Yey ! Got 2000 Double Opt-Ins , What next ?

7 replies
Hi !

Few days ago, I bought DotcomSecretx. As they said, I started to build my list by giving away free IM and Money making reports. Just hit 2000th Double-Optin.

I use Mailchimp.

Dotcomsecretx telling me to promote offers and make money. I spent $120 to build this list.

Now what to do next? I am an IM noob.

#double #optins #yey
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    You got 2000 double opt ins with $120? And you're an IM newbie?


    Well- with mail chimp, I don't think you can promote products as an affiliate. So I guess you can either

    1) Import the email addresses into a different autoresponder like Aweber, or

    2) Create your own products and market them through mail chimp.
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    • Profile picture of the author SutharsanY
      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      You got 2000 double opt ins with $120? And you're an IM newbie?


      Well- with mail chimp, I don't think you can promote products as an affiliate. So I guess you can either

      1) Import the email addresses into a different autoresponder like Aweber, or

      2) Create your own products and market them through mail chimp.
      I just modified a free SEO WP plugin and gave it as free. Functions are same as that free plugin. I added few extra features and changed interface. Dirty trick,
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  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins

    Basically, the right way to handle your lists, is to send them free quality content - stuff they'll like and maybe even they're looking for (you should know what based on what they originally opted in for) - and either send one promotional e-mail from time to time, or include promotional material together with the quality content you send them.
    Well, that's the basic idea... I'm sure you'll find more detailed information by browsing the forum. Just don't try to send them only commercial offers, if you want to keep your subscribers you need to start building a relationship with them, and if you only send stuff to buy then you'll look like a guy that's just trying to make money off them. Which isn't the best position for a long term relationship with them.

    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Hi there,

    How did you build your list? Are they just freebie chasers or were they interested in something else? What niche are you in?

    We can't give much of an answer if you don't provide us with more details.

    A rule of thumb, though; Be generous and kind to your list and treat your subscribers as real people (because they are), don't take their being on your list for granted. Treat in the way you would treat your friends or family, this way you will be able to build a strong long-lasting relationship with your subscribers and they will become up to 5 times more likely to purchase something from you.

    You can start by sending them value emails (emails they really can benefit from). Just think about how they got on your list; if it was for a freebie, give them the freebie (try to overdeliver) and then send a few value emails providing valuable information about your niche and only then send your first offer.

    Even with the offer, the money email, try to provide value, don't promote garbage!
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    • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
      Originally Posted by Trevor View Post

      Hi there,

      How did you build your list? Are they just freebie chasers or were they interested in something else? What niche are you in?

      First of all, you don't know if you are sending them valuable emails until you know WHAT THEY WANT.

      They probably don't think value is the same thing you do.

      Maybe they like plugins. Maybe they don't.

      Maybe they want to build a business. Maybe they don't.

      You need to find out all that stuff - yes, sounds like work. Because it is.
      "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
      Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

      Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author IulianP
    create a WSO on your own.
    Work on it. make some research and then try to sell it and promote it to your list.
    This should be the best way to get the best of your list in the beginning
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