Possibly stupid kindle question

6 replies
Sorry, this might sound really stupid, but it's been one of those weeks :p

I have books going on kindle soon, and I've got two friends doing the same thing (for sale).

Now, I know that you can do the temporarily 'free' promos for limited times...

but can you actually list a book and keep it there totally free? or does it HAVE to have a cost to it? (I realize print obviously is paid, but just wondering for the kindle editions).
#kindle #possibly #question #stupid
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Hi Amber

    No, as an individual author the lowest you can price your book is 99 cents.

    As you mention, by participating in KDP Select you can offer the book for free for a limited time.

    This link might be of assistance:


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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Thanks for the advice here Bill. And Amber i have a few reasons of my own as to whether sellers could list their products for 100% free forever. So no... your question isn't a stupid question.
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  • Profile picture of the author purplecone
    You can't, but my understanding is that if you have it available free on a website, Amazon will automatically downgrade it to free when they find it.

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  • Profile picture of the author John T D
    The short version goes like this.

    Put book up on Amazon for 99 cents.

    Put book up on Smashwords for free and select B&N (and Apple if you wish) in the premium distribution service. (Don't just put it on Smashwords, as Amazon does not always pricematch to Smashwords only. Going to B&N seems to do the trick.)

    Once the book is published via B&N, you can look at the product page on Amazon for the book and click the link reading something like "See this book cheaper somewhere else?" to report it to Amazon. It may help to have a few people do this.

    This is a slow process, Smashwords takes awhile to deliver to the premium distributors. Also, there is no guarantee if or when Amazon will eventually pricematch to free. Also, it could be problematic reversing this if you ever want to change the price upwards again on Amazon.

    Also, strictly speaking, this is against the Amazon TOS.
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  • Profile picture of the author ttdub
    No such thing as a stupid question and it will only go as low as .99. Amazon wants their royalties for publishing you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amber Jalink
      Thanks guys - for some reason I didn't get notified of your replies (and I'm usually ALWAYS on follow where I post).

      Ok - yeah, I don't want to go against Amazon's TOS. Just had an idea that would be like a giveaway rather than selling it, but I can do the promo for a while first.

      I know I could just give it away from a website but thought that obviously this would be better being kindle specific (not sure what file types they actually use once it converts to them) rather than just a pdf.
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