Best Article Spinner?

55 replies

Please tell me your opinion what is the best artilce spinner. I need not very expensive ,but quality artilce spinner.

#article #spinner
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    The best article spinner would be the one that you never use. Spun content isn't going to do much for you, and with the Penguin update that is more true than ever. I'd say take that time you were going to spend spinning to create a new piece of content that will actually be valuable to your readers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      The best article spinner would be the one that you never use. Spun content isn't going to do much for you, and with the Penguin update that is more true than ever. I'd say take that time you were going to spend spinning to create a new piece of content that will actually be valuable to your readers.
      How can I solve my problem? I am from Lithuania,not from english speaking country,so my english skills are very pure...I can ask quastions or answer ,also read,but to write article is very hard to me
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      • Profile picture of the author Dinospider
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        How can I solve my problem? I am from Lithuania,not from english speaking country,so my english skills are very pure...I can ask quastions or answer ,also read,but to write article is very hard to me

        Why not try and write in your own language and then use a free or paid translator plugin or website that would transfer it into english?

        it's not something i've done personally but could be a good way of doing it. I'm sure there will be others that have more experience in this.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        How can I solve my problem? I am from Lithuania,not from english speaking country,so my english skills are very pure...I can ask quastions or answer ,also read,but to write article is very hard to me
        You'll have to suck it up and outsource it. If you try to write an article yourself and put it through a spinner, the quality isn't going to get better I'm afraid.
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    • Profile picture of the author ProAffiliate01
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      The best article spinner would be the one that you never use. Spun content isn't going to do much for you, and with the Penguin update that is more true than ever. I'd say take that time you were going to spend spinning to create a new piece of content that will actually be valuable to your readers.
      What a clever answer! I think an article spinner can help you rewrite content faster, but you should really human edit each spun article for best results. I would never upload them using automatic submitter machines unless I could edit them myself before going live.
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      • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
        Originally Posted by ProAffiliate01 View Post

        What a clever answer! I think an article spinner can help you rewrite content faster, but you should really human edit each spun article for best results. I would never upload them using automatic submitter machines unless I could edit them myself before going live.
        I agree with you. I tried an article spinner for the first time recently and I was surprised at how well it did. I think the key to successful spinning is to limit how many spins you get out of one article and to edit the articles before posting. The editing doesn't bother me because I already edit and proofread all of my articles heavily before posting them (my own writing and outsourced articles).

        I used the spinner to rewrite some PLR and I was very pleased with the quality of the results. Most of the spins read better than the originals or required very little editing.

        I have always stayed away from spinning software because it has such a bad reputation on the boards. However, I now think that it might be useful for some people.
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        • Profile picture of the author fizyusuf
          Originally Posted by JeanneLynn View Post

          I agree with you. I tried an article spinner for the first time recently and I was surprised at how well it did. I think the key to successful spinning is to limit how many spins you get out of one article and to edit the articles before posting. The editing doesn't bother me because I already edit and proofread all of my articles heavily before posting them (my own writing and outsourced articles).

          I used the spinner to rewrite some PLR and I was very pleased with the quality of the results. Most of the spins read better than the originals or required very little editing.

          I have always stayed away from spinning software because it has such a bad reputation on the boards. However, I now think that it might be useful for some people.

          JeanneLynn, sorry to bother you, but what is the different between article spinner and spinning software? :confused:
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          • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
            Originally Posted by fizyusuf View Post

            JeanneLynn, sorry to bother you, but what is the different between article spinner and spinning software? :confused:
            I don't think there is much difference. Some article spinners can be accessed online like Content Professor and others, like The Best Spinner, are a software download.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caprica
    You should try The Best spinner or Spinner chief
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Try the software between your ears.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    If you can write, even a bit, you don't need one....and if you can't write at all, the best spinner won't help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by Bruce NewMedia View Post

      If you can write, even a bit, you don't need one....and if you can't write at all, the best spinner won't help.
      I understand. I can write and I know what to write, I just afraid . Afraid about my grammar and spelling errors.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        I understand. I can write and I know what to write, I just afraid . Afraid about my grammar and spelling errors.
        Spinning software really isn't the answer to this problem. You have a great offer from Richard, above (post #12) and his suggestion is the answer, here.

