18 replies
Hi WFers,

I really want to start getting some income on the side, and I heard a lot of you are very successful at what you are doing and you're generating some money.

anyone can point me to the right direction? where to start? what to do?

any thoughts or help is very appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
  • Profile picture of the author ScooterDaMan
    It really depends on how you plan on making money, but it's certainly not too late to start. I build two new e commerce websites every year and haven't put up a dud yet. I haven't had to work at a "real job" in over two years.

    Although I'm not into the affiliate thing now, I've made a few bucks here and there in the past doing affiliate marketing, but it wasn't life changing income. I'm sure there are those here who will chime in about the best way to get into affiliate marketing.

    As far as e commerce goes, I'd recommend setting up a free account at storecoach.com. The Hermansens are the ones who helped me get into it and their free training course blows away ones out there that cost more than $1,000. Then, join the forum over there and you'll find all kinds of helpful people (like me) who'd be glad to assist you any way that we can!
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    A good start for a beginner is probably to invest in the WarRoom right here in the Warrior Forum. It's only $37 for 20 year access.

    Have a good look around and see what method suites you best and run with it. Just make sure to stay with one method as jumping around from one method to another every week will get you no where.

    Good luck buddy

    James Scholes
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    • Profile picture of the author Lena
      Absolutely agree with xxxJamesxxx. If you really want to make money online:
      1. Join the WarRoom
      2. Build your site
      3. Create your product

      Hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    There are a million different ways to make money online- and the War Room has courses on most of them.

    If you don't want to invest the $37, you can also use the search function to find stuff for beginners.

    Just realize that nobody can tell you exactly which direction to go, as everyone eventually ends up finding their own groove. What works for me may not work for you, but it might help you find what does work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alcon
    No your not to late to get started. Now is always better than later. Do you enjoy running a bussiness, interacting with customers, advertising? if so then you should offer a service.

    Do you like staying in the background and creating content? then becoming a webmaster may be more suited for you.

    You need to figure out what type of niche or market you would like to enter first, then narrow it down to what service or product your going to offer
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  • Profile picture of the author darrenchow
    My friend, you are not late, and you will never be late.

    There are plenty of ways to make money online, for instance, you can join affiliate program, CPA network, you can sell your products or services, blogging and others.

    Your request: "anyone can point me to the right direction? where to start? what to do?"
    The answer: No one can point you to the right direction, unless you have already know your destination, your ultimate goal. If you want to be a successful blogger, then people will be able to give you direction to become one. If you want to become a super affiliate, then people will be able to direct you and give advice, so you can become one.

    But if you yourself do not know where is your destination..... and you want to ask for direction. The result is different people will be telling you different direction, not because they are at fault, it is just because all of them are following their own direction, different direction.

    So, what is your ultimate goal? Who do you want to become?
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    • Profile picture of the author AdilPhotography
      Well Ultimately I want to make the $1 Million. I came from different country, learned the language, got education, but the return has to be huge as I sacrificed being with my family( totally a personal choice) and friends....
      Maybe a million is unrealistic now, but I do like to dream big
      To make that decision I really need to understand this world, as I have known I few people who didn't really want to share the way they make their income which is totally fine with me.
      Blogger, or an Affiliate ? which one has a good rate of success and pays back in short time?

      I have no issue paying for the war room as long as I will learn something to generate an income

      Thank you all for the responses
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      • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
        Originally Posted by AdilPhotography View Post

        Blogger, or an Affiliate ? which one has a good rate of success and pays back in short time?

        I have no issue paying for the war room as long as I will learn something to generate an income

        Thank you all for the responses
        With all due respect... you're asking the wrong questions. Blogging, affiliate marketing, etc. they are just mechanisms for delivering value.

        Here is the age old advice that you'll probably get many times:

        1) Find a market that wants something - in other words identify a NEED within a group of people.

        So, hungry people want food. Thirsty people want water. Fat people want to be slim without exercise.

        People who can't design websites want sites, themes etc.

        People with diabetes want a tasty diet that won't kill them.

        2) Find out what the best way is to reach them: is it through a forum? a local group meeting? newspaper ads? seminars? Facebook? PPC? What?

        You need media that allows you to communicate your marketing message to them.

        3) Decide on how best you can deliver the VALUE they want.

        So, you could start a blog that educates them. Then you can make money through affiliate links in them.

        You could write a report and place a full page newspaper ad to generate leads. The sell them a product they want to pay for.

        These are the basics...

        Your biggest breakthrough will come when you understand how to create VALUE in order to make a profit.

        I'm really not sure how to help you get there.
        "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
        Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
        PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

        Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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        • Profile picture of the author AdilPhotography
          Hey Thanks a lot,
          the pieces of the puzzle start coming together.....I'm here to learn so it's not problem to point out any "dumb question/assumption "I made

          Originally Posted by AdwordsMogul View Post

          With all due respect... you're asking the wrong questions. Blogging, affiliate marketing, etc. they are just mechanisms for delivering value.

          Here is the age old advice that you'll probably get many times:

          1) Find a market that wants something - in other words identify a NEED within a group of people.

          So, hungry people want food. Thirsty people want water. Fat people want to be slim without exercise.

          People who can't design websites want sites, themes etc.

          People with diabetes want a tasty diet that won't kill them.

          2) Find out what the best way is to reach them: is it through a forum? a local group meeting? newspaper ads? seminars? Facebook? PPC? What?

          You need media that allows you to communicate your marketing message to them.

          3) Decide on how best you can deliver the VALUE they want.

          So, you could start a blog that educates them. Then you can make money through affiliate links in them.

