Are You Trying to Get Rich or Wealthy?

by WebPen
29 replies
And yes, there is a difference.

If you become wealthy, that means you have a lot of money. Great- but at what cost?

-Did you burn bridges with family or friends over the years?
-Did you become extremely overweight because you didn't eat right or exercise?

If not, that's awesome- but many people do suffer from these things while chasing wealth.

Meanwhile- being rich in my opinion involves 3 things-
-Family and friends

Just about everyone agrees that they best times in their lives occur with family and friends. Weddings, child births, holidays- these are the times you usually remember forever.

As far as health goes- it doesn't matter if you have a bajillion dollars in the bank. If you are so out of shape or sick that you can't enjoy it, who cares?

Freedom comes from having enough money to quit your day job. It doesnt mean that you never have to work again, but it does mean you can do the work you love.

So what are you chasing after? To be rich, or just to be wealthy?
#rich #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author AustinDigital
    rich of course! What fun is the money if you have no one to spend it with?
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Short
    Freedom. And I already have it because I'm doing what I love - determining my own present and future.

    I write stuff for marketers and my current clients keep me comfortably
    busy. But if you make me the right offer, I'll write stuff for you too.
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    I'll take cash flow... everything else follows.

    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

      I'll take cash flow... everything else follows.

      Sal is growing up. Before it was hookers and cocaine now cashflow.

      Wait a minute! What you using that cashflow for?

      In all seriousness, I like Sal's answer the best.
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      • Profile picture of the author sal64
        Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

        Sal is growing up. Before it was hookers and cocaine now cashflow.

        Wait a minute! What you using that cashflow for?

        In all seriousness, I like Sal's answer the best.
        ha.. bloody ha...

        It was always cheap booze and cheap women. At least get your facts right.

        And that's always my standard answer to all those "I have $100 what should I invest it on?" type threads.

        And I refuse to grow up.

        As far as being rich goes, here's my expereince for anyone who cares to listen...

        I spent the first 20 years of my working life building a career etc. I drove BMW's and wore expensive Italian suits. I carried expensive pens and ate at fancy restaurants.

        I believed that all my activities validated my success.

        Then I became a daddy.

        These days, I am rich or rather blessed in many ways that I had never imagined. don't get me wrong because I still enjoy the finer things in life. They are simply no longer the highest priority.

        So after all those years of being on the treadmill of having to increase earnings in order to buy more shiny objects to prove my success, I now lead a more simple life.. a freer life... a stress free life.

        Good health is the name of the game. So it all depends on your perspective and definition of wealth and rich.

        In a sense, I am now richer than I could ever have imagined.

        Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
        You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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        • Profile picture of the author WebPen
          Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

          ha.. bloody ha...

          It was always cheap booze and cheap women. At least get your facts right.

          And that's always my standard answer to all those "I have $100 what should I invest it on?" type threads.

          And I refuse to grow up.

          As far as being rich goes, here's my expereince for anyone who cares to listen...

          I spent the first 20 years of my working life building a career etc. I drove BMW's and wore expensive Italian suits. I carried expensive pens and ate at fancy restaurants.

          I believed that all my activities validated my success.

          Then I became a daddy.

          These days, I am rich or rather blessed in many ways that I had never imagined. don't get me wrong because I still enjoy the finer things in life. They are simply no longer the highest priority.

          So after all those years of being on the treadmill of having to increase earnings in order to buy more shiny objects to prove my success, I now lead a more simple life.. a freer life... a stress free life.

          Good health is the name of the game. So it all depends on your perspective and definition of wealth and rich.

          In a sense, I am now richer than I could ever have imagined.

          Thanks Sal! That's an awesome share my friend.
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    • Profile picture of the author WebPen
      Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

      I'll take cash flow... everything else follows.

      After thinking about this a little more- I agree more and more with ya, Sal.

      With constant, adequate cash flow, you have the freedom to do what you want, which makes you happier and gives you time to work out.

      It also gives you the funds to enjoy with family- and hopefully passive income so you don't worry about where the next paycheck is coming from.

      Yet it's so simple! Maybe you should be "Simple Sal" and can partner up with Simple Spencer about Simpleness
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    • Profile picture of the author DustonMcGroarty
      Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

      I'll take cash flow... everything else follows.