        Also, if you adopt that answer rather than trying to automate, the long-term outcome will be that you'll improve, yourself, and gradually acquire the needed skill.
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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        I understand. I can write and I know what to write, I just afraid . Afraid about my grammar and spelling errors.
        You're already a better writer than many people who speak and write English as their first language. You just need to work at it some. I'll get you started.

        Punctuation marks like periods and commas go directly after a word without putting a space between them. I've noticed you do that sometimes. Here's the thing. Awareness of what you're doing. Write your stuff in Word or Open Office Writer (free) and the program will let you know when you've made a mistake. It will also give you the correction.

        Spinning software isn't going to help YOU get any better but practicing your writing will give you skills that you'll keep forever. You already write better than any spinner out there. You Can Do It. Go for it! Good luck.
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      • Profile picture of the author billh777
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        I understand. I can write and I know what to write, I just afraid . Afraid about my grammar and spelling errors.
        If you write your own articles, have them translated into English, then have them proofread by an English speaker is one approach. Here is a suggestion for another:

        Help businesses in your area with SEO and website services. That way, you can write and publish in your own language. After that starts making some income for you, you can hire someone to do all your English language sites for you. It might take a little longer, though in the mean time, you are making money and establishing yourself as an expert in your home country.

        Keep after it, and good luck.
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      • Profile picture of the author Socialbakers
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        I understand. I can write and I know what to write, I just afraid . Afraid about my grammar and spelling errors.
        Don't be afraid and just try it. If you are afraid about spelling errors and grammar, Word can help you with that. But if you've got what it takes to be a good writer you shouldn't waste your time and talent waiting and being afraid and just do it... ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post


    Please tell me your opinion what is the best artilce spinner. I need not very expensive ,but quality artilce spinner.

    Your writing looks fine to me, I'm English and I probably make more mistakes than you! Sometimes, it is the information you are giving which is more important than how you are writing it. It depends on the niche to some degree, but I think you can write about something in your own words, it comes across better.

    As suggested above, maybe write yourself and then get it proofed by somebody.

    It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
    ---->>>> <<<<----
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

      Your writing looks fine to me, I'm English and I probably make more mistakes than you! Sometimes, it is the information you are giving which is more important than how you are writing it. It depends on the niche to some degree, but I think you can write about something in your own words, it comes across better.

      As suggested above, maybe write yourself and then get it proofed by somebody.
      Thanks ! Probably I will do as Richard said.
      Thanks everyone for help !
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  • Profile picture of the author zaphods
    According to my experience, ContentBoss is the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Himitsu
    Best to use google translator!
    Translate english to spanish and vice versa!
    But check for correct understanding for phrases!
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  • Profile picture of the author WittyT
    If your problem is proofreading, you can get someone on Fiverr to do just that for 5 bucks. Write a couple of articles and send the lot for correction.

    If you still want a nice spinner; here's one that's free and quite good:
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  • Profile picture of the author DROIDM4STER
    If you're afraid about your vocabulary or grammar then i suggest you bring your complete article to a school or college nearby and get someone there preferably an English School teacher to help you correct your mistake
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  • Profile picture of the author smara
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    • Profile picture of the author Formal Shorts
      I was going to suggest proofreading an article for you, as I imagine you might surprise yourself if you make an honest attempt. Far better than any spinning software anyway. Richard has beaten me to the punch, but I'll mirror his generous offer.

      Have enough confidence to give it a go and enough humility to understand that everyone can always improve. You have to start somewhere
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Originally Posted by Formal Shorts View Post

        I was going to suggest proofreading an article for you, as I imagine you might surprise yourself if you make an honest attempt. Far better than any spinning software anyway. Richard has beaten me to the punch, but I'll mirror his generous offer.

        Have enough confidence to give it a go and enough humility to understand that everyone can always improve. You have to start somewhere
        Good for you Formal Shorts.

        It may be a good idea if anyone is prepared to help out to send the OP a PM saying you'll proof read one if his articles, it won't take very long at all and it'll be invaluable to Kukelka to improve. I've agreed to do two for him so anyone that feels like doing a good turn, send him a PM.

