Pretty clever video marketing

by thedog
5 replies
So, I like watching movie reviews, and there's this dude on youtube, his reviews are pretty entertaining, thing is there's no actual movie footage, but he pulls it off, as he's pretty good.

His views range around 40 - 70k... except for this,
The funny thing is, only a small portion of youtubers actually know what he's up to here... not sure why he doesn't use real footage.
#clever #marketing #pretty #video
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    Originally Posted by thedog View Post

    not sure why he doesn't use real footage.
    My guess is the only way he's monetizing is through the YouTube Partnership Program and under the program your videos have to be your own content. Can't use copyrighted footage.

    Most other movie review videos I've seen are monetizing through CPA networks. And the videos are spammy and break YouTube's TOS. I'm sure they're not all like that but that's just what I've seen.

    I like his approach though, it's a good honest approach and he doesn't have to worry about getting his videos deleted for copyright infringement. And he doesn't have to rely on ranking in Google or anything like that. He's probably getting thousands of subscribers that genuinely like his content.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    His style of delivery is fast and little or no 'slow time'... Reminds me of Ray William Johnson...
    It's what works in this time of low attention spans...he obviously knows who his market is and delivers accordingly ..
    Thanks for the share...

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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi thedog,

      Controversy - his whole script is loaded with controversial points designed to light a fire in the comments via polarisation. Not only is he re-igniting the flame war between the two sets of fans of the boxers, but his presentation style will also polarise those who love or hate him/his style.

      Cleverly done.

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrei
    One best way to make a video go viral is to be the first one who post it online... I once made a video with the lyrics for one of Pitbull's song. In 6 months I got over 1.3 million views. I don't say that this kind of videos will convert very good but I managed to make some money with them...
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  • Profile picture of the author knish
    It would be nice if people who do movie or music reviews on You Tube would just obtain permission and/or a license. That way, they can share more of the original content in their reviews.
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