          You could write a report and place a full page newspaper ad to generate leads. The sell them a product they want to pay for.

          These are the basics...

          Your biggest breakthrough will come when you understand how to create VALUE in order to make a profit.

          I'm really not sure how to help you get there.
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          • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
            Originally Posted by AdilPhotography View Post

            Hey Thanks a lot,
            the pieces of the puzzle start coming together.....I'm here to learn so it's not problem to point out any "dumb question/assumption "I made
            You're welcome - your questions are not dumb. It's always important to ask - that way you are more likely to get the answers.

            Starting a business is hard enough - I'm just trying to help you go in the right direction. You will come across a lot of products - most of them are geared towards opportunity seekers.

            These people form the largest part of the market. Now, if you really want to get serious, rather than play around go to DanKennedy.com or GURU MasterMind - Closed. Those are some of the best places I believe you could start from.

            Also read Felix Dennis' "How to Get Rich" - a lot of harsh reality in there.

            Definitely go to this site: http://www.getaltitude.com/
            "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
            Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
            PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

            Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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    • Profile picture of the author AdilPhotography
      Thanks Darrenchow, all I need to know is :
      • What are my options to start.
      • is there any way to automate this model?( IT background I can't help it )
      • which route is the best as far as the return and what not
      I'm not looking for shortcuts by any way, I just don't want to waste time perusing something that won't get me nowhere where I could've used experts and successful people's advice and guidance

      Originally Posted by darrenchow View Post

      My friend, you are not late, and you will never be late.

      There are plenty of ways to make money online, for instance, you can join affiliate program, CPA network, you can sell your products or services, blogging and others.

      Your request: "anyone can point me to the right direction? where to start? what to do?"
      The answer: No one can point you to the right direction, unless you have already know your destination, your ultimate goal. If you want to be a successful blogger, then people will be able to give you direction to become one. If you want to become a super affiliate, then people will be able to direct you and give advice, so you can become one.

      But if you yourself do not know where is your destination..... and you want to ask for direction. The result is different people will be telling you different direction, not because they are at fault, it is just because all of them are following their own direction, different direction.

      So, what is your ultimate goal? Who do you want to become?
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      • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
        Originally Posted by AdilPhotography View Post

        Thanks Darrenchow, all I need to know is :
        • What are my options to start.
        • is there any way to automate this model?( IT background I can't help it )
        • which route is the best as far as the return and what not
        I'm not looking for shortcuts by any way, I just don't want to waste time perusing something that won't get me nowhere where I could've used experts and successful people's advice and guidance
        You are avoiding the suggestions and questions given to you.

        There are millions of options. Nobody can tell you which one works best.

        Microsoft is doing well with software - they are getting a high return. McDonalds is profiting from fast food.

        Some people are into info-marketing. Other do website design (I know a guy who brings in over $1000000 a year with his web design company).

        You won't get where you want to if you don't pay careful attention to what has been said to you already.

        If you want to avoid wasting time, read the suggestions again and make some notes on a piece of paper.
        "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
        Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
        PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

        Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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        • Profile picture of the author Freelancing10
          Originally Posted by AdwordsMogul View Post

          You are avoiding the suggestions and questions given to you.

          There are millions of options. Nobody can tell you which one works best.

          Microsoft is doing well with software - they are getting a high return. McDonalds is profiting from fast food.

          Some people are into info-marketing. Other do website design (I know a guy who brings in over $1000000 a year with his web design company).

          You won't get where you want to if you don't pay careful attention to what has been said to you already.

          If you want to avoid wasting time, read the suggestions again and make some notes on a piece of paper.
          This is very true. There is no fast track for any niche. If you want to succeed, you must study the niche you are involved in to it's core.

          A niche, is a market by the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    Here is the thing: it's not too late BUT...

    Don't kid yourself that it's going to be a simple and easy process. The best advice I could give is don't restrict yourself to the internet.

    Also do not look for "passive" income. Instead focus on finding out what value you can provide in the market place.

    In the long run you want to have a business that can run without you. However keep in mind that it will take months-years to get there.

    If you believe in the "passive" and "auto-pilot" stuff you will go round in circles for a long time.
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
    PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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    • Profile picture of the author netmondon
      I totally agree with you AdwordsMogul... you can achieve passive income streams but not without at least a year's work of hard, hard work... for the thread starter, just remember the harder and smarter you work it will pay off in the end and if it doesn't then it more than likely means that you did not do something enough or the right way...I would say the first step to making a side income is offering a service to someone that you know how to do or at being able to find someone who needs a service and be the middle man... you don't always have to know how to do everything you are trying to sell, you just need to know how to sell it well and make sure the customer is happy with the product...
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  • Profile picture of the author TamilYoung
    Wish you achieve your goal of Million Dollars. Pretty much achievable if you put in your consistent ACTION in the right direction. Wish you success!
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  • Profile picture of the author Freelancing10
    First is understanding how the internet works. Many people will probably say this, but the money is in your email list.

    Get yourself some exposure, and try pick a niche you are interested, or that has many customers. Find websites who are in these niches already who get traffic to their websites already. Offer them syndicated content. This means you write high quality articles for them, on their niche, and you add your link at the bottom of the article so people can click through to your website.

    This will slowly, but surely build you a list. You can market different products to this list. Either your own products, or affiliate products. Affiliate products means other marketers products, and you gain a commission.

    There is different ways you can go about making money on the internet, and building your list. At the end of the day, it will all come down to your list, and your contacts.
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  • Profile picture of the author ginder
    Start out by providing a useful service, save up the money and invest in something reliable like quality websites or build one yourself from scratch. Rinse and repeat
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