Quick question about Caffeinated Content

5 replies
Hi all,

I tried asking this on a different forum. I know there are alot of people here that use CC.

I am just now setting up CC on one of my blogs. I see where I can pull articles,answers, video, etc-immediately.

Does CC pull articles each day automatically? Or do I need to go in each day and manually pull the articles through CC?

#caffeinated #content #question #quick
  • Profile picture of the author justthinking
    You can set CC to pull as many or as few articles and videos as you choose. I set it up on one of my blogs and instructed to post one article or video a day for the next year. I have had no problems with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author gary varga
    CC is great. You can pull as many articles as you want and the good thing is that it will post the articles automatically.

    Lets say, you want to get 100 articles. You can choose how many articles do you want to publish daily.

    I have a couple of blogs using CC and all I can say that it's great.

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    • Profile picture of the author taberdude2

      Thats what I was wondering. I set it up today-so I am hoping it will continue to pull articles daily. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see though.


      Failure is the path of least persistence. - George M. Van Valkenburg, Jr

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  • Profile picture of the author gary varga
    Deanna, you can you go to Posts > Edit where you can see when will be the articles published!
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    • Profile picture of the author taberdude2
      Thanks Gary. I will go check that out. Still trying to get this plugin figured out.


      Failure is the path of least persistence. - George M. Van Valkenburg, Jr

      Local Citations & Listings Made EZ!

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