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author justin44
    I don't recommend using article spinners because they don't provide coherent content. If you are not good in writing, hiring a professional writer is the better way than relying on software programs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Curtis

      What you say is more important than how you say it.

      Depending on the topic you might even be able to use the fact that you are a non-native English speaker to your advantage. It makes you more unique.

      For instance, if you had a site about cattle breeding you could say, "Labas! This is Kukelka from Lithuania, and if I can learn to inseminate a bull one handed, then you can too. Grab your gloves and follow me as I show you how!"
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  • Profile picture of the author loads16017
    The Best spinner is the best. why don't you try it?
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Hey man try this: Content Professor - The World's Best Web Based Article Spinner & Rewriter

    This is a free online service (no download) and it quickly provides articles in spin-text format. I have used it to distribute content and when I read the copy I found that the versions are very well readable.
    Tamal Anwar C.
    I transform old outdated 1990s/2000s websites
    into a fresh site of present time
    Learn How
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  • Profile picture of the author rastergraphix
    spinner chief is also the best article spinner, you can also try it for spinning the articles
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  • Profile picture of the author GoBlog
    I'm prefer to use The Best Spinner as this software is powerfull and update regularly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aditeo
    Try them , thy did it for me
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    • Profile picture of the author williamk
      The best article spinner IMHO would be TBS (The Best Spinner). The next best thing is OUTSOURCING
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by keithbrown29 View Post

    Is article spinning a good technique to follow
    No. It's ludicrous nonsense without benefits, for 99% of what people try to use it for. It's all based on widespread complete misunderstandings about "unique content" and "duplicate content". There's a whole industry of people trying to make their livings through supplying "spinning services" by propagating, perpetuating and exploiting those misunderstandings (though that certainly isn't getting any easier for them, as more and more people are "wising up").

    If you really want to know something about the subject, I can suggest six little items to read, which offer real insight ...

    (i) This post explains the benefits of spinning;

    (ii) This post, and its links, explain how article directories really work and why they exist;

    (iii) The first half (or so) of this thread contains a good discussion of what you can gain from spinning articles;

    (iv) The advice on this subject given by so many people throughout most of this thread has been really helpful to many people here;

    (v) On the meaning and significance of "duplicate content", in this context, this little post from expert article marketer Anne Pottinger includes direct quotations from Google's WebMaster Central Blog on the subject (not easy to find a more authoritative source than that!);

    (vi) This little article is also a very useful and accurate explanation of the subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author BetaMaster
    For help your work, use The Best Spinner. Quality articles? Use Your Own Brain.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingva
    I've actually used some people on Fiverr to proof my articles with good results.


    Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    This is the face I have been pulling whilst reading this thread....

    my goodness.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxpine11
    according to my experience best free spinner is the boss!!!!!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author aloz
    have you tried One Click Article Spinner | All In One Article Spinner – Rewriter ? It's one time payment, works on every OS and perfect for link building.
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  • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
    You should most probably go for "the Best spinner" or mass article control
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemeth
    TheBestSpinner, have it for over 2 years now, can't live without it
    Cheapest Fiverr Backlink Services : HIGH PR Links, AMR Submission and More *TOP RATED SELLER*
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr MaxIM
    I also vote for The Best Spinner. It does a peretty good job there.
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  • Profile picture of the author seanpbh
    I used to use "the best spinner" which was great, however I'm not sure spinning is a great idea these days
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  • Profile picture of the author Doubleup
    I haven't used any other spinner, but TheBestSpinner has done everything i've ever needed. Highly recommended.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    for me best spinner is the best spinner
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  • Profile picture of the author tonecarole
    Should you be afraid concerning your vocab or sentence structure then make sure you bring your own complete article to your school or even college nearby and acquire someone presently there preferably a good English Institution teacher to assist you to correct your own mistake.
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  • Profile picture of the author centurion81
    if you don't want to spend much, then you won't get the best product.

    I've used the best spinner forever now (or so it seems) and I really can't complain.

    Maybe take a look at SpinnerChief.
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