      I'm with Sal on this one too... cash flow gives you the freedom to what you love while your bills are being paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    By your definition, rich. I'm not even trying to make tons of money. I want to make enough to support my family without my husband having to work 12 hour days to pay our bills. I want us to be able to spend as much time together as we can as a family. You can always make more money, but you have a set amount of time on this planet and I want to spend as much of it as I can with the people I love.
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    I just want some extra income at the moment, if I can scale it up then even better.
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  • Profile picture of the author 100k

    I want my cake and eat it!

    Saying that you can only become wealthy by distancing yourself from your friends and loved ones is just an excuse you use because you are scared!

    Rent this space.

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  • Profile picture of the author moneywar
    Cash flow is a good answer- for me that means wealth, that is just how I always have
    seen it. on the personal side- Cash flow for business can be different.

    Really though for me, IM means freedom. The 5 digit a month numbers are great, but my
    goal is freedom. To move and have a business that can move with me. That is my goal.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I'm just trying to make me some money so I can lie on the beach all day, LOL.

      The beach don't cost money, and the beach barbeques with supermarket beer are pretty darn cheap.

      Who needs to be rich.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
        No one really wants money... just the things it buys

        Stretching the point, you don't want what money buys, you want the feeling - the feeling that you get when you have what money buys.

        How do you feel when you have the wonderful car, cruise, home etc?

        There, see, the feeling is what you really want
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        • Profile picture of the author WebPen
          Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

          No one really wants money... just the things it buys

          Stretching the point, you don't want what money buys, you want the feeling - the feeling that you get when you have what money buys.

          How do you feel when you have the wonderful car, cruise, home etc?

          There, see, the feeling is what you really want
          This is a great point, Ian.

          This is exactly why the WSO section has exploded.

          People aren't looking for the magic button, a system to build a business, software the does X,Y, and Z, etc.

          Instead, they just want that feeling that comes from buying a WSO. It makes them feel good.

's also why my wife likes buying flowers, clothes, shoes, etc.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
          Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

          No one really wants money... just the things it buys

          Stretching the point, you don't want what money buys, you want the feeling - the feeling that you get when you have what money buys.

          How do you feel when you have the wonderful car, cruise, home etc?

          There, see, the feeling is what you really want
          I crave the way the money feels in my hands though, it makes me feel so good!!
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          • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
            I really don't care to be super rich or wealthy. I am retired and I just love the fact that I don't have to live on my retirement. My IM business takes care of me and my wife just fine. To me that is rich enough.
            My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaper
    Rich by this definition...Honestly, I just want to be "comfortable"

    A point where I don't have to stress about living, paying bills, working (IM, and my other ventures) with a little left over for my children to have a good jump start in their own goals and dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexTylor
    Today Money is everything, people trying to earn as much money as they can grab but they forget that they have their own lives to live also.

    I would say that earn money enjoying everything for better life.
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  • Profile picture of the author BKenn01
    Rich! In terms of family I am already there. But I want to no longer have to worry about bill collectors or be at the mercy of Corporate America.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBizHelp
    Those words are so true that they really reflect my own image!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    To me rich is wealthy and wealthy is rich? so I'd go with any.
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  • Profile picture of the author Russel Mogul
    I'm not a fan of these definitions you have put up here, while it's obvious that in pursuit of wealth those you love will try to obstruct and get you to veer away from such 'madness' . This dopes not however mean that every billionaire out there is subjected to a lack of meaningful relationships with family and friends. On that I implore you to state exactly how rich is rich and how wealthy is wealthy ? Felix Dennis covers it best.

    £1m-£2m The comfortable poor

    £2m-£5m The comfortably off

    £5m-£15m The comfortably wealthy

    £15m-£40m The lesser rich

    £40m-£75m The comfortably rich

    £75m-£100m The rich

    £100m-£200m The seriously rich

    £200m-£400m The truly rich

    £400m-£999m The filthy rich

    More than £999m The super rich

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  • Profile picture of the author CouponPotion
    just Financial Freedom...anything more than that is a plus
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    Financial Freedom is what I want to provide for myself and my family
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Wilson
    Neither. I just want freedom. I know that when I achieve either of those, I will.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tiffany Carter
    The biggest problem is people who want to get rich quick, this is the biggest issue with the mindset of most internet marketers these days.

    God,Family,Business. In that Order.
    .99 Cents Into A Million?

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  • Profile picture of the author BlackWar
    Freedom obviously...
    I love to do what I like...
    If you have one billion $ but not have permission to spend them as your wish then what for this money..?
    I want one million only but want to full freedom to use it.
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