What should I do next?

by 4 replies
I am a newbie to the internet marketing. I have been around for about 6 months now. So far I have learned a LOT. Thanks to Warrior Forum! This is a great way to learn and discuss.

I have built about 20 blogs so far. They are getting somewhat traffic. Most of them are ranked on google 1st page for their keyword.

I am getting anywhere around 5-25 unique views for a day for my top 10 websites. My niches are good too. Most of them have about 2500-10000 monthly local searches.

I am focusing 100% on Google Ad-sense for any income. So far I have gotten about $100 for the 6 months.

My goal is to rank the websites in top spots which will guarantee visitors and income. I have done some backlinking and stuff.

Recently I have been reading about paid traffic. There are lot of warriors selling visits and stuff. I have always been afraid to buy them thinking it will be a problem to my ad-sense account.

All the sites are about 1-6 months old. Their rankings go up and down constantly.

Any ideas what should I do? Maybe buy some traffic? Or keep building some backlinks including wiki, social and blog posts?

Any information/advice will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
#main internet marketing discussion forum
  • If you are going to buy traffic and get people to click on your ads, Google will find it out and close your account. I heard this happen to others too many times. If you use PPC and people come from there, it is OK>.
  • Don't go buying traffic or paid links service if you will be caught then straight way your site will be penalized. Try to go through the recent algorithm updates by Google where apart from quality, manual link building and that too through content is recommended. Work with relevancy and keep the quality up!
  • Focusing on Google Adsense as your business model is not recommended.

    It takes a lot of work and then you make very little in return. And don top of it you are completely dependent on Google - one wrong move and you are out of business.
  • I am not a big fan of adsense. You just need to many hits to make any cash. I think you would be better off selling information products.

    Most paid traffic is crap.
  • Banned

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    I am a newbie to the internet marketing. I have been around for about 6 months now. So far I have learned a LOT. Thanks to Warrior Forum! This is a great way to learn and discuss. I have built about 20 blogs so far. They are getting somewhat traffic. Most of them are ranked on google 1st page for their keyword.