but as a result I am in contact and in regular dialogue with some pretty big hitters which will no doubt serve me well later down the line! So it's worth the effort even if the results are not immediate.

      Hope that helps you buddy and all the best with your giveaway!

      Andy Benson
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  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    I prefer Skype groups to Facebook, more private.
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    • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
      Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

      I prefer Skype groups to Facebook, more private.
      Totally agree with you on that one.


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  • Profile picture of the author stockcertified
    sounds like i need to get on these skype groups to network beyond posting a new stock trading course to jvnofifypro, jvbillboard and others.

    - Stock Certified

    Get Stock Certified Now! Social Media Tools to Trade Stocks With 87.54% Accuracy! Earn 75% to 100% commission on $97 membership. JV Invite Page for ad swaps, webinars & content requests.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    It's not Skype, but it is a fantastic group and it is public, take a look at Talk Marketing Now.

    Its mainly run by different Warriors on different days of the week and lots of topics are covered. Good people there.
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  • Profile picture of the author shifat
    I am also looking to join some solo ads/email marketing skype group.Can anyone please suggest few or invite me in,thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vallank2
    Skye groups are a great source of networking for solo groups, and potential partners as well. There is a wealth of information from all over the world on a variety of subjects. My suggestion would be to add 10 new skype friends a day and let them know you are looking to join solo groups. As you develop realationships, people will add you to the groups. I hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author chadbmmo
    I am looking to join a skype group that specializes in swaps and solos (for purchase) I am also trying to start a skype group for ideas on marketing we can all bounce off of each other.... Please let me know of any groups that are open and my skype is chadbmmo
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  • Profile picture of the author topgold
    I have been looking for some decent Skype or Facebook groups for the reasons of getting JV's, and it's hard when you're first getting started.

    I have been invited to a few Skype groups and Facebook groups and they are pretty useful. If you have any good groups please invite me!

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  • Profile picture of the author JPBailey
    Start by asking the people in the Skype groups you are already in to invite you into other groups.

    Tell them you are looking to buy solos or swap so they have a reason to invite you.

    Everyone I buy, sell or swap with on Skype is a potential person who can invite me into more rooms.

    This is how I got into over 30 rooms on Skype.

    If you have a good reputation for good swaps or if you say you are looking to buy solos, that helps you get into more rooms.

    Hope that helps!

    JP Bailey, MA
    Psych Marketer

    NLP Ninja for Success Mindset - Master Your Inner Game. Check Out My WSO Here

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