Do people buy from amazon expensive stuff . 1000$ n above

by toby26
24 replies
I myself only buy books from amazon as I do not really trust buying expensive from amazon, so just wonder if people
Do buying from amazon? If yes is there a site I can review the type/ category people buy from?

#amazon #buy #expensive #people #stuff
  • Profile picture of the author KillerJVs
    Ofcourse they do, that's why their for sale online...

    Not sure of a site that would show the sales figures of the high-end product sales though unfortunately.

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  • Profile picture of the author sfx1971
    I've bought everything from stamps to plasma TVs from amazon and if I'm in the market for a 2000 dollar product and amazon has it at the best price then I would buy without hesitation. They've never let me down in the past...
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrei
    The highest value someone bought from my shops was a 1600$ camera... so they do buy but it depends. If you start a jewels or a watches site you will be able to sell easy 1000$ plus products... It depends on the niche you choose...
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    • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
      Funny you should ask, look what someone bought off one of my sites a couple of days ago:

      And to think everyone says not to go after electronics because 4% is too low a commission.
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      • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
        Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

        Funny you should ask, look what someone bought off one of my sites a couple of days ago:

        And to think everyone says not to go after electronics because 4% is too low a commission.
        Nice. All it really takes is a few similar sales a day and you'd be earning more than most full-time 9 to 5's. I don't avoid the electronics category either. Sure, the % is low, but commissions are still pretty decent if you can get a few each day. Which, with Amazon, is not that hard.
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        • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
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          • Profile picture of the author cooler1
            About a month ago I sold a product for nearly $4,000 so I made about $260 for the sale.

            I was thinking, if you could make 12 sales like that per day for a year then you'd be a millionaire after 1 year. Problem is though it would be very difficult because they aren't as many high ticket products on Amazon as cheaper, mid-cost products and such expensive products don't sell as frequently so are harder to sell. If you utilized other marketing channels apart from only SEO though as myob mentioned, you'd stand a better chance.

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  • Profile picture of the author Blego
    I've never had a bad transaction with Amazon. I'd quite happily pay $$$$'s for something from there if the price was right and competitive enough. Also, I'd rather spend a few $$'s more buying from Amazon than a site less reputable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    There are few places online where I'd make a 4 figure purchase and Amazon is one of them. B&H Photo is the other.

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  • Profile picture of the author toby26
    Thx u everyone, I am convinced enough on this. I don't do it myself does not mean other do not do it too. Thx

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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    I spend a fortune on Amazon, if I'm looking for something and it's cheaper on there I dont care how much it is,

    I've never had a problem yet with Amazon...

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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      I've been an Amazon affiliate for years and sold a lot of 'stuff' I've never even considered advertising: last month, for example, a $500+ one-piece toilet. On another occasion someone purchased 100 99c paper folders while browsing Amazon after accessing the site through one of my links. In short, people buy everything and anything. I don't think price is even a factor; Amazon is a trusted name.

      I've heard of one guy who makes a living selling John Deere farm tractors (not the lawn variety) through Amazon.
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      • Profile picture of the author kevinzeo
        Of course,such digital camera,TV....
        My amazon affiliate site has sold a $1999 camera ,great revenue
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Much of the high end products are purchased directly from the Amazon website, very often just bypassing affiliate links. You can increase your chances of tapping into the large purchases by using alternative marketing channels such as article marketing, building email lists, and even offline advertising, media advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, direct sales, etc.
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          • Profile picture of the author rajivkumar900
            Here is one more example..its not for 1000 bucks but you can do like this as well..

            P.S: One screenshot from my own account but as i am in India, so i get paid through Cheque, its really pain to be amazon affiliate...LOL but still it worth to promote, just building my new amazon site with EMD domain hope its going to make some more money..LOL

            One more thing.. Here i do want to say one thing,i have heard in lots of amazon courses that we should promote product with lots of customer reviews but you can see i am doing exactly oppose one product have only 1 review and other product even dont have single friend if you think product is worthy enough to promote and people can buy it then just go for it, you can test it on free blogs like blogger or wordpress, (I called it pretesting) if you see results then you can build complete product focus website.

            Hope it helps.

            Rajiv Kumar
            Skpe ID: ibmjango
            Email id :

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    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      I spend a fortune on Amazon, if I'm looking for something and it's cheaper on there I dont care how much it is,

      I've never had a problem yet with Amazon...

      You don't mind waiting a few days for delivery, even if you have Prime?
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    The thing with Amazon is that it is a very respected brand. People know Amazon and are familiar with it, so they have no problems spending a lot of money on there.
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  • Profile picture of the author equanto
    If one buys interesting things, and therefore the new car or the latest electronic becomes the topic of conversation, then one prevents people from delving deeper. Conversations of a sensitive nature or require any soul searching cannot happen when your guests are distracted. Of course, it also distracts us from ourselves as well. People that purchase gifts for people to say they are sorry instead of humbling themselves is more or less an example of this.
    What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it.
    Stories of Another day can be saved by your STEPS
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Of course they do. Amazon as a massive trust factor so if there's anywhere money gonna be spent online... Amazon is where a big chunk of it going.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Its not about the cost but more of the demand.

    That is why IMers have to conduct a research to have an idea of the number of people that search for an item. As a matter of fact, many Amazon products have their buying keywords, this means visitors have already known about the product and very much interested in it. It is not often hard to sell this way.

    It is then left for your landing page to do its job by converting your visitors to sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Take a look at the stats on the products themselves. You can see the sales rank and popularity. That gives you an idea if that high ticket item is selling or not. You can also look to see how many reviews there are. Most people do not leave a review so if there are more than 5 or so that is another telling point.

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author John Racine
    I have had people buy higher priced products from my Amazon sites. With their cookie system, sometimes it is a product I promote, sometimes it is not, but either way, I'll take the money! :-)


    Follow me on my blog John Racine Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author imagene
    Electronics definitely! Even with the commission rate it's fast evolving - which of course means that an authority site that you have to nurse to make work and to keep up with newer models being released, works so much my case anyway.

    With Amazon being "Amazon", myob is right - a lot of buyers would go straight to Amazon bypassing affiliate links. But in my experience, if you have a solid review site, you can pull some good buying traffic and earn a decent piece of coin
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashera
    Best sellers yesterday:

    I don't really sell many items over $500, but then again I don't write any reviews for too many products over $500.
    If you don't change direction, you'll end up where you're going.
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